Depression Tip #28: Feeling Lost!💙

4 months ago

It's very common in depression to feel stuck and or lost, and the reason underneath this is that we're kind of directionless and rudderless. We don't know and don't feel anymore what it's like to be motivated, to have a goal and to want to achieve it and to feel good because we achieve that goal.💙

It's complicated to deal with this, but the way it's done is to try to reconnect with those feelings and emotions. So what is it that motivates you? Now in depression it can be hard to fathom that, so one of the ways to unpack this is to work with what used to get you excited as a child, as a young adult.💙

What were the things that you wanted to pursue? What were your passions? It may even be difficult to remember that in depression, in which case you might want to ask a long -term friend or ask a family member who could say what you used to be into and what you used to enjoy.💙

If you don't have access to the long -term friend or family member, you may want to get a therapist to walk you through this. 💙

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