Episode 432: Is God really in control of all things? Part 2

4 months ago

Hello everyone. In this morning's Bible study we get back to our series titled Foundations: Revelation, Purpose, Determined.

Today we look at God's sovereignty. What is that mean? Well, it means that God is in total and absolute control.

Do you believe that? No, I don't mean in some small way that God is quietly working behind the scenes. What the scriptures teach and what I mean is that God is control of ALL THINGS?

Well, is He? God declares that He is.

You may be thinking, in what way is God in control of all things? In every way. God is in control of all creation. Creation obeys Him. God is in control of all angels, holy and demonic. All the angels obey Him. God is in control of all humans. All humans obey Him.

You may say, now wait a minute Kevin. Not all humans are obeying God! Really? Do you truly believe that? Then the God you serve isn't sovereign.

Today's study is 1 hour and 8 minutes in duration. I have broken it into two segments. This is segment 2 of 2 titled Is God really in control of all things? Part 2

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