Elijah Streams - Intel Briefing - Robin Bullock - Israel - Strike the Ground with Fire! - Captions

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Steve Shultz interviews Robin Bullock — Robin will be discussing the latest intelligence briefing, including election updates, and more! Please join us this Tuesday with Robin Bullock!
Connect with Prophet Robin at robindbullock.com.

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✝️ Another Awesome Message from Elijah Streams! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was published on 10-01-2024 and may be watched here: 👉 https://rumble.com/v5h1i50

Hey happy Tuesday the first of October 20 twenty-four. Welcome to Elijah Streams. I'm your host Steve Schultz. We are in year 27 of bringing you the voice of the prophets and Robin Bullock will be on with us in just a few moments. Uh man we're going to talk right away because only a coupl e of hours ago Iran struck Israel. So we're going to talk about that first thing. Uh but before we do that we will bring in we've got a brand new spot about elderly old gentleman in Uganda and how the wells that we're digging turned out for his life-changing event. So, without giving that totally away, let's run that. Here we go. So when you so and you and we drill wells with the funds that you provide for us you're not just giving life giving water. We're giving eternal life to so many who then are moved by our compassion, your compassion, their compassion from the mission space there at Show Mercy and people are coming to the Lord. Uh we don't have an exact count. We're at 300 wells, but people get saved at everyone last last week talked several thousand had come to the Lord but it's kind of hard to keep track and then you have the ripple effect of them telling their friends and neighbors. So And we may never hear about those. So thank you again for your ongoing support. We appreciate it very much. Alright time to bring on. I'm looking at my notes here and hoping I'm not forgetting anything. Rabbi Kurt Landry will be with us in the morning at eleven o'clock Pacific. So this I hope some of you who might have missed a matter of fact I said it wrong yesterday said we're we're we're on at eleven. And when Robin comes on on Tuesdays up up through the election he comes on at noon Pacific Time not eleven. That in mind, here's Robin. Robin Bullock. My goodness. How are you doing? Shalom. Good to see you. You just finished with the 11th hour. We'll jump right in today. Yeah. Uh because stuff is happening in a couple hours but before the bomb started hitting or the missile started hitting. Yeah. In the Israel. Tell us what happened with you this morning in the eleventh hour. Well we we got there this morning and I I came in and Austin's usually there to set up the to set up my guitar and stuff. Yeah. And when I came in the the back door there I I came in and and he told me he met me outside and he said when I turned your stuff on this sound started playing. And it just started and it was on perfect pitch with a tuner. Really? And you started playing and he said I didn't stop it. And so I went in and then you could hear it out there on the is it was it just a chord or was it was there some tune? Yeah it it well it almost sounded like a The I don't know. It almost sounded like a mode playing and. Okay. And it was but it started playing in this sound. You could feel it. It was in the air. For the last two days I've had this sense that something is you know in the air terribly big. Yeah. And then this started playing. Well we just let it play. And so when we come on the air we came on with it. It was just playing. And we played about five minutes of it just showing the logo and the sound if you played 30 seconds of it or whatever your team could get on the opening you would hear it. Yeah. You'll have to let us know. Paul I know he's going to he wrote and said John is working on getting those clips to us. We'll let you know when we have them so as soon as they yeah but that's not going to be what he sends you. Oh oh I see. That's that's the the from the okay alright. But but this is just on the 11th hour. I see. And and when it just came on it came on with this sound. And if anybody's never heard a prophetic sound when it just plays on its own. You know, when that happened in the Navajo Reservation in twenty-one, it played all kinds of tunes and voices and people crawled up to the altar almost. Jeez. People that couldn't speak English were getting healed. And what do you what do you say or understand is happening? Is it angels playing or what how do you what what do you say is happening? No what's happening is is God is God is is is rearranging something. Okay. In other words when frequencies and sound the Bible says when the sons of God shouted for joy when the Lord laid the foundations of the earth. Yeah. That's in the book of Job. And what it's saying is is that it's done with sound and frequencies. And notice when the Lord returns from heaven with a shout. Yeah. With the voice of the archangel with the trump of God. It says the dead in Christ rise first. In other words it comes with a sound. Creation has a sound and a vibration to it. And it has to move. Hm. And it it responds to the sound from heaven. And I walked in and when I was listening to the sound this morning Amber was talking about how there was a like a She saw a smoke in the in the back of the church there and it was. Oh I've seen that before in my life just a couple times. Yes I know what you. And this when you say smoke I mean it's like a fog or one of the and this one the way she talked about it it was a little bit different and it was when that sound was happening. And what it does is it opens up frequencies and dimensions and it's like God is about to do something. And when he does, he raises a sound off the ground or he'll send it and this particular sound was from heaven. It was a sound and I turned and looked at him and I said, that's a sound from the throne. That's a throne room sound and it started coming into the to the building. Well, I didn't know what was about to happen but all I knew was let it play and and so we let it play and and and it came on the air playing. When it when the eleventh comes on, that's what comes on. Nobody's playing anything. Yeah. He just comes on and then Austin started making a sound with it along with this sound and I stood there but before he did, you'll just hear it playing and I I stood there and the lord said, strike the ground with your staff, this the staff and I struck the ground with it. When I did, you can hear it growl almost when it hits. The sound just It starts. It responded to your. Oh it did. Wow. And because I I walked across the stage before it started and the Lord said stomp the ground. I got right there where the sound was in front of my amplifiers and I stomped the ground. When I did it made that growl. Yeah. And he said now strike it with your staff. When I did it moved and I struck it three times before we came on the air. And I think four times after we came on the air. And when did this prophecy started coming out of my mouth and Steve I guess for almost an hour I prophesied. Really? I gotta go back and watch that. And when I hit the ground it's the Lord said this. Strike the ground with fire oh Israel. Strike the ground with fire. And then when you'd hit it he'd say strike the ground with fire. And then he told the body of Christ. Strike the ground with fire with your prayer. Wow. The prayer for Israel now I had no idea Iran was either had started or was about to start bombing Israel and I didn't know anything about it through this whole time of prophecy and then I walked up and sat down and they played a prophecy that you might want to go and listen to they played it before I started teaching and it