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🆘💰 Witness Statement: Covid-19 (2025) ▪️ The Greatest Crimes in AU & World History

Follow The White Rabbit™ 🐇
⚫️ 🆘💉 Epidemic of Fraud (2024) ▪️ Full Film 💰:
⚫️ 🆘 Covid Shots: Unsafe & Ineffective (2024) 💉▪️ Ed Dowd 🔗
⚫️🔺PLANDEMIC 2: INDOCTORNATION - All of the groundwork behind Covid Fakery & Propaganda. The true story of the Covid-19 world conspiracy and the previous shady plots! The role of mainstream propaganda! Google's black list! Fact checkers in the hands of the elites! Why turn off the TV!:
⚫️ ⛔️ Safe & Effective: A Second Opinion (2022)▪️Banned from Youtube: 🔗
✅ 🌏 WATCH: The Earthing Movie: Healing Properties of Earth ❤️:
✅ 😈 Monsanto: The Most Evil Company in the World ▪️ A.K.A. MonSatan ▪️ Why do they Poison our Food Supply❓☠️ 👀:
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⛔️💉Shot Dead: The Movie ▪️ Covid Vaccine Fatalities Documentary ▪️ Depop Agenda 2030 ▪️ 1-Hour 👀 #Agenda2030 :
🌑🏥 The Real Anthony Fauci: The Movie ▪️ Exposing The Collusion of Big Tech, Big Pharma & Big Gov't (2022) 🔥🎥🍿 🔗 Link to Watch & Share:
🔴 The Plannedemic 1: 2020 Covid ▪️ Big Pharma, Gates & Fauci: 🔗
🔴 The Plannedemic 2: Vaccine Coercion ▪️ Covid Vaxx Propaganda 🔗
🔴 The Plannedemic 3: Covid Vaxx Damages ▪️2022 Covid Vaxx Toxicity: 🔗
🌐 NWO: 2030 Unmasked 😷 :
🛑👹 The W.H.O.’s Agenda ▪️ The Plan: 10 Years of Pandemics From 2020 to 2030 ▪️ 31-mins 👀:
⬛️🔮 Pharmakeia: Drugs, Black Magick & The End Times 👁: 🔗
🔴 SHOTS: EUGENICS TO PANDEMICS (2022) ▪️ FULL DOCUMENTARY💉☠️ ✔️ External Link to share:
🏥💉 Rockefeller Medicine ▪️ Death of the Deep State ▪️ A Truthbomb Film 🔗
🚨VAXXED 1: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe (Vaccine -> Autism Documentary) (2016) 🔗
🚨VAXXED 2: The People's Truth (Vaccine -> Autism Documentary) (2019) 🔗
✅ Rockefeller Pharma Biz 🟰 💵
✅ Trump Truth Hub here (free on Telegram App which is least-censored, whereas FB & IG censoring & shadow-banning truth❗️):
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✅ MK Ultra Hub (free on Telegram App -least-censored, whereas FB & IG censoring & shadow-banning truth❗️):
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Bill Gates & Cow farts. 1980s killing cows with GMO corn. Today vaccines & drugs.

The Real Dr. Judy A. Mikovits
(found on Dr. Judy's transcripts: )
Bill Gates: In terms of the cows, there's another way you can change what they eat, and you could either put that in their water or their feed. There is a drug to change the microbiome, not a vaccine, but a drug.
Clay Clark: Dr. Judy Mikovits, what is he talking about?
Judy Mikovits, PhD: He's talking to those morons, the people that sit there and say, Oh, that's amazing. CH4, carbon, and four hydrogens. What about that methane gas? Oh, what about that isn't critical for all of life on this earth, carbon and hydrogen? He's talking about, he told you again, okay, if we can't destroy the microbiome of cows, because feeding corn to them, which was deadly - Remember, when I worked in UpJohn in 1986, the goal was to destroy cows and GMO with corn, so that Americans wouldn't get food and they'd get synthetic and deadly fat. So you see, he's okay. If we can't get them to vaccinate, we'll do just what we did with the humans. We'll bring in Remdesivir or Paxlovid and kill them. Okay if we can't get them to buy that strategy, let's kill them another way. Let's find another way to destroy what God gave humans for food, which is cows and birds and chickens and eggs and meat. We get sarcasine out of meat!
01/01/2024 - Thrivetime Show:
WEF Founder's Son 'Singing Like a Bird' To Prosecutors in Crimes Against Humanity Case

The People's Voice
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Pascal Najadi, the son of the co-founder of the World Economic Forum, is extensively co-operating with prosecutors in the crimes against humanity case against key figures of the global elite, sparking concerns in the World Economic Forum, the UN, and the WHO that their diplomatic immunity is about to be revoked and arrest warrants issued.
Leading globalists are set to be sacrificed on the altar of public outrage for their roles in the Covid plandemic, according to an International Criminal Court insider who revealed that preparations are underwary for crimes against humanity Nuremberg 2.0 trials at the ICC in the Hague.
The globalist elite have made the last three years hell for the majority but we have held strong, maintained our dignity, and exposed their lies, one by one. Our abusers have been backed into a corner and they are being forced to admit to the lies they’ve spun. They want us to forgive and forget.
But we the people, not to mention insiders like Pascal Najadi, are not going to let that happen. There is simply too much riding on it.
Renowned Cardiologist Drops Bombshell: Covid 'Vaccine' Is a 'Bioweapon'

One of the world's most revered medical experts has issued a warning to the public that Covid mRNA "vaccines" were created to "strict military criteria" to serve as a "bioweapon."
Read more:
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Unvaccinated – “It was all Your Fault”
Waking the World up
Looking back at the absolute insanity, the complete craziness the incredible propaganda campaign that was in lockstep worldwide and all backed by the top of the top political figures and all the caring “health” agencies worldwide.
Citizens of the world should feel so loved and cared for by our “leaders.”
The FDA is still approving new mRNA Covid Vaccinations.
On August 22, 2024, the FDA approved and authorized an updated version of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines to better protect against currently circulating variants.
Yes, to “better protect” against the dangerous circulating variants.
Maybe the FDA didn’t’ get the memo that people are still f*cking dying.
These drugs are still untested and we already know they are not effective and definitely not safe and anyone who has spent a week of true research would know this.
There is not even an Emergency declared and now they are approving new covid vaccines? I guess Operation Warp Speed just says the hell with the testing, just whip some poisons up, call them vaccines and approve and authorize them to be distributed to the children, adults and the elderly.
What does this tell you about the FDA? They have always been a rogue agency but now they are taking it to an all new level and our absolute imbeciles we have for politicians all them to continue to commit genocide while they are busy trying to stay in office convincing people they are “working” for them.
The madness of the complete buffoons in leadership positions is mind blowing.
One thing that both Biden and Trump “publicly” agreed on is the vaccines are safe & effective.
Supposedly, these two don’t agree on anything but they both just happen to agree on something that is OBVIOUSLY killing people all around the world?
What does that tell you? They are just separate wings flying the bird in the SAME direction, leading humanity off a cliff.
Source: checkur6 --
PROTECT YOURSELF: Protect yourself, your children and loved ones from the harmful EMF from the newly installed 5G Towers. We are constantly being Bombarded by Harmful Radiation, being hit from all directions, every single day.
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END. 8/29/2024 – 6:00 PM
Professor John Bell Exposes Covid Vaccines – mRNA was Designed to Depopulate the World
Waking the World up
Professor John Bell says that the “Covid Vaccines are in the Process of Sterilizing 60% to70% of world’s population.”
He talks about them “doing their job.” Was he referring to the job of sterilizing.
He talks about the problem getting them labeled as vaccines.
I am not sure if he didn’t know he was on live TV or not, but he spilled the beans.
In Greece, fertility rates hit a record low and sudden deaths soar. Greece was one of the strictest countries to enforce vaccines and punish the those who refused.
Heart Attacks have hit an all time high level in Australia and many young children are having heart attacks.
National Vital Statistics Reports – Volume 73, Number 5 – July 25, 2024 – Infant Mortality was going down in the USA until 2022 after the covid vaccine roll outs.
A German Journalist requested documents and they f*cked up and sent the Unredacted documents.
Unredacted Protocols from the Robert Koch Institute (German CDC) revealed shocking statements:
1. August 17, 2020: Children are Guinea Pigs, Vaccinated individuals suffer more severely from Covid than unvaccinated individuals.
2. January 18, 2021: No Professional Justification for the Mask Mandate. Masks have undesirable effects.
3. August 13, 2021: The “vaccine” fails in 79% of the cases.
4. October 26, 2021: The Influenza Vaccine does not prevent infection.
Let’s not tell people.
5. December 7, 2022: Unvaccinated Individuals are “essentially immune” after a Covid Infection. How can we present this graphically so no one notices?
They all knew from the beginning. They still had to go through with the plan as everything was already in full motion.
Who has so much power worldwide that all politicians are bowing to them and consequently implementing measures that harm their own people?
What did the Government of the World do? Even though the KNEW the vaccines were dangerous, untested, ineffective and experimental they said: “This is a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated.”
Some are asking for an Apology? Does law enforcement take apologies from murderers?
If murderers are unpunished will their behavior change?
Hospital occupancy fell to an all time low in 2020.
