An honest conversation : John Waters speaks with John O'Looney

1 day ago

🔻🔻 Concerned for Truth Rogerkuo53🔻🔻
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Imagine the impossible scenario whereby the political establishments of the world acquiesced in a demand by secret and unelected forces beyond their shores that they suspend the rights and freedoms of their people and subject them to an elongated soft martial law on the sole basis of an entirely baseless assertion concerning a ‘deadly virus’ that was about to wipe out millions of people. This initiative, though unlawful in every respect, has the support of all but the occasional functionary of the infrastructure of all these countries, including health services judiciaries, practitioners of ‘The Science’, media, police and all the main churches.

Within a short time of the launch of this initiative it becomes clear to anyone who has avoided the attendant brainwashing that the deadly virus is a crock, which is to say they it is at most a relatively harmless bug posing no risk to anyone under average life expectancy, and highly treatable for anyone over it. The result is that, aside from people deliberately killed by misuse of sedatives and ventilators, and the denial of recognised effective treatment, nobody dies as a result of the ‘deadly virus’. Nothing daunted, and with the protection of covering fire supplied by purchased former journalists, the establishments of the world continue to implement the Plan, which is to roll out a poison injection disguised as a vaccine, purportedly to combat the ‘deadly virus’, but in reality a military operation bioweapon strike aimed at reducing population and constructing a digital prison for survivors based on biometric ID, social credit controls, universal basic income and central bank implemented digital currencies. Within a few days of the rollout of the poison injections, it is clear to any honest observer that many people are being injured or killed as a direct result. As time passes, it becomes clear that these early deaths were no more than a beginning: the poison shots are debilitating the immune systems of recipients, exposing them to other diseases in addition to seizures arising from strokes and heart attacks.

Then a whistle sounds, from the general direction of Milton Keynes in the United Kingdom, speaking loudly and assertively about spiking deaths, escalating miscarriages and strange white clots which embalmers are pulling from the bodies of deceased people of all ages.

His name is John O’Looney and he has (then) been an undertaker for fifteen years. Other voices have emerged to say similar things — commentators, doctors, lawyers, even a retired judge or two — but no one so close to the front line of the murder machine.

O’Looney, moreover, is not just an observer, commentator or bystander — he had been watching the effects of the bioweapon at first hand in real time. His interventions are unequivocal and passionate. He speaks from his personal experience of what has really gone down in nursing homes during the ‘pandemic’, the unprecedented amount of deaths of young people from the pseudo-vaccines, and the cowardly silence of the doctors who look the other way. He speaks without equivocation or ambiguity: what we face, he says, is a depopulation programme, implemented as a cull of the living and the sterilisation of women and children. Although what he says is backed up from several other quarters, he is subject to abuse, attempted cancellation and defamation. But still he continues to speak and describe. He produces vials with tho clots he has pulled from the bodies of people young and old, many of them strong and healthy people with what ought to have been decades of living ahead of them.

Four years later he is still going. He is the voice of those whom our societies have decided to sacrifice to the gods of ideology and The Science, the voice of those who did not hear the truth through the babble of lies, the voice of those whose tongues were stilled by murderous schemers and their puppets, and whose deaths have been obliterated from the consciousness of our civilisation. John O’Looney is the determined voice of those who cannot speak of their obliteration, and whose spirits therefore cannot rest until justice is done. He is the voice of the dead unburied. This latest interview with him was conducted on the evening of Friday, October 4th. Anyone who imagines that he would eventually tire of speaking truth in a culture now entirely founded on lies has another think coming.

Mirrored - Conversations with John Waters

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