was all about Israel and it was all about war and it was all about this and then see what's happened you know God had you and I in Israel yeah before the war started months before yeah and he had us go and I went to these certain places and prophesied victory for Israel and and from from Masadah from you know there's one nobody's ever found because somebody got the video won't give it to us. Oh my goodness. Oh my. But it's but it's it was prophesied from a hotel room. I mean hotel room. A hotel ballroom. I guess is what it was. Remember we were there. Yep. Right. This is the hotel. First day was this the first day we were all there? No it was one the first day. Was it by the Sea of Galilee one or back in Jerusalem? It was the one in Jerusalem. Okay got it. And but it was all and it was on the border. We prophesied. Remember I got out when it was so cold and the wind was blowing. Very windy. And then we I prophesied from there from Masada from Jerusalem and somewhere else. But anyway and we played them constantly before the war started. But after the war started we played them all the time. Now the Lord has had to stop playing those and there's four more that has started to play that are that are during the war. Four more prophecies. Okay. That you gave that you gave. Okay. Yeah but not from Israel. This is from here. And I started playing those today. And I didn't know any of this was happening today. When all of this started happening. And absolutely Steve it's it's just phenomenal. Well we've got a couple of videos. You know what they are but I was going to I find this really interesting is because I didn't know you were going to come on and say this. I knew we're going to talk about this first thing. Yeah. And I was going to Find out if he even knew about this. Yeah. But you talked about prophesying fire. I was going to ask you Robin what is the attitude that we as believers need to have? Do we want do we want this attack against Iran to happen? Do we want that? And you came on with not knowing that question and you began to say God before I even knew we were under attack. Israel was under attack. God started saying how did you say that with fire? What was that? Strike the ground with fire. With fire. That doesn't sound like God saying I'll just let by guns be by guns and let's move on. I'll know and and if your team wanted to see that it's at it's at time marker about 555 to or 5fifty8 it starts. Okay. Where I'm striking the ground and that's on 558 on your broadcast to where it started. That's where he said it. Let us know if you found that Paul and we can do that. And you can let it go you know however long you want. Yeah. I mean they may have to render it in and all that. So you you let us know how long that would take But we can talk about this other while you're doing anything. Yeah. Yeah. So but I mean let's talk about that attitude because because I wondered okay do we want this thing to be an all out massive attack against is that what I should be praying or should I be praying peace Lord peace? Do you remember I want to tell you what's in the realm of possibility now? Okay. Do you remember when I told you I said I saw in this vision It was a night vision. You could call it a dream but it was too clear to be a dream and it was too prophetic. Yeah. Do you remember I told you and I don't know if I said it on the air but I know you will remember this. I said I saw the ground and it looked like molten lava. Yeah. Across the ground and there were streaks of like black cracks where the land was. And it was seething that looks like it was breathing. And the only way I could figure it was either nuclear or it was it looked like lava I said but Benjamin Netanyahu was standing there transparent looking in the background looking over it and I knew something had happened in Israel not so much in Israel but what Israel did and do you remember me telling you that well it sounds familiar yeah I I kind of remember you doing that that lava but I didn't remember was and this was this was you were seeing something that was in Israel yeah I It was something Israel had done. Had done and. As if maybe they attacked something in it but I knew it had to do with that Iran. Okay. And but anyway it's you'll find it on your phone on your text where I sent it to you. Yeah. And told you the story and then I said it on the air at I think it was the church a week or so ago I said it. But but there's a of things that's been said that I I can't tell at the moment but I will later as the lord lets us but but the thing is is Well, if I was to show you something, I want you to listen to this and. Okay. And we're going to have them show that clip of yeah but I sent I think we sent like three okay yeah tell them which one I don't it's one where he's holding up the signs it's a still picture and let's don't show that yet okay well wait okay now watch this I want you to listen to this in Deuteronomy chapter thirty okay lord bless the reading of your word and the hearing of your word in Jesus name Deuteronomy thirty verse nineteen he says this Moses says I call heaven and earth to record this day against you that I have set before you life and death blessing and cursing therefore choose life that both thou and thy seed may live he says I said it before you the lord did through prophet Moses well this was a prophecy see when God says something, it's not just for it's not just for that moment. It's a prophecy. Yeah. And we saw it. We were privileged to live in a time where we saw this take place in our time. Netanyahu who is a prophet. Whether he knows it or not, he's a prophet. Yeah. And remember when I called him back to office that time. Yeah. The lord said, Israel desires to hear their prophet again. Netanyahu, come on back. Well, he came back five times after five times you know or it was the fifth time unprecedented I think. But anyway this was a prophecy. It wasn't just for that day with Israel. It was a prophecy that came back up in our time and at the the United Nations which is a sting in the nostrils of God. United Nation is a whore that the nations are are committing fornication with. Ooh. But here is the thing, he came out and this is what he said. He start talking about Moses and he starts talking about biblical things. Netanyahu does to the United Nations and then he holds up these signs. Show those show the picture now. Okay. Look at this Steve. He holds up these signs and he says, this is before you. He's talking about the blessing and the curse and he's told the nations to choose the blessing or choose the curse. What happened right there prophetically. Now just leave that up for a moment. I want to show you something. What happened right there was the Lord God himself brought the balancing scales to the nations in front of the United Nations and told the nations out of Isaiah forty. Remember he said this is the nations are as a drop of a bucket in the scales of the balance. And Israel is the scale and he stood there as the prime minister of Israel and said the lord is setting before you blessing and curse you nations choose the one you're going to accept right now you choose and the time of the choosing took place that day did he list the things that were the curse and the things that would cause the blessing yes he starts talking if you go back and watch the video he shows the ark of blessing that Israel would from the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean. Wow. And he tells what it would be. Well I apparently we have some now we you sent us two and yeah but none of the the second one is not about that yet. Hang hang on just okay alright I just alright. I want to just I want to hear what the what the list was but yeah go for it. Sorry. Then he goes back to the curse and he says here is the curse and it talks