Influenza – the Flu just magically took the first year off in history at the EXACT same time Covid took over, so maybe Covid prevents the flu?
Standardized Mortality was not higher in 2020 than usual. *But if you listened to the media you would think it was at an all time high.
Mortality has only increased AFTER Covid was over and after the Healthy Jabs.
The Average Age of people who died from Covid – 83 years old – just about the same as that flu that magically disappeared.
There were no more severe respiratory illnesses than usual in 2020 and 2021 and wasn’t Covid supposed to be a respiratory illness?
The Covid Narrative was a LIE.
There are some major, major Red flags to be vigilant of about John Bell – he is a Rhodes Scholar, he is affiliated with the Welcome Trust and he founded Oxford’s Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, was pivotal in enabling the development of lateral flow testing platforms and helping to initiate a national testing program and played a major role in the development and roll out of the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine.
Source: Exposing Vaccines --
PROTECT YOURSELF: Protect yourself, your children and loved ones from the harmful EMF from the newly installed 5G Towers. We are constantly being Bombarded by Harmful Radiation, being hit from all directions, every single day.
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END. 8/11/2024 – 6:00 PM
Dr. Peter McCullough – “It’s Possible that the Pfizer & Moderna Code is Permanently Installed in DNA
Waking the World up
According to Peter McCullough -- The Pfizer genetic code is taken up in the Human Genome in about an HOUR.
What does this mean?
It’s possible, that the Pfizer and Moderna genetic code is permanently installed into the human genome.
These safe & effective Covid mRNA “vaccines” could have permanently modified the human genome.
Dr. McCullough: “We don’t know, we hope that the body can edit it out, but this is very disturbing.”
Yeah, ya think?
What if Germ Cells – eggs & sperm took up the mRNA vaccines?
The parents would pass this on to the newborn baby.
This is the great concern.
You still don’t think our Gov is run by Commies who believe in Transhumanism?
PROTECT YOURSELF: Protect yourself, your children and loved ones from the harmful EMF from the newly installed 5G Towers. We are constantly being Bombarded by Harmful Radiation, being hit from all directions, every single day.
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END. 8/7/2024 – 9:00 PM
Phizer data drop … they knew their COVID vaccines were not SAFE
Pfizer & the FDA were FORCED to release this data by a federal judge. The list of deadly adverse reactions of note is frankly shocking . They KNEW.
Pfizer data submitted to FDA contains 8 pages of known side effects. Just a sampling here
Pages 30-38
This is the data they wanted to be hidden for 75 years
Phizer adverse effects
1p36 deletion syndrome;2-Hydroxyglutaric aciduria;5'nucleotidase increased;Acoustic
neuritis;Acquired C1 inhibitor deficiency;Acquired epidermolysis bullosa;Acquired epileptic
aphasia;Acute cutaneous lupus erythematosus;Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis;Acute
encephalitis with refractory, repetitive partial seizures;Acute febrile neutrophilic
dermatosis;Acute flaccid myelitis;Acute haemorrhagic leukoencephalitis;Acute
haemorrhagic oedema of infancy;Acute kidney injury;Acute macular outer retinopathy;Acute
motor axonal neuropathy;Acute motor-sensory axonal neuropathy;Acute myocardial
infarction;Acute respiratory distress syndrome;Acute respiratory failure;Addison's
disease;Administration site thrombosis;Administration site vasculitis;Adrenal
thrombosis;Adverse event following immunisation;Ageusia;Agranulocytosis;Air
embolism;Alanine aminotransferase abnormal;Alanine aminotransferase increased;Alcoholic
seizure;Allergic bronchopulmonary mycosis;Allergic oedema;Alloimmune
hepatitis;Alopecia areata;Alpers disease;Alveolar proteinosis;Ammonia abnormal;Ammonia
increased;Amniotic cavity infection;Amygdalohippocampectomy;Amyloid
arthropathy;Amyloidosis;Amyloidosis senile;Anaphylactic reaction;Anaphylactic
shock;Anaphylactic transfusion reaction;Anaphylactoid reaction;Anaphylactoid
shock;Anaphylactoid syndrome of pregnancy;Angioedema;Angiopathic
neuropathy;Ankylosing spondylitis;Anosmia;Antiacetylcholine receptor antibody
positive;Anti-actin antibody positive;Anti-aquaporin-4 antibody positive;Anti-basal ganglia
antibody positive;Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody positive;Anti-epithelial antibody
positive;Anti-erythrocyte antibody positive;Anti-exosome complex antibody positive;AntiGAD antibody negative;Anti-GAD antibody positive;Anti-ganglioside antibody
positive;Antigliadin antibody positive;Anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody
positive;Anti-glomerular basement membrane disease;Anti-glycyl-tRNA synthetase antibody
positive;Anti-HLA antibody test positive;Anti-IA2 antibody positive;Anti-insulin antibody
increased;Anti-insulin antibody positive;Anti-insulin receptor antibody increased;Antiinsulin receptor antibody positive;Anti-interferon antibody negative;Anti-interferon antibody
positive;Anti-islet cell antibody positive;Antimitochondrial antibody positive;Anti-muscle
specific kinase antibody positive;Anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein antibodies
positive;Anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein associated polyneuropathy;Antimyocardial
antibody positive;Anti-neuronal antibody positive;Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody
increased;Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody positive;Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic
antibody positive vasculitis;Anti-NMDA antibody positive;Antinuclear antibody
increased;Antinuclear antibody positive;Antiphospholipid antibodies
positive;Antiphospholipid syndrome;Anti-platelet antibody positive;Anti-prothrombin
antibody positive;Antiribosomal P antibody positive;Anti-RNA polymerase III antibody
positive;Anti-saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody test positive;Anti-sperm antibody
positive;Anti-SRP antibody positive;Antisynthetase syndrome;Anti-thyroid antibody
positive;Anti-transglutaminase antibody increased;Anti-VGCC antibody positive;AntiVGKC antibody positive;Anti-vimentin antibody positive;Antiviral prophylaxis;Antiviral
treatment;Anti-zinc transporter 8 antibody positive;Aortic embolus;Aortic
thrombosis;Aortitis;Aplasia pure red cell;Aplastic anaemia;Application site
thrombosis;Application site vasculitis;Arrhythmia;Arterial bypass occlusion;Arterial bypass
thrombosis;Arterial thrombosis;Arteriovenous fistula thrombosis;Arteriovenous graft site
stenosis;Arteriovenous graft thrombosis;Arteritis;Arteritis
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coronary;Arthralgia;Arthritis;Arthritis enteropathic;Ascites;Aseptic cavernous sinus
thrombosis;Aspartate aminotransferase abnormal;Aspartate aminotransferase
increased;Aspartate-glutamate-transporter deficiency;AST to platelet ratio index
increased;AST/ALT ratio abnormal;Asthma;Asymptomatic COVID19;Ataxia;Atheroembolism;Atonic seizures;Atrial thrombosis;Atrophic thyroiditis;Atypical
benign partial epilepsy;Atypical pneumonia;Aura;Autoantibody positive;Autoimmune
anaemia;Autoimmune aplastic anaemia;Autoimmune arthritis;Autoimmune blistering
disease;Autoimmune cholangitis;Autoimmune colitis;Autoimmune demyelinating
disease;Autoimmune dermatitis;Autoimmune disorder;Autoimmune
encephalopathy;Autoimmune endocrine disorder;Autoimmune enteropathy;Autoimmune eye
disorder;Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia;Autoimmune heparin-induced
thrombocytopenia;Autoimmune hepatitis;Autoimmune hyperlipidaemia;Autoimmune
hypothyroidism;Autoimmune inner ear disease;Autoimmune lung disease;Autoimmune
lymphoproliferative syndrome;Autoimmune myocarditis;Autoimmune myositis;Autoimmune
nephritis;Autoimmune neuropathy;Autoimmune neutropenia;Autoimmune
