Angela Rye: It’s a ‘Mistake’ to ‘Let White Folks Escape the Accountability that They Must Face for Not Showing Up to Save Democracy’

8 hours ago

BLACKWELL: “Speaking of laying this at the feet of black men and honest conversations former President Obama was back out last night. This is the first time since he was in Pittsburgh and invoked the potential of sexism in his appeal to black men to support the vice president Angela should there be a course correction because there was so much backlash to that framework was it a mistake for the former president to say what he did or to say it publicly. What was your assessment of what we heard from former President Obama?”

RYE: “You know, I think that it‘s wonderful that President Obama is out hitting the trail for democracy frankly. What I think is a mistake is to let white folks escape the accountability that they must face for not showing up to save democracy themselves like they want to get mad at present. Presidential candidates, right when they don‘t wear a flag lapel pin or they don‘t see you pledging allegiance to the flag. That‘s what they want to get upset about. Now, the face of patriotism to them looks like trying to tear down the capital in a terrorist attack on January 6, 2021 the responsibility of saving democracy should be on the largest demographic in this country that is white men and white women. I don‘t want to see a women‘s March. We put the hat come January if something doesn‘t go write what I want to see is for them to March their selves I‘m to the polls including today. We are in Detroit, Michigan for an early vote rally in Michigan, early voting starts next Saturday, which is my birthday, Victor. But today in Detroit starts today there‘s a big event at pistons land. We will be adjacent to that admit talking to folks Detroit voters about what they want to hear about the agendas that matter to them about the economy, about health care about ensuring that democracy is preserved even if it‘s not perfect. We‘re doing our part. It‘s time for white folks to turn their ire and their—“

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