about the arc of the curse with these nations you see. Mm. Now don't you look close at that that black figure. Yeah. It's a bat. Oh it is. Is that is that highlighting the nations? Are we seeing it? You see the nations that are bringing that. Yeah. And and Iran bringing that curse with these nations. And it's a bat. Well bats live in caves. Guess what else is in caves? It's all their drones and nuclear factories. Yeah. All hiding missiles and homes and holes and and he said, I set before you this day blessing and curse. God prophesied this in Deuteronomy 3019 and it was not only true for that day but a modern world, the nations got to see God weigh them in front of the world. Steve, whatever happens after that is when and it was that day he took out the Hezbollah leader. It was that day. My goodness. And so and while he was talking it happened if I'm not mistaken. Wow. And so now Iran is doing what it's doing but the Lord told every nation that day to choose. And 400 nations got up and or 400 people I think got up and walked out of that before he could hold those signs up. Now in case the world and see the world's watching. The world's watching at and it's watching you and it's watching me. And it's watching the 11th hour. It's watching the Elijah streams. Wow. Now play the one where where he tells just in case the world wonders what started this war. Play that one. Let's see if he if he knows which one that is. It's a video. It's not the one where he where he's he says he's asking longer video yes okay longer video yeah people can tell we but then came the curse of October 7th thousands of Iranian backed Hamas terrorists from Gaza burst into Israel in pickup trucks on motorcycles and they committed unimaginable atrocities they savagely murdered 1200 people they raped and mutilated women they beheaded men they burned babies alive they burned families alive, babies, children, parents, grandparents in scenes reminiscent of the Nazi Holocaust. Hamas kidnapped two hundred andfifty1 people from dozens of different countries. Dragging them into the dungeons of Gaza. Israel has brought home a hundred and fifty-four of these hostages including a hundred and 17 who returned alive. I want to assure you we will not rest until the remaining hostages are brought home too. And some of their family members are here with us today. I ask you to stand up. With us with this is Ellie Stevie Hussani Dan was abducted from the Nova Music Festival that was his crime a music festival And these murderers monsters took him. Kobe Smyrna whose son Jonathan was murdered and his corpse his corpse was taken into the jungeons into the of Gaza a corpse held hostage Salim Alatrash whose brother Muhammad a brave Arab Israeli soldier was murdered his body too was taken to Gaza and so was the body of Ifat Haiman's daughter in Barr who was brutally murdered at that same music festival with us Sharon Sharabi whose brother Yosi was murdered and who prays for his older brother Eli who is still held hostage in Gaza and with a too is Izar Liftage from was wiped out by the terrorist thankfully we achieve the release of his mother but his father is still languishing in an underground terrorist hell of Hamas I again promise you we will return your loved ones home we will not spare that effort until this holy mission is accomplished Wow. Just in case anybody wondered. Notice how he started that off Steve. The curse. He he started that off talking about the curse. He held up the blessing and the curse. Now people's going to have to look beyond Netanyahu for a minute. And look at God. He he weighed the nations in front of the world. On 92720 twenty-four. You think about that now. He weighed the nations in front of the world. A gave them opportunity just like he did in Deuteronomy thirty nineteen. I set before you this day. Life, death, blessing, and cursing. Choose life that you and your seed may live. And can I ask probably a elementary question but I I know he needed to do that. I know it was a prophetic. I know he needed to set before them but we all knew that if they didn't walk out which they did they weren't going to listen to that so I mean you know a natural person would say well then did he just waste his time? They're not even going to listen to it. What are your thoughts on that? No because I can tell you this and there's a lot of other things we could probably talk about about that. Yeah. But I'll tell you this Steve. There's one thing that is for sure. Okay. Nobody will ever be able to stand before God and say and hold God accountable. And and look at God and say why didn't you do this? Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you do this? The Lord reaches out and gives everybody a choice. That's good. In Heaven 1 day when this time comes up before Heaven that video will play. You can almost guarantee it'll play. And he'll say I gave it to you that day. And you chose death instead of life. And so I gave you opportunity that day. I said it before you. Now you choose. And I'm telling you every nation that didn't choose to stand with Israel is in trouble. Most of those nations got up and walked out before he ever showed that sign. So God still gave but you can guarantee yourself they went back and watched it. Yeah that's that's actually a good point because I that's when I was sitting there pondering that I thought they walked out but I was they surely are going to go back and see what was actually said. Yeah they watched it because they can't function without watching it. Hm. That they have to know what's happening with Israel. And Israel is the only nation a hundred times to one. That they're condemned. Or any other nation by the United Nations. United Nations is a long arm of Satan to destroy Israel. Satan is obsessed with one thought. One. That is he thinks to change time and laws. Time being the Moabs probably of Israel. The appointed times. Yeah. If he could've changed the Passover, Jesus wouldn't have came. If he could've changed the day of atonements, things wouldn't be the same but he's but it's obsession to him. He thinks to change time and laws and to do that, he has to steal timelines and when he steals timelines, he has one purpose in mind. He can change the time. He's looking to change the time and so the United Nations is his strength to do that. Yeah. And so that's and that's interesting. I remember Kim Clement a couple things of agreement as well. Kim had prophesied calling Netanyahu a prophet. I had there was a those those years I was actually bedridden for a long time four years and we we didn't know each other then but one day I had probably heard that about Netanyahu. One one day in my sick bed I literally could could hardly get out. Yeah. The spirit came on me and I just started calling Netanyahu, Netanyahu, Net and you know, it's like five to seven times. Yeah. It was pretty powerful. I thought what am I doing? Calling him, you know. You were calling him back. Yeah, that's fascinating. You were calling him back and and Kim prophesied Netanyahu was a prophet way before I did. Yeah. Way back before I did. I didn't say it until I heard it and a lot of times it's like Elijah. See, people don't realize in in prophecy. Elijah was an extension of Moses prophecy at one point because he went and stood before Ahab you know the whole story the background the reason it looks like Elijah shows up in the middle of nowhere. He just comes out of nowhere. He's a Tishbite that just shows up. Yeah they they they don't have a story about anything. No but the Jews do. Oh they did. What and what happened was was a man named Heel a rich Jew man named Heel rebuilt Jericho and he violated Joshua's prophecy where Joshua said what was it in Joshua six somewhere in Joshua six I believe it was Joshua said a curse is whoever rebuilds this and you'll lay