pancreatitis;Autoimmune pancytopenia;Autoimmune pericarditis;Autoimmune
retinopathy;Autoimmune thyroid disorder;Autoimmune thyroiditis;Autoimmune
uveitis;Autoinflammation with infantile enterocolitis;Autoinflammatory disease;Automatism
epileptic;Autonomic nervous system imbalance;Autonomic seizure;Axial
spondyloarthritis;Axillary vein thrombosis;Axonal and demyelinating
polyneuropathy;Axonal neuropathy;Bacterascites;Baltic myoclonic epilepsy;Band
sensation;Basedow's disease;Basilar artery thrombosis;Basophilopenia;B-cell
aplasia;Behcet's syndrome;Benign ethnic neutropenia;Benign familial neonatal
convulsions;Benign familial pemphigus;Benign rolandic epilepsy;Beta-2 glycoprotein
antibody positive;Bickerstaff's encephalitis;Bile output abnormal;Bile output
decreased;Biliary ascites;Bilirubin conjugated abnormal;Bilirubin conjugated
increased;Bilirubin urine present;Biopsy liver abnormal;Biotinidase deficiency;Birdshot
chorioretinopathy;Blood alkaline phosphatase abnormal;Blood alkaline phosphatase
increased;Blood bilirubin abnormal;Blood bilirubin increased;Blood bilirubin unconjugated
increased;Blood cholinesterase abnormal;Blood cholinesterase decreased;Blood pressure
decreased;Blood pressure diastolic decreased;Blood pressure systolic decreased;Blue toe
syndrome;Brachiocephalic vein thrombosis;Brain stem embolism;Brain stem
thrombosis;Bromosulphthalein test abnormal;Bronchial oedema;Bronchitis;Bronchitis
mycoplasmal;Bronchitis viral;Bronchopulmonary aspergillosis allergic;Bronchospasm;BuddChiari syndrome;Bulbar palsy;Butterfly rash;C1q nephropathy;Caesarean section;Calcium
embolism;Capillaritis;Caplan's syndrome;Cardiac amyloidosis;Cardiac arrest;Cardiac
failure;Cardiac failure acute;Cardiac sarcoidosis;Cardiac ventricular thrombosis;Cardiogenic
shock;Cardiolipin antibody positive;Cardiopulmonary failure;Cardio-respiratory
arrest;Cardio-respiratory distress;Cardiovascular insufficiency;Carotid arterial
embolus;Carotid artery thrombosis;Cataplexy;Catheter site thrombosis;Catheter site
vasculitis;Cavernous sinus thrombosis;CDKL5 deficiency disorder;CEC syndrome;Cement
embolism;Central nervous system lupus;Central nervous system vasculitis;Cerebellar artery
thrombosis;Cerebellar embolism;Cerebral amyloid angiopathy;Cerebral arteritis;Cerebral
artery embolism;Cerebral artery thrombosis;Cerebral gas embolism;Cerebral
microembolism;Cerebral septic infarct;Cerebral thrombosis;Cerebral venous sinus
thrombosis;Cerebral venous thrombosis;Cerebrospinal thrombotic
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tamponade;Cerebrovascular accident;Change in seizure presentation;Chest discomfort;ChildPugh-Turcotte score abnormal;Child-Pugh-Turcotte score
increased;Chillblains;Choking;Choking sensation;Cholangitis sclerosing;Chronic
autoimmune glomerulonephritis;Chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus;Chronic fatigue
syndrome;Chronic gastritis;Chronic inflammatory demyelinating
polyradiculoneuropathy;Chronic lymphocytic inflammation with pontine perivascular
enhancement responsive to steroids;Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis;Chronic
respiratory failure;Chronic spontaneous urticaria;Circulatory collapse;Circumoral
oedema;Circumoral swelling;Clinically isolated syndrome;Clonic convulsion;Coeliac
disease;Cogan's syndrome;Cold agglutinins positive;Cold type haemolytic
anaemia;Colitis;Colitis erosive;Colitis herpes;Colitis microscopic;Colitis ulcerative;Collagen
disorder;Collagen-vascular disease;Complement factor abnormal;Complement factor C1
decreased;Complement factor C2 decreased;Complement factor C3 decreased;Complement
factor C4 decreased;Complement factor decreased;Computerised tomogram liver
abnormal;Concentric sclerosis;Congenital anomaly;Congenital bilateral perisylvian
syndrome;Congenital herpes simplex infection;Congenital myasthenic syndrome;Congenital
varicella infection;Congestive hepatopathy;Convulsion in childhood;Convulsions
local;Convulsive threshold lowered;Coombs positive haemolytic anaemia;Coronary artery
disease;Coronary artery embolism;Coronary artery thrombosis;Coronary bypass
thrombosis;Coronavirus infection;Coronavirus test;Coronavirus test negative;Coronavirus
test positive;Corpus callosotomy;Cough;Cough variant asthma;COVID-19;COVID-19
immunisation;COVID-19 pneumonia;COVID-19 prophylaxis;COVID-19 treatment;Cranial
nerve disorder;Cranial nerve palsies multiple;Cranial nerve paralysis;CREST
syndrome;Crohn's disease;Cryofibrinogenaemia;Cryoglobulinaemia;CSF oligoclonal band
present;CSWS syndrome;Cutaneous amyloidosis;Cutaneous lupus erythematosus;Cutaneous
sarcoidosis;Cutaneous vasculitis;Cyanosis;Cyclic neutropenia;Cystitis interstitial;Cytokine
release syndrome;Cytokine storm;De novo purine synthesis inhibitors associated acute
inflammatory syndrome;Death neonatal;Deep vein thrombosis;Deep vein thrombosis
postoperative;Deficiency of bile secretion;Deja vu;Demyelinating
polyneuropathy;Demyelination;Dermatitis;Dermatitis bullous;Dermatitis
herpetiformis;Dermatomyositis;Device embolisation;Device related thrombosis;Diabetes
mellitus;Diabetic ketoacidosis;Diabetic mastopathy;Dialysis amyloidosis;Dialysis membrane
reaction;Diastolic hypotension;Diffuse vasculitis;Digital pitting scar;Disseminated
intravascular coagulation;Disseminated intravascular coagulation in newborn;Disseminated
neonatal herpes simplex;Disseminated varicella;Disseminated varicella zoster vaccine virus
infection;Disseminated varicella zoster virus infection;DNA antibody positive;Double cortex
syndrome;Double stranded DNA antibody positive;Dreamy state;Dressler's syndrome;Drop
attacks;Drug withdrawal convulsions;Dyspnoea;Early infantile epileptic encephalopathy with
burst-suppression;Eclampsia;Eczema herpeticum;Embolia cutis medicamentosa;Embolic
cerebellar infarction;Embolic cerebral infarction;Embolic pneumonia;Embolic
stroke;Embolism;Embolism arterial;Embolism venous;Encephalitis;Encephalitis
allergic;Encephalitis autoimmune;Encephalitis brain stem;Encephalitis
haemorrhagic;Encephalitis periaxialis diffusa;Encephalitis post
immunisation;Encephalomyelitis;Encephalopathy;Endocrine disorder;Endocrine
ophthalmopathy;Endotracheal intubation;Enteritis;Enteritis leukopenic;Enterobacter
pneumonia;Enterocolitis;Enteropathic spondylitis;Eosinopenia;Eosinophilic
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fasciitis;Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis;Eosinophilic
oesophagitis;Epidermolysis;Epilepsy;Epilepsy surgery;Epilepsy with myoclonic-atonic
seizures;Epileptic aura;Epileptic psychosis;Erythema;Erythema induratum;Erythema
multiforme;Erythema nodosum;Evans syndrome;Exanthema subitum;Expanded disability
status scale score decreased;Expanded disability status scale score increased;Exposure to
communicable disease;Exposure to SARS-CoV-2;Eye oedema;Eye pruritus;Eye
swelling;Eyelid oedema;Face oedema;Facial paralysis;Facial paresis;Faciobrachial dystonic
seizure;Fat embolism;Febrile convulsion;Febrile infection-related epilepsy syndrome;Febrile
neutropenia;Felty's syndrome;Femoral artery embolism;Fibrillary
glomerulonephritis;Fibromyalgia;Flushing;Foaming at mouth;Focal cortical resection;Focal
dyscognitive seizures;Foetal distress syndrome;Foetal placental thrombosis;Foetor
hepaticus;Foreign body embolism;Frontal lobe epilepsy;Fulminant type 1 diabetes
mellitus;Galactose elimination capacity test abnormal;Galactose elimination capacity test
decreased;Gamma-glutamyltransferase abnormal;Gamma-glutamyltransferase
increased;Gastritis herpes;Gastrointestinal amyloidosis;Gelastic seizure;Generalised onset
non-motor seizure;Generalised tonic-clonic seizure;Genital herpes;Genital herpes
simplex;Genital herpes zoster;Giant cell arteritis;Glomerulonephritis;Glomerulonephritis
membranoproliferative;Glomerulonephritis membranous;Glomerulonephritis rapidly
progressive;Glossopharyngeal nerve paralysis;Glucose transporter type 1 deficiency
syndrome;Glutamate dehydrogenase increased;Glycocholic acid increased;GM2
gangliosidosis;Goodpasture's syndrome;Graft
