THIS - Jon Stewart MOCKS Media And Lefties Clutching Pearls Over Puerto Rico Joke, ZINGS Kamala

2 months ago

Posted • October 29, 2024: Jon Steward knows comedy when he sees it and knows that Tony Hinchcliffe is a ROAST comedian. What that means is Tony comes in to an event and makes fun of EVERYONE and EVERYTHING, and that we only have the one joke making whiners piss themselves tells us he pulled his usual routine in a bit. Sure, Stewart brings up a good point, maybe bringing in a roast comic a week before the election wasn't the best idea BUT then again, for a campaign that is pushing free speech, it also make sense. What he does say here that we agree with is the pearl-clutching is stupid. Plus he thinks he's funny. Jon Stewart is spot on here. Even he thinks the outrage over MSG is BS. You can tell Stewart isn't sure he should be honest with his own crowd, which is sort of sad, but he does get away with it by degrading himself for daring to think Tony is funny. Note, Tony IS funny. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - THIS - Jon Stewart MOCKS Media and Lefties Clutching PEARLS Over Puerto Rico Joke, ZINGS Kamala

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