the foundations in your first born and you'll hang the gates and your youngest oh my goodness in other words your sons will die from the day you lay the foundation your oldest will die when you hang the gates and finish it your youngest will die and so this is what had happened according to the ancient teaching that this man's sons had died he suffered such a terrible thing Elijah was going down to tell him what happened and on his way to Heel's house Ahab was going and they met on the road and and this is in a nutshell I'm paraphrasing them Ahab looked at Elijah and said said what about me? Said your master Moses said that I was that anybody who does what I do, the heavens would shut up. There'd be no rain and all this kind of stuff. Your master Moses said that but look at me. I worship Baal. I and Ahab built a temple to Baal and served in the temple and and killed prophets and sacrificed babies and he said look at Your master Moses said a drought would come and I do this and I'm blessed and Elijah stood up and said there'll be no rain nor do till I say it. In other words, Moses prophecy, the result of Moses prophecy became the prophecy of Elijah to speak. Fascinating. And so things Kim said will become another prophet's prophecy to speak. Make sense. At the precise moment. And that's all I did. Yeah. I said he's a prophet. And then when I was willing to say it the Lord said call him back. And then that was a prophecy that I heard that I had never heard. And so I called him back but it was all in the extension of a you're saying you never heard Kim prophesy that no I did. I heard him call Netanyahu a prophet. Okay. And so I said he was a prophet. I see. Okay. Got it. But Kim never that I know of ever said call him back. Yeah fix But I did. Yeah. But it came from hit the end of his prophecy became the forward motion of mine. It's good. Do you understand what I'm saying? There's nothing you under the spirit. I mean yeah you're just saying it's just like Moses and Elijah. That's right. He kind of started it in the spirit and you picked it up at the right time. Right but but it was because that prophet said it. Yeah. Okay. He was a great prophet. That's because he said it. It was in the spirit. It never went away. And that's what held Trump as the president unknowing to the world for the last four years has been he's still been the real president because Kim said he would he anointed him for two terms yeah well the only reason and I picked it up and was and I knew that it and then the lord showed me it was the time of David and Saul the time of Saul and David the time of two kings well king Kim had prophesied the time of two presidents would come well he did think about it and then all of a sudden I hear it's the time of two kings and I heard from his prophecy the time of two presidents and so I said if there's two presidents there'll be two inaugurations oh you did you add you then oh interesting and so it begin to the prophecy begin to progress and breathe until he came to the time of two kings and the lord showed us the parallel yeah well through that parallel he said since he's been he's been king for the last really eight eight years total. Four known for unknown. He said now he has to be anointed again for a third term. And so that's when I poured the oil on Amanda's program with Timothy's oil in my horn. And wasn't this the same program that Eric and Laura and Eric were going to be on. I don't know if they were they on live when you did that? No not when I was well they were on it but we all had different segments because it was a Zoom like so. So they could have been watching you do that. Yeah. We we don't yeah I don't know if they yeah we could have been watching. But three prophets that I know of were involved and probably more than that on that program. And I just yeah because you're talking about Amanda, yourself, and Timothy. Timothy's all. And then there's no telling. I don't know and I mean there could have been a lot of other prophets. I know Don A was on. Yeah. Right before I was. And isn't that something? Right before I was. Oh interesting. And so it just kind of I'm trying to get people to understand that prophecies the end of one prophecy can be the beginning of another one and then it grows from there and there's nothing new under the sun and God requires that which is past and and see prophecy is the time is the essence of the prophetic in the natural world what I mean by that is this if okay for instance I said there was a prophecy I I gave a prophecy of ships that wouldn't stay anchored in the ocean because of what's being done to Israel said your these ships and it'll come out pretty soon now probably but I said these ships won't be won't remain anchored and so forth yeah I didn't I didn't hear that one but go ahead yeah. Then it's the time of ships being anchored And then all at once during this election they're talking about striking the dock workers and leaving the ships anchored out in the middle of the ocean. And we and so the rest of the story hasn't unfolded yet. No and see whether that's the prophecy I was prophesying. I may have been prophesying about the ships in the Mediterranean when they moved into Israel and then that they wouldn't remain anchored but it's the the time is the essence of the prophetic so ships start showing up everywhere being anchored somewhere and something going on with ships. And and Robin on that prophecy. Yeah. Um can you fill in any more gaps what was God so you you saw in your in your mind's eye ships and all of a sudden they're it's as if they're cut loose from their moorings or something and they're floating. Yeah almost as if they went home. All that all I see like that. Yeah and all like they started moving again. They're not anchored anymore. That's what you meant by that. I thought you meant something happened and they can't be anchored that they're now free floating or something. Well well it could be. Now see now that's what I'm talking about. Yeah yeah. That's why there's so much will show up. Yeah. All at once. Um you know like because time is the essence of the prophetic. Hm. Whatever time we're in prophetically it starts everything in creation almost has a has a hint of it. Yeah. And they just start showing up everywhere. Nice. Because time is the essence of the prophetic. And so when a prophet is dealing with these kind of prophecies he's dealing with that kind of thing. Yeah. And for somebody to stand and judge a prophet is just a real foolish thing to try. Yeah. Because You're dealing with things. It's like this. God said let there be light. Yeah. Or light be. He actually said light was. Well he's not talking about the sun and moon. Because they didn't come along till day four. Yeah. That's interesting because as I was a kid I remember being taught he said let there be light and we we all knew that the sun came along later but nobody ever taught me how is it that there was already light you know but but well it's So he was the light or light just appears. No. No. What he's talking about. Well he's talking about everything. Yeah. That's the thing. But what he's talking about one thing he's talking about I'll put it this way. Is because you never want to be arrogant enough to believe you got the scoop on one thing. Yeah right. Because when you say I'm the only prophet the Lord will tell you like he did Elijah. I got and by the way I I gotta tell you people you you heard Rob and this is true. I mean I saw this even a minute ago. You said it was it was me. I did that but Amanda was there and she a prophet and. Yeah. Timothy Dixman and there was this then then Danae came along and there were probably you said there were probably other prophets. That's to me that's really high level teaching because you're not claiming to be the only one who