thrombosis;Granulocytopenia;Granulocytopenia neonatal;Granulomatosis with
polyangiitis;Granulomatous dermatitis;Grey matter heterotopia;Guanase increased;GuillainBarre syndrome;Haemolytic anaemia;Haemophagocytic
lymphohistiocytosis;Haemorrhage;Haemorrhagic ascites;Haemorrhagic
disorder;Haemorrhagic pneumonia;Haemorrhagic varicella syndrome;Haemorrhagic
vasculitis;Hantavirus pulmonary infection;Hashimoto's
encephalopathy;Hashitoxicosis;Hemimegalencephaly;Henoch-Schonlein purpura;HenochSchonlein purpura nephritis;Hepaplastin abnormal;Hepaplastin decreased;Heparin-induced
thrombocytopenia;Hepatic amyloidosis;Hepatic artery embolism;Hepatic artery flow
decreased;Hepatic artery thrombosis;Hepatic enzyme abnormal;Hepatic enzyme
decreased;Hepatic enzyme increased;Hepatic fibrosis marker abnormal;Hepatic fibrosis
marker increased;Hepatic function abnormal;Hepatic hydrothorax;Hepatic
hypertrophy;Hepatic hypoperfusion;Hepatic lymphocytic infiltration;Hepatic mass;Hepatic
pain;Hepatic sequestration;Hepatic vascular resistance increased;Hepatic vascular
thrombosis;Hepatic vein embolism;Hepatic vein thrombosis;Hepatic venous pressure
gradient abnormal;Hepatic venous pressure gradient increased;Hepatitis;Hepatobiliary scan
abnormal;Hepatomegaly;Hepatosplenomegaly;Hereditary angioedema with C1 esterase
inhibitor deficiency;Herpes dermatitis;Herpes gestationis;Herpes oesophagitis;Herpes
ophthalmic;Herpes pharyngitis;Herpes sepsis;Herpes simplex;Herpes simplex
cervicitis;Herpes simplex colitis;Herpes simplex encephalitis;Herpes simplex gastritis;Herpes
simplex hepatitis;Herpes simplex meningitis;Herpes simplex meningoencephalitis;Herpes
simplex meningomyelitis;Herpes simplex necrotising retinopathy;Herpes simplex
oesophagitis;Herpes simplex otitis externa;Herpes simplex pharyngitis;Herpes simplex
pneumonia;Herpes simplex reactivation;Herpes simplex sepsis;Herpes simplex
viraemia;Herpes simplex virus conjunctivitis neonatal;Herpes simplex visceral;Herpes virus
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infection;Herpes zoster;Herpes zoster cutaneous disseminated;Herpes zoster infection
neurological;Herpes zoster meningitis;Herpes zoster meningoencephalitis;Herpes zoster
meningomyelitis;Herpes zoster meningoradiculitis;Herpes zoster necrotising
retinopathy;Herpes zoster oticus;Herpes zoster pharyngitis;Herpes zoster
reactivation;Herpetic radiculopathy;Histone antibody positive;Hoigne's syndrome;Human
herpesvirus 6 encephalitis;Human herpesvirus 6 infection;Human herpesvirus 6 infection
reactivation;Human herpesvirus 7 infection;Human herpesvirus 8
benign monoclonal;Hyperglycaemic seizure;Hypersensitivity;Hypersensitivity
ypocalcaemic seizure;Hypogammaglobulinaemia;Hypoglossal nerve paralysis;Hypoglossal
nerve paresis;Hypoglycaemic seizure;Hyponatraemic seizure;Hypotension;Hypotensive
crisis;Hypothenar hammer syndrome;Hypothyroidism;Hypoxia;Idiopathic CD4
lymphocytopenia;Idiopathic generalised epilepsy;Idiopathic interstitial pneumonia;Idiopathic
neutropenia;Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis;IgA nephropathy;IgM nephropathy;IIIrd nerve
paralysis;IIIrd nerve paresis;Iliac artery embolism;Immune thrombocytopenia;Immunemediated adverse reaction;Immune-mediated cholangitis;Immune-mediated
cholestasis;Immune-mediated cytopenia;Immune-mediated encephalitis;Immune-mediated
encephalopathy;Immune-mediated endocrinopathy;Immune-mediated enterocolitis;Immunemediated gastritis;Immune-mediated hepatic disorder;Immune-mediated hepatitis;Immunemediated hyperthyroidism;Immune-mediated hypothyroidism;Immune-mediated
myocarditis;Immune-mediated myositis;Immune-mediated nephritis;Immune-mediated
neuropathy;Immune-mediated pancreatitis;Immune-mediated pneumonitis;Immune-mediated
renal disorder;Immune-mediated thyroiditis;Immune-mediated uveitis;Immunoglobulin G4
related disease;Immunoglobulins abnormal;Implant site thrombosis;Inclusion body
myositis;Infantile genetic agranulocytosis;Infantile spasms;Infected vasculitis;Infective
thrombosis;Inflammation;Inflammatory bowel disease;Infusion site thrombosis;Infusion site
vasculitis;Injection site thrombosis;Injection site urticaria;Injection site vasculitis;Instillation
site thrombosis;Insulin autoimmune syndrome;Interstitial granulomatous
dermatitis;Interstitial lung disease;Intracardiac mass;Intracardiac thrombus;Intracranial
pressure increased;Intrapericardial thrombosis;Intrinsic factor antibody abnormal;Intrinsic
factor antibody positive;IPEX syndrome;Irregular breathing;IRVAN syndrome;IVth nerve
paralysis;IVth nerve paresis;JC polyomavirus test positive;JC virus CSF test positive;Jeavons
syndrome;Jugular vein embolism;Jugular vein thrombosis;Juvenile idiopathic
arthritis;Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy;Juvenile polymyositis;Juvenile psoriatic
arthritis;Juvenile spondyloarthritis;Kaposi sarcoma inflammatory cytokine
syndrome;Kawasaki's disease;Kayser-Fleischer ring;Keratoderma blenorrhagica;Ketosisprone diabetes mellitus;Kounis syndrome;Lafora's myoclonic epilepsy;Lambl's
excrescences;Laryngeal dyspnoea;Laryngeal oedema;Laryngeal rheumatoid
arthritis;Laryngospasm;Laryngotracheal oedema;Latent autoimmune diabetes in adults;LE
cells present;Lemierre syndrome;Lennox-Gastaut syndrome;Leucine aminopeptidase
neonatal;Lewis-Sumner syndrome;Lhermitte's sign;Lichen planopilaris;Lichen planus;Lichen
sclerosus;Limbic encephalitis;Linear IgA disease;Lip oedema;Lip swelling;Liver function
test abnormal;Liver function test decreased;Liver function test increased;Liver
induration;Liver injury;Liver iron concentration abnormal;Liver iron concentration
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increased;Liver opacity;Liver palpable;Liver sarcoidosis;Liver scan abnormal;Liver
tenderness;Low birth weight baby;Lower respiratory tract herpes infection;Lower respiratory
tract infection;Lower respiratory tract infection viral;Lung abscess;Lupoid hepatic
cirrhosis;Lupus cystitis;Lupus encephalitis;Lupus endocarditis;Lupus enteritis;Lupus
hepatitis;Lupus myocarditis;Lupus myositis;Lupus nephritis;Lupus pancreatitis;Lupus
pleurisy;Lupus pneumonitis;Lupus vasculitis;Lupus-like syndrome;Lymphocytic
hypophysitis;Lymphocytopenia neonatal;Lymphopenia;MAGIC syndrome;Magnetic
resonance imaging liver abnormal;Magnetic resonance proton density fat fraction
measurement;Mahler sign;Manufacturing laboratory analytical testing issue;Manufacturing
materials issue;Manufacturing production issue;Marburg's variant multiple
sclerosis;Marchiafava-Bignami disease;Marine Lenhart syndrome;Mastocytic
enterocolitis;Maternal exposure during pregnancy;Medical device site thrombosis;Medical
device site vasculitis;MELAS syndrome;Meningitis;Meningitis aseptic;Meningitis
herpes;Meningoencephalitis herpes simplex neonatal;Meningoencephalitis
herpetic;Meningomyelitis herpes;MERS-CoV test;MERS-CoV test negative;MERS-CoV test
positive;Mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis;Mesenteric artery embolism;Mesenteric
artery thrombosis;Mesenteric vein thrombosis;Metapneumovirus infection;Metastatic
cutaneous Crohn's disease;Metastatic pulmonary
embolism;Microangiopathy;Microembolism;Microscopic polyangiitis;Middle East
respiratory syndrome;Migraine-triggered seizure;Miliary pneumonia;Miller Fisher
syndrome;Mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase increased;Mixed connective tissue
disease;Model for end stage liver disease score abnormal;Model for end stage liver disease
score increased;Molar ratio of total branched-chain amino acid to tyrosine;Molybdenum
cofactor deficiency;Monocytopenia;Mononeuritis;Mononeuropathy
multiplex;Morphoea;Morvan syndrome;Mouth swelling;Moyamoya disease;Multifocal
motor neuropathy;Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome;Multiple sclerosis;Multiple sclerosis
relapse;Multiple sclerosis relapse prophylaxis;Multiple subpial transection;Multisystem
inflammatory syndrome in children;Muscular sarcoidosis;Myasthenia gravis;Myasthenia
gravis crisis;Myasthenia gravis neonatal;Myasthenic syndrome;Myelitis;Myelitis
