MZTV 1595: Why God Preserved the Shroud of Turin

2 months ago

At the Great White Throne judgment, human beings must be relieved of every excuse as to why they didn't believe in God, otherwise they'll be so preoccupied defending themselves as to make the actual judgment so much white noise.

This is where the Shroud of Turin comes in. And the sun and the moon. And Mittens playing with the yarn ball. "KNOWING God, not as God do they glorify or thank Him" (Romans 1:21). Every single human being KNOWS God. Even atheists deep down KNOW God exists—otherwise this Scripture lies. It's just that the truth (in Saul's case, God called it a "goad') is buried beneath layers and layers of deceit, arrogance, and self-protection.

These layers must be stripped away. God has His methods. When the kicked goad is finally exposed, then the human is prepared to learn of the love and righteousness of God.

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