prophesied in Israel, right? The minute you hear that, if the minute the minute someone says, I'm the only one. I don't care if they cry. I don't care if they're feeling sorry for their self. I don't care if they really believe it. I don't care if they feel like it. Listen to what the said to Elijah, I got 7000. Jeez. Just like you. Wow. Bowed their knee to Baal. So so get up and go back the way you came and let's get this thing done. Now, now that tells you a lot of things. What was all those 7, 000 prophets doing? You may not know their name but they were prophesying. That's what prophets do. Even and and the way you would mean that, I guess since they were hidden away. Yeah. Seem to be is that were prophesying into the prophetic atmosphere. That's exactly right man. Your own Steve. Yeah. That's it. Yeah. Remember Jesus told Nicodemus he said do you know where the wind comes from? He said, do you feel the wind? Yes, you don't know where it comes from. You don't know where it's going. So is everyone born of the spirit. In other words, the Holy Ghost is moving everywhere and prophets that you will not maybe never hear of are prophesying like you did that night. Netanyahu. Netanyahu. You were giving a word. Yeah. I never knew for sure what it was but I knew it was God. You know. But you know now. Yeah. Yeah. Now you do. Or I believe it. I believe you were see I called him back that day but you had called him before Tom. Yeah. I I didn't know I was calling him back but I knew I was calling him and I that but it was so powerful. I knew I'd done something important. Yeah. You know but but like you said what if there were 7, 000 other people on their sick beds all doing the same thing or in their yeah or in their car or in out in the garden or. Absolutely. Yeah. And then that day the Lord just had me there in that place and I I heard it. See all that was in the wind. Yeah. And all of a sudden the Lord raises up. Well anyway you get the idea. Totally. So so something I was going to tell you. Oh yeah. Uh light be. Yeah yeah. Light was. Well he's talking about at least one thing. Mm hmm. I'm the one change the subject wasn't I said. No I probably mean. Don't get arrogant. No I said don't get arrogant. Yeah. Uh people thinking they're the only ones. Yeah. Uh here's the thing. So when he said light be well among other things he said this. Let there be a revelation of me in everything. You cannot have creation without a revelation of God. Gee. And so time It came into time. Time became the essence of the prophetic. Something it's it's like breath from God. Time is like breath. It comes from the future. Into the present. Exits the past. And so it comes in and all of a sudden everything had a revelation of God. Trees. God is Father, Son, Holy Ghost. Father, word, and the Holy Ghost. Well, trees have bark, sab, and pulp. All the sudden things like that begin to show up and has a revelation of the almighty and it and it's in the essence of everything. Whoo. So when a and a time comes along. A prophetic moment. Other things in the creation start showing up that time. There'll be a time for trains. And then you'll give a prophecy about a train. All of a sudden different incidences where trains start showing up everywhere. Crazy. It's Because it's in the time is the essence of the prophetic. You might not have literally prophesied this one train having something happened to it here you might have prophesied pinpointed another one but train showed up everywhere because it was in the wind the prophetic wind that's right and it and it recognizes its time events recognize their time that's interesting by what's being said it's like because it because in its own way creation is a person creation groans so there's something it's not human no but it's a it's like a being so to speak grown is waiting in expectation. It has thoughts and expectation. I don't know. I don't want to get into something like pantheism or something like that. It's but it there's something about it. Yeah all this other stuff is a counterfeit of what really is. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. When when God said light be everything heard it. Everything. You know it's just like when God cast his image in the wet earth. The Bible doesn't say it was only the spot where Adam's body was formed. That God wet. It says he watered the whole face of the ground. The whole earth was watered. And when God himself laid down in that wet earth to cast his image. Can you imagine how the earth reacted? When the almighty touched the wet ground. What do you know? All power himself. All life himself touched the wet earth like an electrical conduit. Everything was wet. It across the earth and everything heard the image of God that's coming is your master. It's your all to serve him. Yeah. Wow. He will serve me. I'm the only thing above him. Yeah I can see that in the movie with that thing. You can see life springing up at that moment. Oh yeah and with the consciousness. Yeah. Yeah. Of who of who laid down in the earth. You know Kat Kirwin she talks about heaven. Well she says I'm telling you trees talk in heaven. So there is some life. Oh yeah. As though we don't fully that's why some people have actually figured out when they talk to plants the plants respond. Especially you know go ahead. You know I had a guy one time and I was telling about this and and I had heard the story of it and then this guy and his wife in the church came up and said we actually did this. And they said I'll bring it and show it to you. Yeah. They had five years before they had boiled boiled some rice. And I said boiled. I I was thinking boiled that's hard for a country boy to say. Yeah but but I should said boiled. I said boiled purpose. But boiled Anyway, you know, it it makes the listeners wonder when I say bald. But notice how easy that comes out of my mind. Science that make you wonder, right? Yeah. Yeah. I say bald, I say all, I can say all that and I can say it right. Yeah. I can say dog. But you know, when you just talk your normal talk about trying to say it right. To me, it's endearing so. But it makes you listen. Yeah, it does. Yeah. You know, it's like if you speed somebody's vocal up, people will hear more because they listen to it on purpose. Yeah. They have to. So anyway oh did I change the subject? No you didn't. You know I I just so you're talking about the plant. Did you finish telling that story? Yeah no but I'm going to. Okay. But something crossed my mind when you said that. Uh you know I was I was in Missouri one time years ago. And we were singing out there back then. And I went back to the back to get some coffee. And I asked a lady you know I I hadn't been out west much then I had been out west but I was a boy and I went out I went back there and I said could I have some coffee and she said say that again and I she said where you from Georgia she said it just like that Georgia I said no ma'am I said I'm from Alabama and no matter how you say Alabama it drag I don't care how you say. And I said you know you could say Alabama. But I said Alabama. And I said she said I knew it. I knew it. She said that's southern draw. I said you know what's funny? I said people don't sound funny to us where you come from. She said that's because we're normal. She was okay alright. But she said that's because we're normal but you know I said and I think fast flat footed you know. I said I said yes ma'am but our kids are smarter than yours. And by that time you know I'm putting on I guess I was putting on the dog. You know talking. And I said our kids are smarter than yours. She said really? How is that? I said because we learned to talk one way and spell another. She said. She said. She said what? I said I said you know and I I guess I I don't know. I used to jokingly say this that people I thought people of Mount West should say what you want in your coffee. Pilgrim, cream, or sugar. You know. That's good. But they didn't. They don't talk that way. Yeah and I said oh go ahead. And I said I said you know I said we talk one way and spell another. She said what do you mean? I said well I said a pen. I said we put a pig in it. We write with it. We stick somebody with it. It's all P I N to us. It don't matter. I said pen. I said ten. There's 10 fingers. 