David Urban: ‘Kamala Harris Participated in a One Person Debate Last Night, and She Lost’

4 months ago

URBAN: “Listen, Kamala Harris participated in a one-person debate last night and she lost, OK? She was asked direct questions and she provided very circular answers. My colleagues Van Jones and David Axelrod and others noted that she provided word salad answers. Anderson would ask her specifically direct questions and she didn’t provide an answer to them. When asked — Anderson asked the best question all night: Why didn’t you do this four years ago? Why haven’t you been doing this? 10- minute answer — didn’t answer the question. So what she did last night I don’t think helped her cause at all. I think people were looking for how are going to — you heard the one woman — how are you going to make my life better? That wasn’t provided. Donald Trump bad is not going to get you to the White House, I hate to break it to her.”

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