transverse;Myocardial infarction;Myocarditis;Myocarditis post infection;Myoclonic
epilepsy;Myoclonic epilepsy and ragged-red fibres;Myokymia;Myositis;Narcolepsy;Nasal
herpes;Nasal obstruction;Necrotising herpetic retinopathy;Neonatal Crohn's disease;Neonatal
epileptic seizure;Neonatal lupus erythematosus;Neonatal mucocutaneous herpes
simplex;Neonatal pneumonia;Neonatal seizure;Nephritis;Nephrogenic systemic
fibrosis;Neuralgic amyotrophy;Neuritis;Neuritis cranial;Neuromyelitis optica pseudo
relapse;Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder;Neuromyotonia;Neuronal
neuropathy;Neuropathy peripheral;Neuropathy, ataxia, retinitis pigmentosa
syndrome;Neuropsychiatric lupus;Neurosarcoidosis;Neutropenia;Neutropenia
neonatal;Neutropenic colitis;Neutropenic infection;Neutropenic sepsis;Nodular rash;Nodular
vasculitis;Noninfectious myelitis;Noninfective encephalitis;Noninfective
encephalomyelitis;Noninfective oophoritis;Obstetrical pulmonary embolism;Occupational
exposure to communicable disease;Occupational exposure to SARS-CoV-2;Ocular
hyperaemia;Ocular myasthenia;Ocular pemphigoid;Ocular sarcoidosis;Ocular
vasculitis;Oculofacial paralysis;Oedema;Oedema blister;Oedema due to hepatic
disease;Oedema mouth;Oesophageal achalasia;Ophthalmic artery thrombosis;Ophthalmic
herpes simplex;Ophthalmic herpes zoster;Ophthalmic vein thrombosis;Optic neuritis;Optic
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neuropathy;Optic perineuritis;Oral herpes;Oral lichen planus;Oropharyngeal
oedema;Oropharyngeal spasm;Oropharyngeal swelling;Osmotic demyelination
syndrome;Ovarian vein thrombosis;Overlap syndrome;Paediatric autoimmune
neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infection;Paget-Schroetter
syndrome;Palindromic rheumatism;Palisaded neutrophilic granulomatous
dermatitis;Palmoplantar keratoderma;Palpable
purpura;Pancreatitis;Panencephalitis;Papillophlebitis;Paracancerous pneumonia;Paradoxical
embolism;Parainfluenzae viral laryngotracheobronchitis;Paraneoplastic
dermatomyositis;Paraneoplastic pemphigus;Paraneoplastic thrombosis;Paresis cranial
nerve;Parietal cell antibody positive;Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria;Partial
seizures;Partial seizures with secondary generalisation;Patient isolation;Pelvic venous
thrombosis;Pemphigoid;Pemphigus;Penile vein thrombosis;Pericarditis;Pericarditis
lupus;Perihepatic discomfort;Periorbital oedema;Periorbital swelling;Peripheral artery
thrombosis;Peripheral embolism;Peripheral ischaemia;Peripheral vein thrombus
extension;Periportal oedema;Peritoneal fluid protein abnormal;Peritoneal fluid protein
decreased;Peritoneal fluid protein increased;Peritonitis lupus;Pernicious anaemia;Petit mal
epilepsy;Pharyngeal oedema;Pharyngeal swelling;Pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis
acuta;Placenta praevia;Pleuroparenchymal fibroelastosis;Pneumobilia;Pneumonia;Pneumonia
adenoviral;Pneumonia cytomegaloviral;Pneumonia herpes viral;Pneumonia
influenzal;Pneumonia measles;Pneumonia mycoplasmal;Pneumonia necrotising;Pneumonia
parainfluenzae viral;Pneumonia respiratory syncytial viral;Pneumonia viral;POEMS
syndrome;Polyarteritis nodosa;Polyarthritis;Polychondritis;Polyglandular autoimmune
syndrome type I;Polyglandular autoimmune syndrome type II;Polyglandular autoimmune
syndrome type III;Polyglandular disorder;Polymicrogyria;Polymyalgia
rheumatica;Polymyositis;Polyneuropathy;Polyneuropathy idiopathic progressive;Portal
pyaemia;Portal vein embolism;Portal vein flow decreased;Portal vein pressure
increased;Portal vein thrombosis;Portosplenomesenteric venous thrombosis;Post procedural
hypotension;Post procedural pneumonia;Post procedural pulmonary embolism;Post stroke
epilepsy;Post stroke seizure;Post thrombotic retinopathy;Post thrombotic syndrome;Post viral
fatigue syndrome;Postictal headache;Postictal paralysis;Postictal psychosis;Postictal
state;Postoperative respiratory distress;Postoperative respiratory failure;Postoperative
thrombosis;Postpartum thrombosis;Postpartum venous thrombosis;Postpericardiotomy
syndrome;Post-traumatic epilepsy;Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome;Precerebral
artery thrombosis;Pre-eclampsia;Preictal state;Premature labour;Premature
menopause;Primary amyloidosis;Primary biliary cholangitis;Primary progressive multiple
sclerosis;Procedural shock;Proctitis herpes;Proctitis ulcerative;Product availability
issue;Product distribution issue;Product supply issue;Progressive facial
hemiatrophy;Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy;Progressive multiple
sclerosis;Progressive relapsing multiple sclerosis;Prosthetic cardiac valve
thrombosis;Pruritus;Pruritus allergic;Pseudovasculitis;Psoriasis;Psoriatic
arthropathy;Pulmonary amyloidosis;Pulmonary artery thrombosis;Pulmonary
embolism;Pulmonary fibrosis;Pulmonary haemorrhage;Pulmonary microemboli;Pulmonary
oil microembolism;Pulmonary renal syndrome;Pulmonary sarcoidosis;Pulmonary
sepsis;Pulmonary thrombosis;Pulmonary tumour thrombotic microangiopathy;Pulmonary
vasculitis;Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease;Pulmonary venous thrombosis;Pyoderma
gangrenosum;Pyostomatitis vegetans;Pyrexia;Quarantine;Radiation leukopenia;Radiculitis
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brachial;Radiologically isolated syndrome;Rash;Rash erythematous;Rash pruritic;Rasmussen
encephalitis;Raynaud's phenomenon;Reactive capillary endothelial proliferation;Relapsing
multiple sclerosis;Relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis;Renal amyloidosis;Renal
arteritis;Renal artery thrombosis;Renal embolism;Renal failure;Renal vascular
thrombosis;Renal vasculitis;Renal vein embolism;Renal vein thrombosis;Respiratory
arrest;Respiratory disorder;Respiratory distress;Respiratory failure;Respiratory
paralysis;Respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis;Respiratory syncytial virus
bronchitis;Retinal artery embolism;Retinal artery occlusion;Retinal artery thrombosis;Retinal
vascular thrombosis;Retinal vasculitis;Retinal vein occlusion;Retinal vein thrombosis;Retinol
binding protein decreased;Retinopathy;Retrograde portal vein flow;Retroperitoneal
fibrosis;Reversible airways obstruction;Reynold's syndrome;Rheumatic brain
disease;Rheumatic disorder;Rheumatoid arthritis;Rheumatoid factor increased;Rheumatoid
factor positive;Rheumatoid factor quantitative increased;Rheumatoid lung;Rheumatoid
neutrophilic dermatosis;Rheumatoid nodule;Rheumatoid nodule removal;Rheumatoid
scleritis;Rheumatoid vasculitis;Saccadic eye movement;SAPHO
syndrome;Sarcoidosis;SARS-CoV-1 test;SARS-CoV-1 test negative;SARS-CoV-1 test
positive;SARS-CoV-2 antibody test;SARS-CoV-2 antibody test negative;SARS-CoV-2
antibody test positive;SARS-CoV-2 carrier;SARS-CoV-2 sepsis;SARS-CoV-2 test;SARSCoV-2 test false negative;SARS-CoV-2 test false positive;SARS-CoV-2 test negative;SARSCoV-2 test positive;SARS-CoV-2 viraemia;Satoyoshi
syndrome;Schizencephaly;Scleritis;Sclerodactylia;Scleroderma;Scleroderma associated
digital ulcer;Scleroderma renal crisis;Scleroderma-like reaction;Secondary
amyloidosis;Secondary cerebellar degeneration;Secondary progressive multiple
sclerosis;Segmented hyalinising vasculitis;Seizure;Seizure anoxic;Seizure cluster;Seizure
like phenomena;Seizure prophylaxis;Sensation of foreign body;Septic embolus;Septic
pulmonary embolism;Severe acute respiratory syndrome;Severe myoclonic epilepsy of
infancy;Shock;Shock symptom;Shrinking lung syndrome;Shunt thrombosis;Silent
thyroiditis;Simple partial seizures;Sjogren's syndrome;Skin swelling;SLE arthritis;Smooth
muscle antibody positive;Sneezing;Spinal artery embolism;Spinal artery thrombosis;Splenic
artery thrombosis;Splenic embolism;Splenic thrombosis;Splenic vein
thrombosis;Spondylitis;Spondyloarthropathy;Spontaneous heparin-induced
thrombocytopenia syndrome;Status epilepticus;Stevens-Johnson syndrome;Stiff leg
syndrome;Stiff person syndrome;Stillbirth;Still's disease;Stoma site thrombosis;Stoma site
