BEN BIKMAN h3 | Oxidative Stress- Glucose UP…glycation: kidney & heart disease; aging; Alzheimer’s

4 months ago
presents episode 2231 | Dr BEN BIKMAN w/

When blood sugar high, leads to over production of ROS...
-these are free radicals, this is oxidative stress
-a real problem: these are highly reactive, damaging
many things, from proteins in and out of cells, DNA,
Even acute hyperglycemia leads to over production of ROS
because it overloads cell with energy
-at end of all metabolism, when using
mitochondria, electron transport system
is overwhelmed by high glucose,
harming ATP production

This is electron leakage...this gives birth to ROS
Study: 20 participants in 2 hour period: increased their
glucose to 15 mmol, had increase in blood plasma ROS
marker Went Through The Roof
-more oxidative stress can damage blood vessel directly
-PLUS altering lipoproteins

Dr Paul Reynolds: Advanced Glycation End Products [AGE]
-problematic, toxic products formed when glucose or
other simple sugars, like fructose, but not allulose...
Glucose molecule will irreversibly bind other molecules,
like proteins [amino acids] or fats or DNA or collagen
-which damages them
Glycation contributes to retinopothy,
kidney disease, atherosclerosis,
Alzheimers, aging--due to AGEs
becoming permanent, until broken down


original video interview:

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