10 on the roof. I said it's just all T I N to us. It's just ten. And she looked at me. I said ma'am if you want to know how smart people are where I come from I said the next time they send a space shuttle off to outer space. I want you to listen to the accent on the other end of that line. Yeah. It sounds like is. Houston, we have a countdown. Ten, nine, eight. I said, they know who to contact when they need somebody. Oh, that's very good. You know, I we I lived in Texas. Yeah. Not too far you know and I was I was getting to I was only there for two years and I worked for this company, Retirement Corporation of America but there was this guy very southern and he was from Texas A and M and they call him Aggies and there's all these Aggie jokes about. Right. About the Aggies. They're supposedly not smart so I was giving him a hard time. I don't remember what I what he said. He goes, Steve, what do you call an Aggie 3 years out of college? And I go what's that? He goes boss. You know he's just like he was just like oh shut me down. He was one of the one of the the wealthiest men in the state of Alabama. I was a friend of my my father-in-law and mother-in-law. They all knew each other and you know people here they just lived right over here. And he had a sixth grade education I think. And he owns some of the biggest companies. Oh man. They're smart man. But they can hire my father-in-law was like that. He's the smartest man I ever met. I mean every he's like he figured out everywhere in the world something couldn't be done and then he'd do it the other way. Gee. He just smart. My father-in-law I don't think he got past eighth grade and he was a very wealthy man. Uh oh well most of his life yeah so. And college people worked for him. Well they all they kind of worked and did what he wanted to. Yeah. And but but anyway are the the wealthiest man and my father-in-law he ran some of the biggest coal companies. Strip pit companies. Ooh. And he made a deal with Japan one time way back then. He was going to sell $6 million dollars worth of coal fines. To Japan. With Chris of what? Coal? Coal fines. It's it's coal it's fines that wash when they wash coal it falls off the washer. Okay. A fine powder. I see. Okay. So he he had made this deal. Something happened but he had made a deal with a sixth grade education with all these guys. That's a real thing. Oh yeah coal fines. Yeah. Okay. Oh yeah. Well anyway what was I telling you? And you said well we're talking to plants at one point and oh yeah the guy was yeah. What happened was was the guy I told the story and they said so they had boiled some rice and and they took this rice out of the pan and they put it in a mason jar you know the little yeah yeah and they put it in there and they closed the lid on it sealed it they did it in another jar same rice same day but on this jar they put a piece of tape that said love we love you or something like that on the other one said we hate you oh my gosh and every day they set these jars of rice up and they come in and look at one of them and say we love you. You're so blessed. You're such a good jar of rice. Thank you. We're this with that. Just on and on and turn the other one say we hate you. Die. Die. We hate you. Hate you. After five years the rice they blessed looked virtually untouched from the day they poured it in the jar. The other rice was black and moldy. And it shows you what words did. That is So instructive isn't it? Man. And people think that their words don't matter. Yeah. Well remember now we're back to Israel. Okay. Well in Genesis twelve said I will bless those that bless you. And I will curse him that curseth thee. And Netanyahu held those up. Your words draw the curse. That's interesting. And your words draw the blessing. The blessing's voice activated. And so the curse and so this is where we are in time and the nations and the people are going to have to stand up for Israel right now or you are finished you're just finished that's just all there is to it you're not going to prosper you're not going to make it you mighta got by with a lot of **** but when that man the leader of Israel came in front of all 90 something nations and said I before you today this. God himself was speaking just like Deuteronomy thirty nineteen Steve. Yeah. And now today we saw the time of choosing. And that's where we are. We're in the time of choosing. Choose wise. Yeah. Choose wisely. Yeah. So good. Well you know now that we've got a little time left. Why don't we talk a little bit about I'm just I'm going to throw this out and see if you have any thoughts about it. I didn't even think would probably ever happen but this vice presidential debate's going to happen tonight which would seem like it'd be a big farce with this guy Walls have. Um what what are your thoughts about that or where we are with the whole election? I there's part of me that still wonders if we it was going to be an election but if there is you all want to go vote what where do you want to go with this? Well I can tell you this much about it. I know what the Lord did. Okay. And I know how he anointed Trump as the president. Yeah. And I know how he charged him as the king. Or you know what and it's a modern equivalent to a king as a president. Right. Or something. So I know how he charged him. When he did that, now Steve, this is very interesting because when he did that, he told me, I'll never forget it. You know, because he he used the prophets that day, that night to anoint him as president. That was on July 7th. And that was the day before the Iowa Caucuses. Oh that's right. They just that's right. Yeah noone July 7th it was before then. What was the day of the Iowa Caucuses it was the night before. Okay. That he was anointed. And the prophets were all involved. Well then the prophets got involved again and Amanda again. Did another one because the first family requested we do another nice it was going to be before they sentenced President Trump which you see how well that went yeah and so when they were going to do that they wanted to have another one well I thought we were going to pray and I'm sure people did over that and they wanted me to you know they asked me to be on there again which is an honor That's just a privilege to be there. Cuz they don't have to ask me. And so I was scheduled to go on a cruise and teach. With Kat. Well Kat is a prophet and she understands when things happen. You can't do something. You know Kat has that calming sound. Yeah. She'll just say she'll just say now look Robin has to do this and he's annoyed you know she is. Very wise. Well she is wise and she's very solid about things. Yeah she is. She don't panic about a lot of stuff like that. Yeah people think just because she talks about amusement parks and heaven and fun things that she she they may think she's not She's not someone to be trifled with if I can put it those words. When she speaks you know she's speaking on behalf of the Lord. Trust me. You better keep your mouth off the woman. Yeah yeah. That's the truth Robin that is. Oh it's the truth and because you go be surprised people will one day when they get to heaven. Yeah. And they look up and there's that amusement park or whatever it is she talked about and they go Uh wait a minute. Wait a minute. And somebody comes up and greets their greets them and says