vasculitis;Stress cardiomyopathy;Stridor;Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus;Subacute
endocarditis;Subacute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy;Subclavian artery
embolism;Subclavian artery thrombosis;Subclavian vein thrombosis;Sudden unexplained
death in epilepsy;Superior sagittal sinus thrombosis;Susac's syndrome;Suspected COVID19;Swelling;Swelling face;Swelling of eyelid;Swollen tongue;Sympathetic
ophthalmia;Systemic lupus erythematosus;Systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity
index abnormal;Systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity index decreased;Systemic
lupus erythematosus disease activity index increased;Systemic lupus erythematosus
rash;Systemic scleroderma;Systemic sclerosis
pulmonary;Tachycardia;Tachypnoea;Takayasu's arteritis;Temporal lobe epilepsy;Terminal
ileitis;Testicular autoimmunity;Throat tightness;Thromboangiitis
purpura;Thrombophlebitis;Thrombophlebitis migrans;Thrombophlebitis
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neonatal;Thrombophlebitis septic;Thrombophlebitis superficial;Thromboplastin antibody
positive;Thrombosis;Thrombosis corpora cavernosa;Thrombosis in device;Thrombosis
mesenteric vessel;Thrombotic cerebral infarction;Thrombotic microangiopathy;Thrombotic
stroke;Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura;Thyroid disorder;Thyroid stimulating
immunoglobulin increased;Thyroiditis;Tongue amyloidosis;Tongue biting;Tongue
oedema;Tonic clonic movements;Tonic convulsion;Tonic posturing;Topectomy;Total bile
acids increased;Toxic epidermal necrolysis;Toxic leukoencephalopathy;Toxic oil
syndrome;Tracheal obstruction;Tracheal oedema;Tracheobronchitis;Tracheobronchitis
mycoplasmal;Tracheobronchitis viral;Transaminases abnormal;Transaminases
increased;Transfusion-related alloimmune neutropenia;Transient epileptic
amnesia;Transverse sinus thrombosis;Trigeminal nerve paresis;Trigeminal
neuralgia;Trigeminal palsy;Truncus coeliacus thrombosis;Tuberous sclerosis
complex;Tubulointerstitial nephritis and uveitis syndrome;Tumefactive multiple
sclerosis;Tumour embolism;Tumour thrombosis;Type 1 diabetes mellitus;Type I
hypersensitivity;Type III immune complex mediated reaction;Uhthoff's
phenomenon;Ulcerative keratitis;Ultrasound liver abnormal;Umbilical cord
thrombosis;Uncinate fits;Undifferentiated connective tissue disease;Upper airway
obstruction;Urine bilirubin increased;Urobilinogen urine decreased;Urobilinogen urine
increased;Urticaria;Urticaria papular;Urticarial vasculitis;Uterine
rupture;Uveitis;Vaccination site thrombosis;Vaccination site vasculitis;Vagus nerve
paralysis;Varicella;Varicella keratitis;Varicella post vaccine;Varicella zoster
gastritis;Varicella zoster oesophagitis;Varicella zoster pneumonia;Varicella zoster
sepsis;Varicella zoster virus infection;Vasa praevia;Vascular graft thrombosis;Vascular
pseudoaneurysm thrombosis;Vascular purpura;Vascular stent thrombosis;Vasculitic
rash;Vasculitic ulcer;Vasculitis;Vasculitis gastrointestinal;Vasculitis necrotising;Vena cava
embolism;Vena cava thrombosis;Venous intravasation;Venous recanalisation;Venous
thrombosis;Venous thrombosis in pregnancy;Venous thrombosis limb;Venous thrombosis
neonatal;Vertebral artery thrombosis;Vessel puncture site thrombosis;Visceral venous
thrombosis;VIth nerve paralysis;VIth nerve paresis;Vitiligo;Vocal cord paralysis;Vocal cord
paresis;Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease;Warm type haemolytic anaemia;Wheezing;White
nipple sign;XIth nerve paralysis;X-ray hepatobiliary abnormal;Young's syndrome;Zika virus
associated Guillain Barre syndrome.
Spinners – A Special Thanks to the “Safe & Effective” Covid-19 Jabs
Waking the World up
Right after the jab rollout people around the world were uploading videos of people all of a sudden freezing, pausing and gradually begin turning, looking up, raising one arm and spinning until they collapse and then they stretch out, just as a mouse dies after a snake venom bite.
What kind of experiment is this?
Was there a payload of “venom-like” neurotoxins encapsulated in the nanolipids that are time capsuled?
Does 5-G have anything to do with this?
Does graphene oxide have anything to do with this?
What other contents are in them?
This phenomenon certainly appears to be vaccine induced.
This is something that has seemed to slow down since many are not taking the jabs at the moment but it is something that needs to be explained.
Who gave these so called elite globalists permission to experiment on humanity? You can call it a “clinical trial” but it’s nothing to do with the true health and well being of humanity because they want most of us gone.
This is like a cat toying with a mouse prior to killing it.
Source: Wake.The.Fuck.Up --
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Thank You!!
END. 6/23/2024 – 9:00 PM
הראיון המצונזר שגוגל פייסבוק ויוטיוב לא רוצים שתראו של דר ראשיד בוטאר זל שנמחק שוב ושוב מהרשת שודר לראשונה ב-2020 ונכון גם להיום

New World Order Israel סדר עולמי חדש
הראיון המצונזר שגוגל פייסבוק ויוטיוב לא רוצים שתראו של דר ראשיד בוטאר זל שנמחק שוב ושוב מהרשת שודר לראשונה ב-2020 ונכון גם להיום
הראיון שגוגל, פייסבוק ויוטיוב לא רוצים שתראו ⚠️ חובת צפייה ושיתוף לכולם ⚠️ הראיון המצונזר של ד ר ראשיד בוטאר, טופ 50 הרופאים הטובים בכל ארה ב במשך 20 שנים ברציפות! עם כל האמת מאחורי מגפת הקורונה , ארגון הבריאות העולמי, ביל גייטס ואנטוני פאוצ'י שמשתקים ומשתיקים בתי חולים וצוותים רפואיים בכל העולם. קורונה היא לא מגפה ובוודאי לא ויראלית. בדיקות RT-PCR לא מתאימה לאבחון חולים. מנפחים את הסטטיסטיקות בתעודות פטירה הורגים מטופלים במכוון עם הנשמות צנרור פולשניות! מתעלמים לחלוטין מזיהומים וקרינת 5G! דוחפים באגרסיביות לחיסוני חובה ושבבים! יוצרים פאניקה בעולם דרך המדיה המרכזית. המצב מפחיד כרגע לא בגלל שיש קורונה (קיימת שנים), אלא בגלל שאנשים מאמינים שיש מגפה חסרת תקדים , וברגע שהקרינה מה-5G ב גל השלישי ו הגל הרביעי תגרום לסימפטומים חמורים של מצוקות נשימתיות וחולשה כללית, האנשים יחשבו שבאמת הייתה מגפה כל הזמן הזה, ושצריך חיסונים לא מוכחים שיעקרו,ידללו ויחסלו את האוכלוסייה. כל דוקטור מומחה ברפואה דחופה יגיד שברפואה דחופה וטראומה ישנן הרבה התדרדרויות של הגוף ומערכות הנשימה למצבים אקוטיים .. ישירות בגלל הצנרור הפולשני! תראו מה קורה במחלקות הרצח בבית חולים וולפסון! קרינת 5G בגלים מילימטריים ובקצב של 60-300 ג'יגה הרץ גורמת לפציעות היפוקסיות,לשיבושים חמורים בתעלות הסידן כוויות,גידולים נדירים,חולשה כללית,חוסר יכולת לספוג חמצן ומצוקות נשימתיות שאלה הם סימפטומים ברורים של COVID-19. נוצר חוסר יכולת לספוג חמצן והאנשים יחשבו שמדובר בחולי קורונה! מה שיגרום לבהלת חיסונים ניסיוניים ואשפוזים בשיטות ההנשמה הפולשניות, שידללו ויהרגו בהרבה יותר מאשר המגפה עצמה. לגבי בדיקות הקורונה ו החולים - מפתח ערכת הבדיקה (RT-PCR) וזוכה פרס הנובל בשם קארי מוליס מזהיר עוד משנות ה - 80 שאין להשתמש בערכה על מנת לאבחן חולים, היא תאבחן כל מי שחוסן או חלה ב -10 שנים האחרונות כחולה חיובי ! הבדיקות הן פשוט לא נכונות, משרד הבריאות קורא לאנשים בריאים חולים ! מעל ל-95% מ החולים הם בריאים לחלוטין,מאושפזי מחלקות קורונה (שכמעט ריקות) סובלים מסיבוכי מחלות רקע או לכל היותר שפעת עונתית רגילה - אין שום סימוכין לנתונים והדיווחים המבהילים והלא נכונים - בגלל שאבחון בעזרת RT-PCR הוא פשוט לא נכון ! יצרו מגפה , כפו סגרים ובידודים, הקריסו את הכלכלה,הוסיפו והגדילו קנסות, עדכנו נוהל ניסויים בבני אדם, באותו הזמן פרסו ערים חכמות ו5G,אישרו והפעילו איכוני שב כ, הזמינו מיליוני מזרקי RFID, ביצעו שטיפות מוח תקשורתיות בעזרת אימה ופחד, מצנזרים באופן שיטתי מומחים הנמצאים בשטח בצורה בריונית .. כל זה על מנת להפוך לדיקטטורה שטנית. אבל רגע.. אנחנו חיים במדינת היהודים , אנחנו חיים בזמנים נאורים , לא יכולה להיות שוב זוועה כזאת , ו מי יתן לזה יד . 1. זה קורה בכל העולם ולא רק בישראל. 2.להזכיר לכם כמה דברים נאורים נעשו מאז הקמת המדינה ריססו והרעילו את העדה המרוקאית חטפו ומכרו את העדה התמנית דיללו והתעללו בעדה האתיופית (ביתא ישראל) קודם כל תבינו איפה אתם חיים .. את המדינה הזאת הקימו ציונים , ו ציוני , זאת הגדרה של אדם עם זיקה להתיישבות בארץ ישראל, ולרוב למקימי התנועה הציונית אין ולא קיימת שום זיקה לתורת עם ישראל - ראו ערך רעיון ההתבוללות באמצעות התנצרות, 1893–1894 של בנימין זאב הרצל קבוצות עם אידאולוגיות ומעשים קיצונים עדיין חיות ובועטות בעולם.
