DEBATE: Mary Exposing False Teachings | Defending Sound Doctrine #catholic #church #romancatholic

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There are several reasons why some Roman Catholic teachings do not align with the Bible. One example is the role of tradition and the Pope's authority. The Catholic Church teaches that Church traditions, alongside Scripture, hold divine authority and that the Pope, as the “Vicar of Christ,” can make infallible statements on faith and morals. However, many believe this contradicts the Bible’s emphasis on Scripture as the ultimate authority, as seen in 2 Timothy 3:16, which says all Scripture is God-breathed and sufficient for teaching. Another issue is the veneration of Mary and the saints. Catholics honor Mary as "Queen of Heaven" and often pray to saints for intercession. Critics argue this goes against the biblical teaching that Christ alone mediates between God and humans (1 Timothy 2:5) and that worship should be directed only to God. Finally, the Catholic practice of confession to a priest for forgiveness of sins is seen by some as unbiblical, with the Bible encouraging believers to confess directly to God for forgiveness (1 John 1:9). These and other teachings—such as purgatory, indulgences, and the Mass as a sacrifice—are viewed by some as contrary to the core messages of the New Testament.

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