hello. Uh my name is and they look at them and say wait a minute. No. You no. And they say well wait a minute. Uh yes. I just wanted to meet you. Uh my my name you know my name is that you you would know me as Saint Nicholas. And it just stopped They're going to be you you better just keep your mouth. Yeah yeah because the the the ones that are detractors will will go on publicly and slam her based on their own logic that God would never do that. How can you say you know and Johnny Yellow had a good response to that. He talked to a couple people like that. They said well God would never do that. Really? Because what and he said to them what do you do with the scripture I have not seen. Neither has ear heard. Neither has it entered into the heart of man what God has prepared for the for those he loves. Oh. Well what about this one? Uh what about this? There's nothing new under the sun. If there's nothing new under the sun that it must exist above the sun so. Oh that's good. And he loves having that conversation with a couple here that are friends. We were talking about this subject the other night. They they drove down a couple hours. And I said if If every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father of Life. Yeah. And if Walt Disney got this brilliant idea to build this Frontier Land Tomorrowland and I said then where did he get that idea from the if every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father. I mean it has to be there it is again. Insisted before this. You know there must have been maybe a heavenly Disneyland only by a different name. And you know I it was sure because it it's above the sun. Yeah. Uh here is the thing that I and it had to come down from heaven. Yeah. You know the Lord showed me this. He said everything that you hear this them talk about that you're listening to Cat talk about is in the creative realm. Yeah. And and because you know anything you know there is a scripture that says anything you ask the father in my name he'll give it you. One of the translations of that I believe said another translation I don't remember which one it is but said anything you ask the father my name if he don't have it he'll make it for you oh really yeah and and so all these things are in the creative realm I love it you know it's it's if you say unto the mountain be thou removed anything you ask remember in Mark eleven where it talks about it says that if you believe in your heart and say it with your mouth you'll have what you say. Yeah. Well, what's he talking about if it's not in the creative realm? He said, I go to to my father's house and said there there's many mansions there. I'm going to prepare a place for you. So, there's building going on there. Well, I remember one time I talked to Hank one time and brother Kunaman and I said. Yeah. Um I said, you know, did did you say, no, I asked I asked Kat. I said Prophet Cat. I said did you say a pudding pawn? She said no. I said Hank Brother Hank said that. I said did you see a pudding pawn? No I didn't ask her. I said did you see a pudding pawn in heaven? I said because I heard Brother Hank say so what if there's a pudding pawn in heaven? Cuz you know he was he's like us he said what are you doing downing this? Yeah. And he said so what if I if there's a pudding pawn in heaven I want one there or something that of course. Yeah. I asked Kat I said did you see a pudding pawn in heaven? She said I said because Hank said pudding pawn she said I said is there one there? She said if there wasn't there is now. Really? Yeah and see. I love that. See. I love that. And she didn't know I had said it was in the creative realm. But that just it shows you. That's huge. That's huge. Oh it's huge. Yeah and I I've never heard that from her but I believe what you're saying here. But her her response is amazing. If there wasn't there is now. Yeah she told me that in private you know I just asked her. And she said well if there wasn't there is now. And that's well and one of one of the big things that that she got a lot of flack for from is of course we all know Christopher Reeve died. She seen him in heaven so I believe that if she seen him in heaven he's he's in heaven. I trust that. But what what was he known for on earth? What did he become famous for? What does everybody think of him as? He was Superman. He flew. That was his fame. Yeah. So she basically he's he's given flying lesson to kids in heaven all the time and some people are so you know offended at that. But you know what what what is what is You know Superman was based on the story of Moses. No really? Yeah that's how it came into existence. It was a Jewish man that wrote Superman. And and think about it. Superman leaves another planet. He's the son of El. A guy. Yeah. Somebody named El. Yeah. And he he gets in this capsule like Moses was put in the basket and that's where it all came from and he was floated down and so forth in this and placed in the all this and that's where they got it from. Oh the story of Moses. They sent him off to protect him from the that's all that was about and notice Superman's the same way and then it's it starts talking about it's and it's actually describing things. Well you know now that you think it and then he's later discovered with these powers. Yeah. To and then you don't want to mess with him if you're doing all this miraculous. Yeah. Oh I've never seen that before. That's fascinating. Well anyway so they ought to just be quiet about things you don't know. Yeah. And so you know it's just like if you've never seen it. It the Bible said the Red Sea stood up and parted and and congealed in its death. It does yeah and you've taught that as more than anyone and and when you think about it has to congeal because water doesn't stand water's water. I've seen Hollywood do one where it's kind of rolling back on itself and that it's kind of plausible too but you kind of you said it's kind of got the word congealed in scripture says it's congealed in its depths. It does say that. Yeah, it says it. Look it up. Have them look it up right now. They'll find it. Yeah. Somebody go to Strongs or something. Yeah. Real real easy. Yeah. If you guys find that in strongs or something. It talks about how the water stood up and it congealed in its depths. I don't but does one of the actual translations use the word congealed? Yeah, I think it's King James. Oh well, okay y'all look it up. Um anyway, they said they had the video of the sound that happened morning. Okay the do you have that Paul? Yeah right there. Do you want to she's got you want to play it? Yeah yeah let the people hear it Steve. Me and you jump around anyway on the yeah we do. Okay here we go with that. Have struck the ground says the Lord. And I've struck the ground hard in the Mid East. And I have given the world a choice of where they will stand and what they will do next for this is the time of the striking of the ground three times before the cameras were on four times since for this is to beat back the enemies of Israel and to beat back the enemies of my throne I have brought the sounds from the throne to this time. For this time it is sounding out for the world to hear. Naysayers shut your mouth. Do it fast. Turn your eyes from the camera. Turn your back to what you have so said you would deny. For this is the time says the Lord. And I am going to arise and my enemies will be scattered. Well now people going to ask because we when we come on the sound is there. Did you strike a chord and let it keep going? No. You didn't do that. You didn't start. No no. That sound started probably an hour before we ever in the air. It was just playing. I I went back in the the back room and I said I asked John in the back in the control room. I said record that sound. Just record it so we can yeah absolutely. Nobody