COVID-19 mRNA Clinical Trials – The Truth Behind the Trials
Waking the World up
Never before has the worldwide media pushed for a vaccine that didn’t go through clinical trials and had never been approved before in humans because of SAFETY Concerns.
Through a bunch of political b.s. with “Emergency Declarations”, through some Executive Orders allowing mRNA as a “novel vaccine” and through what Donald Trump called “Pushing the FDA like they have never been pushed before” the FDA granted Pfizer Emergency Authorization Use for their mRNA injections on December 18, 2020, just nine days after the European Medical Association granted approval for mRNA jabs.
Then the “CARES ACT” and the “PREP ACT” were devilish disguised acts communicated to the people as helpful acts but were really acts to fill their own back packets, rob the taxpayers and especially to ADD Protection to ALL parties involved in the production and distribution of the experimental, gene modifying mRNA Vaccines.
They were literally steps taken to BYPASS the Nuremberg Codes and administer unproven, experimental “vaccines” to the masses.
But once again, what we saw at face value seemed to be rational and make sense. There is ZERO way ANY politician knows what are in these acts, they are filled with so much garbage and they had to be on ice for a long time.
You don’t think Trump had his masters yelling in his ear “we have to get this approved in your country, do whatever it take?”
To sign all those EO’s and Acts?
Do you really believe all the “Leaders” of the world who had video of them taking an EXPERIMENTAL JAB were really allowing mRNA to be injected into their bodies?
It was a monkey see, monkey do strategy and the people of the world thought – “well if all the leaders of the world are doing this, I better do it and get our family scheduled to have it.” It was a TRICK.
Yes, very difficult to believe but the evidence for two decades prior all indicates the world was preparing for this very moment and had had multiple simulations all around the world so that when they ran with this that all the leaders of the countries were aware of it and had already prepared for the propaganda campaign that was to be accomplished in lockstep by every country.
Wasn’t just magical how famous celebrities were pushing the jabs?
Everybody get in line and roll those sleeves up – you bleeping sheep.
Do you not believe that was part of the plan?
Arnold Schwarzenegger – “I just got my vaccine, come with me if you want to live.”
There is no way he actually took the vaccine. They allowed him to run California, you really believe he wasn’t aware what was coming down the pipeline?
It’s just unbelievable that people have been so incredibly dumbed down to how clinical trials work and how this was a FAILED drug previously because of the severe side effects, that is why there had never been mRNA, it’s not like it was truly brand new.
Why are there never any RETROSPECTIVE studies comparing the Vaccinated with the Unvaccinated? Because it would prove without a shadow of a doubt that the jabs don’t work. Not one f*cking one of them and take a look at all the jabs the CDC is pushing on our children in 2024. It’s so sad that the masses are just ignorant to the fact that this has absolutely nothing to do with health.
The Covid mRNA Vaccine Trials were considered EVENT DRIVEN Trials. An Even Driven Trial means the that Primary Analysis happens when you get enough events. Events is defined as “Confirmed cases of the Covid-19 Infection.”
To see if the Vaccine worked, the researchers compared the the number of the infections of people receiving the vaccine to the number of persons receiving the placebo.
You would think that they would study thousands or even tens of thousands of people, right?
How many people did they study? 170 People.
Yes, 170 people determined the safety and efficacy of these mRNA vaccines. The data from 170 people was used for “Emergency Authorization” to get over a Hundred Million People jabbed.
Why weren’t there any true Double Blind Studies? This is crazy. Absolutely f*cking crazy. Here is what the sly, devious, convoluting snakes at Pfizer did – they said they had an “Ethical Obligation” to Unblind trial guinea pigs (volunteers) so they can receive the vaccine.
If this isn’t saying “we don’t want to know the truth” slap me silly.
This means you can’t compare the unvaccinated with the vaccinated in the future. They definitely don’t want that truth coming to light or their vaccine business (lies) would be EXPOSED.
They did all this when the preliminary data was not sufficient to prove any kind of efficacy.
This was criminal, but how would the public know this? Most doctors don’t even know how to discover this information and they sure the hell aren’t going to volunteer it to them as that might make them ask questions.
When you unblind a study – the study is useless from that point forward. These patients should have been blinded for a minimum of two years, and to get the best results for 5 to 10 years.
Are there any SAFETY Studies going on today about the Experimental Jabs that were administered like free pancakes?
NO. Absolutely Not. Just this should tell anyone with an average IQ that they don’t want to know the truth or more like, they don’t want YOU to know the truth.
It also takes an AVERAGE of 8 years MINIMUM to determine Safety and Efficacy, how could they say the vaccine was safe and effective to administer to Hundreds of Millions of people in the USA this fast?
It’s called Operation Warp Speed, an operation that Donald Trump bragged about and was so proud to getting the vaccines approved.
Here is just one of his many quotes: “I guess in a certain way, I’m the FATHER of the Vaccine because I was the one that pushed it. To get it done in less than nine months was a miracle. Fauci said it would take 3 to 5 years. I pushed the FDA like they have never been pushed before. It’s a great vaccine, it’s a safe vaccine, it’s something that works” —
Donald J Trump, April 29th 2021
That shows how dumb this man is or how evil he is. Either choice is not a characteristic that leaders should possess.
He was definitely dumb having Fauci as his man. If you really dig into Fauci’s history he was the one who started the AIDS pandemic in select cities via VACCINES targeting GAYS who were taking Hepatitis shots.
Do you really think Trump didn’t know this? He HAD to of known this. Fauci should have been in prison multiple decades ago.
But yet he stood their confidently knowing that he was at NO Risk as everyone had his back.
Also regarding the Clinical Trials, the people who were becoming disabled from the jabs were not even being recorded as having “Severe Adverse Side Effects.”
Young Maddie de Garary was paralyzed in the Pfizer Clinical trial and it wasn't even recorded as a Vaccine Injury, but as a "Stomach Ache."
That’s how they define 95% Efficacy and determine the Vaccine being SAFE? For someone to be paralyzed for life should at the very least be recording as a severe side effect.
There were others like Shaun Mulldoon, Julian Schofield and Kayla Pollock.
Why did Pfizer want people to sign NDA’s that they cannot speak about the clinical trials?
Why did Pfizer petition the Courts to CONCEAL the Clinical Trial Data for 75 years?
If the vaccine was safe and effective wouldn’t they want the masses to see this data?
None of the trials detected a reduction in hospital admissions.
They made the hospitals a place to go to be killed with their deadly protocols of Remdesivir which destroys the kidneys and to drug the hell out of patients to be placed on Ventilators which 90% of the patients died who went through these protocols. Then they could have their Covid Deaths that they could compute data and run it across the television screens to cause FEAR so people would run and get their jabs and get BOOSTED.
Why would hospitals do this?
For the MONEY.
If the Government is offering them incredible amounts of money and saying that the Science backs the Covid Protocols – then the hospitals know that no matter what happens, even if most patients die, they are NOT going to be liable, they were following Covid “Protocols” which were backed by “SCIENCE.”
So, what were those Covid Protocols?
For the hospitals to really collect the BIG $$$ they had to do EXACTLY what the Protocol said.
Covid Protocols:
1. Everyone who comes to the Hospital they must get a Covid PCR Test. (Which is 100% controllable and doesn’t diagnose sh*t.) *See Link below on PCR.
2. If the Test is Positive – the hospital gets paid a Bonus.
3. If you are Admitted into the Hospital that money meter starts spinning.
4. If the patient is prescribed Remdesivir – the hospital gets a 20% BONUS on the ENTIRE bill.
5. The Ventilator – yes, once a patient can’t speak – the hospital obviously can’t listen to their wishes. And since their loved ones were not allowed in the hospitals, they have NO Voice, no advocate, just a careless healthcare system that was being incentivized to follow a deadly protocol.
There were huge bonuses if they used Remdesivir and if they Ventilated their patients. Both of these are extremely dangerous and often fatal. But the hospitals didn’t care, they knew they couldn’t be sued because they were following protocol and if they followed this “protocol” they would receive big time money from the US government.
Remdesivir destroys the kidneys. It has the nickname “RUN DEATH IS NEAR.”
It became obvious very quickly that this was killing the patients.
Remdesivir was “tested” in an Ebola trial and it was so toxic, so deadly, they had to stop the study.
Remdesivir was tried in other illnesses and FAILED EVERY SINGLE TIME.
Gilead, the maker of Remdesivir put it on the Shelf, just waiting for a “Rainy Day.” So, along comes Covid-19 and along comes Dr. Evil himself – Anthony Fauci.
Fauci said this is the drug that I want to put in the Covid Protocol and the government will give a bonus of 20% on the ENTIRE patients bill. That is a LOT of free money for following a killing protocol.
Fauci knew 100% that this was a Failed Drug that caused Kidney and Liver disease. 100%.
Fauci got this drug approved for Emergency Authorized Use for Covid.
How Donald Trump allowed this guy to do what he did is crazy. Trump should be held responsible for his idiotic negligence or worse yet intentional. But he knew what was going on.
