Can A Believer Lose Their Salvation? | Christian Bible Study #salvation #osas #freegrace

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Among Christianity, there exist opposing sides on this concept:

The Arminian/Conditional Security View:

Adherants of this view emphasize that once someone accepts the faith, there is a possibility of them losing salvation due to deliberate, un-repenting sins. These people offer verses from the Bible like, Hebrews 6: 4-6 and 2 Peter 2:20-22, which seem to warn against the idea that once a person is saved, they cannot become unsaved. Gone is the stress on the faithful's ability to “hold-out until the end’ and “stay put in Christ.”

This way if the person was saved in the first instance but renounces Christianity at a later overly stage, it means that the person has actually lost their salvation. There is an aspect which places a demand for continued faith and action on the part of the believer. Such trends on faith include; 1 Timothy 4:1 and Hebrews 3:12-14, which show that people with faith can lose it.

The Calvinist/Eternal Security View:

Those who hold this view believe that once a person accepts Jesus as their Lord and savior, they shall remain that way, forevermore. The basis of their argument is that a believer cannot lose their salvation because it does not depend on their effort but on God’s decision and work. John 10:28-29 and Romans 8:38-39 are some of the verses that are interpreted in the context of the security of a believer for ever.

Those who hold this view would say that if someone genuinely loses their faith, he or she was never saved in the first place. The logic goes that if salvation is based upon the will and action of God, then a believer who is a believer in every sense of the word cannot ultimately fall away. Other verses, like 1 John 2:19, suggest that apostates were never part of the true community of saints.

Salvation, OSAS, Free Grace, Grace Alone, Eternal Security, Justified By Faith, Gospel Of Grace, Saved By Grace, Eternal Life, Grace Theology, Faith Alone, Unconditional Salvation

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