was playing. Up Particular letter a D, a C, or I don't know. You'll have to go back and look and. Okay. But now, if you kept listening to it after a while, I'll tell Austin to play this added sound with it. Okay. That sound never stopped. It never quit. I guess close to an hour. Wow. I had to finally just stop it. So, Austin is your guitar player behind you. Uh huh. That's great. And so if at some point to where it was going any longer, you said, go ahead and and add to Uh huh I told him I said play. And and yeah if you look close nobody's touching anything. Yeah he wasn't one on this because they showed once. And Robin Robin wasn't playing the piano. Nobody. Krista's sitting on the drums. Tommy on the bass. Amber in the percussions but nobody's doing it. And and I'll just say this for anyone that's new at this or you feel skeptical about this. What you do is you get to know a person over a long period of time. I have known you for three or four years whatever it's been Robin. Yeah. And I know I can trust you. Someone say well how do I know he didn't strike your cord? You don't but you know me and I know he didn't strike it because I just asked him. No I would tell you. Yeah. I would tell you if I that's the best answer I give and and I what I tell people at times like this is when you when it's reasonable people saying this is what happened the proper response should be to say even if you're struggling a little bit I believe that because when you when you add belief to it without faith it's impossible to please God. That's right. A pleasing from the father when you say I believe that. So. That's good Steve. Yeah. Did you see that? They pulled up that scripture. Oh. I actually pull away. Yeah. Oh yes. Go ahead and show that. Yeah yeah. Exit. Look and see what it says. Go ahead and read it. And with the blast of thy nostrils. The waters were gathered together. The flood stood upright as in heap. And the depths were congealed in the heart. I don't know how I got this far along and because I don't use a King James much. Yeah. Uh but when you look up origins of the words that I that's where you see a lot of so I thought you were saying you did a word study and it meant congealed. It says and that I don't know if there's other translations that I I think they may have found another one said it too. But it says congealed. And it means congealed. If you have a what's the other one? The NIV. Can you put that up there? Just So people know. I don't know why we're telling too. Is that what is that in action? By the blast of your nostrils, the waters piled up. The surging waters stood up like a wall. The deep waters congealed in the heart of the wow. And yeah the piled up like a wall congealed. That's really good. Yeah and then people wonder because there's cats that I saw there's jello I saw in heaven. Well the scripture also says in Revelation I think it is. I think it's in Revelation. Maybe it's not. But Anyway the scripture says there's a brass mountain in heaven. Oh it does huh? A brass mountain. What growth on a brass mountain? I heard one prophet say one time or one person say one time. Said I a prophecy teacher said I don't know. Maybe brass trees. But it's in the scripture. Nice. So so we are we are here at the time of striking the ground Steve. But you saw that. The Lord struck the ground. Yeah. And he said it's the time. And on the teaching side of that when the Lord decided to strike the ground and that prophetic sound came expand on that just a little bit more. What is God doing by what is he saying by suddenly this happening? What's he trying to communicate or if it's not communicate what's he trying to empower or well through a sound you know Elijah said I hear the sound of an abundance of rain. He said there's a sound and there wouldn't there weren't a cloud in the sky then. Yeah. He just said I hear a sound of the abundance of rain. The the sounds come. The sounds from heaven frequencies. You know God said sound and there was. He said sound and there was. Everything is done with a sound. There's always a frequency. There's always a sound. I play for a sound not a tune. I I use a don't play for tunes and today what happened there was was you know and we just turned on the equipment when Austin turned on my amplifiers and stuff it just started doing that he just plugged the guitar in turned on the stuff and that was the sound that started and it never quit it never stopped no matter what we did and you know in the very beginning when he was creating the earth Lucifer was an instrument and he would lift himself up and he would sing the revelations of God and this sound would go forth it said he had pipes in him and and timbrels and all these things it make a sound and they would hit that crystalline metal canopy went around the world and it would carry the vibrations around the earth and Jeremiah Says those sounds said they were cities were built and they were fruitful places and they were but there was no man. Hm. So the sounds and the frequencies of the creation was working. And God was getting ready to establish something. To bring something into the earth and the earth had to get ready for it. I mean it's like we've talked earlier about the prophetic wind. Yeah. Um it's like it's in the wind. Yes. And that's probably why on a given time. I mean God could be speaking the same word individually to thirty, fifty, a 00 prophets or he could throw it in the wind and thirty, fifty, a hundred prophets pick it up. I don't know which it is. And each one of them may say something different and yet it all fits perfectly together. Yeah. Because they express it with their expression of Christ. Yeah. You have your own expression of him. And you know somewhere in that today on the eleventh hour I said Israel strike Ground with fire. Yeah. I don't know how far into that video it is but I said it. Yeah. Is that the other video? No that no the shorter one is where Netanyahu closed and we'll play. Well okay what do you want to that wasn't that long of a no I don't know how far into it I said strike the ground with fire. Israel strike the ground with fire. And I said the church the body of Christ strike the ground with fire with your prayer. And I didn't know that Iran had started bombing Israel. That sound one went on for 5 minutes but I that's not the one I knew you're talking about. I don't I don't know. I don't know. I. Well, you know, I just I remember it and I think people saw it, remember it. You said that. Strike the, you know, you said it even before. You recorded it. Strike the ground. Strike the ground but I don't know if I said strike the ground with fire, Israel, but I did say it and Yeah. In its own record that I did. Yeah. Yeah. But I'll tell you this I was reminded of something when you and I were in Texas. Yeah. And we did that was it the last of yeah the last one it was probably the best one so far wasn't it? It was good. If if they had the music that started when we started playing listen to a sound that was not planned. Could you and you could hear it? Oh you could hear it and I think the wind was blowing in the sound. Yeah because I might have been in the back room at that time so I mean oh it is surprised me. Is it like the First when everybody's getting ready to come on on. When when when we walk out to play. Yeah. And as soon as I walk up to the guitar before the when the first note starts a sound hit. Really? And and you can people think that we planned this stuff. Yeah. But I didn't plan it at all. And all of a sudden it just hit and it was there. And and this wind I I think this wind was blowing. But the audio on it was excellent. Mm. Yeah. And it it had it. That whole record was good. Well Paul if you look for that while we're talking see if you can

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