Back to the Clinical Trials – they had NO support whether the jabs could prevent one from getting Covid or prevent one from transmitting covid, later after people finally began questioning, they said “well it might make Covid less miserable”, of course there wasn’t any evidence of this either.
Why is the CDC pushing to have the Covid mRNA Vaccine to be on the Children’s Vaccination Schedule in 2024? Children have a 99.999% chance of surviving Covid and developing NATURAL Antibodies.
This mRNA vaccine should still be in the SAFETY study phase with tens of thousands of children. And the CDC is pushing it on the World?
Sounds like they have some alternative objectives.
Look, this is not about health.
Children get damaged for LIFE when they go to their “WELLNESS” checkups and get jabbed. All the jabs have toxins and pathogens in them that SLOWLY Accumulate and the pathogens, specifically Viruses (which they say are attenuated, BULLSH*T) once they enter the body via injection immediately begin looking for a home and that home is the LIVER and SPLEEN to begin with and then the incubation period starts. How long is all determined on what strain of virus has been injected.
Bottom line, the aluminum and mercury and the other sh*t they put in the vaccines act as both poisons to the body and are food for the viruses.
It is our “Healthcare” that is causing illnesses.
Cases of Autism has gone from 1 in 10,000 in the 1980’s to 1 in 30.
When the contents – Aluminum and Mercury get to the Midbrain of a child, those metals Alloy with each other and they short circuit neuropathways in the brain. Once the midbrain closes around the age of 18 the children have very little chance of every recovering.
It is a f*cking crime and people are asleep. Doctors are clueless little robots as they are fed “science” from the these 3 letter organizations which are nothing but Organized Terrorists providing FEAR – Fake Evidence and making it Appear Real.
Most doctors are on Auto-Pilot and don’t do their own research because they don’t have “TIME.” Which is a B.S. excuse as their priorities are just f*cked up. You make the time!
The top Companies that make America’s Mandated Vaccines: Merck, GlaxoSmithKline and Pfizer are all convicted Serial FELONS. They are Criminal Enterprises. Just in the last 12 years they have paid $35 BILLION in penalties according to Robert F Kennedy Jr. Crimes that include: defrauding regulators, falsifying science, for lying to medical doctors and for flat our injuring and killings hundreds of thousands of Americans for products they KNEW were LETHAL.
Would you trust a felon to sell you your prescription medications?
Do you even know that if you are receiving a vaccine, that it came from a criminal enterprise who was convicted of falsifying science?
Why contribute to a criminal enterprise?
Why trust them when they care nothing about people but about making money for the corporation?
Do you know they can not be held liable for selling you a vaccine that either injuries you or kills you?
This law was placed in effect in the 80’s (1986) when they went to the Reagan Admin saying they can’t make safe vaccines and they need liability protection.
Are people even aware of this?
They should be.
How were Covid Cases Diagnosed?
With a PCR Test.
Can a PCR Test really diagnose Covid?
All of this could not have been accomplished if there was another treatment for Covid. So they had to do everything in their power to say that Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, (which you can buy below without a prescription) was not effective.
They went on a propaganda campaign saying Ivermectin was a “Horse Dewormer” when the military has used Ivermectin for Soldiers for multiple decades. It was a lie so they could push their experimental mRNA vaccines.
This was a PLANDEMIC and not a Pandemic.
For the people who still believe that Trump is our “President” right not now or “Commander in Chief”, who was responsible for distribution the Covid Vaccines? The DoD.
If he is our Commander in Chief it might be scary because he is on record saying that he would “Bomb the Hell out of Iran.”
For the love of God, people have to wake up about this guy before he starts a war in “SUPPORT” of HIS people in Israel.
We are dealing with a POWERFUL Cabal. If they didn’t want Trump in the picture, he would be cut out of the picture. 100%.
He is in the picture right now, because they want him in the picture. All this Republican vs Democrat bickering is just for show. Both parties were infiltrated decades ago and they are one in the same acting as though they oppose each other because it helps keep the USA divided while the people take one side or the other. As soon as one side has more supporters they try to balance it out, they want it as close to 50/50 as possible.
It’s a freaking show people. We are so far from any politician saving us from this Cabal.
The US Military has been the militia Arm for the Cabal – so for people saying the “military is the only way.”
That has been a show FOREVER. The military has been the Cabal’s test lab for vaccines since the 1920’s when they administered soldiers vaccines in Kansas and quickly shipped them overseas to start a pandemic with the Spanish Flu. It was labeled the “Spanish Flu” because it “started” in Spain, but it really originated from a US Military Lab.
Whenever the Cabal wants to conquer a nation they use the US Military and say it is because they are trying to either save or create a democracy, which is a complete lie. They are really destroying a democracy and removing sovereignty from the people.
This cabal has more power than they EVER have. That’s not saying that they can’t be beat. The truth is how they will be beat, but to know the truth we have to collectively wake up and realize the matrix of lies they have created for us to believe in.
It’s all an illusion.
1. AndreCorbeil --
2. ***The PCR Test – Absolutely Worthless in Diagnosing COVID-19 – PCR Diagnosed Patient #1 in USA – FAKE! --
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END. 4/21/2024 – 6:00 PM
Christian Terhes (MEP) – EXPOSES Big Pharma – How did they have the Covid-19 Vaccine in 2016?
Waking the World up
Don’t you have to formulate a Vaccine AFTER the Virus is discovered?
Chrisitian Tehres – a Member of the European Parliament, requested Data from the EMR – European Medicine Agency when they began the testing all these mRNA Vaccines in Animals.
Moderna sent tests from 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2020. We found out about this Virus in December of 2019. The assumption is that you have a virus and then you developing a vaccine against the virus.
How is it possible for Moderna to submit studies in order to receive Authorizations for their mRNA vaccine that were done YEARS before the Covid-19 virus was ever known?
Pfizer sent data that was dated January 14, 2020 regarding when they began their study. The DNA sequence was only discovered on January 11, 2020.
How is it possible a company would develop a vaccine in three days and already be TESTING it?
When did they start Human studies? Just 2 months later. How in the world can they begin HUMAN trials in two months?
There is NO way in this world you can determine whether it is safe and the regular procedure is to go through animal studies for at the very, very, very least one year and most often three to four years before a drug goes to humans.
That’s the way it works.
I was a Biopharm investor for 15 years and it takes YEARS to get to human testing. I am just telling you for those who are not familiar with the Clinical Trial Process that this is INSANE and this is a CRIME against Humanity.
There is a reason that Pfizer was convicted in the past for fraudulent science, manipulating studies and LYING to doctors and that reason is because they are careless felons who don’t give a damn about who they hurt as long as they are making $ Billions, that’s all that matters.
Then you have the Efficacy part of the trial which always includes safety monitoring. This part takes 4 to 6 years.
When over 90% of the population is not aware of this, it is very easy to believe the lies the media told us about being Safe and Effective, BUT doctors should have known this. I am not a doctor and I KNEW with 100% Certainty that there was NO freaking way in the world that they knew if this was safe or effective and yet that’s all we saw.
Covid-19 Vaccines have been scientifically proven to be safe and effective.
MY A$$ they were.
They still haven’t been tested and the CDC wants them on the Children’ts Vaccine Schedule for 2024.
The CDC knows better. Guys this information needs to be spread because these evil f*ckers are breaking all laws, all regulations and they are going full speed ahead with their agenda, no hiding it, they are just doing it and very, very few are saying or doing anything to stop them.
If a drug or agent does not stop the spread of transmission or provide immunity that agent cannot be labeled a vaccine. Well, they said f*ck this and labeled it a vaccine and just lied about its safety and efficacy.
You want to know how FRAUDULENT these tests were?
The patients in the mRNA studies were NEVER exposed to the Covid Virus AFTER vaccination as they were Locked Down.
So the chances of them getting sick were virtually ZERO.
PLUS – they did not report severe adverse events – See Maddie de Garay story.
That’s all how they come up with their safe and effective bullsh*t.
It was ALL a LIE. Every aspect of it was a lie.
1. pedrosch81 --
2. ***Maddie de Garay Update – Pfizer Clinical Trial Covid Vaccine Victim – Full Measure
3. ***Kayla Pollock – Paralyzed from Covid Shot – Hospital Offered “Assisted Suicide” – TWICE!
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END. 4/23/2024 – 9:00 PM
…cancer cured with apricot kernels?

If you enjoyed today's video, if you feel you got something from it, there are ways to support this channel. And I thank all those that do. please buy me a coffee. Thank you.
…cancer cured with apricot kernels?
10.09 Cancer Secrets
14.08 Covid is the flu caused by radiation poisoning
15.34 hair groth
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…cancer cured with apricot kernels?
🌎 Christine Anderson: This Covid Madness Was a Test Balloon, the Globalists Just Wanted To See How Far They Could Go..

Real Truth Real News
👉 RealTruthRealNews on Rumble:
Christine Anderson: This whole COVID madness, it was really just a test balloon — a test balloon to see how far they could go and the lesson they wanted to learn from this was to find out what needed to be done to get free individuals in free and democratic societies to actually consent to being forced into compliance. The next thing we will see is the establishment of so-called 15-minute cities. I would, however, urge you not to call them 15-minute cities. They are 15 minute-ghettos," she warned. It has nothing to do with this [convenience]. Nothing whatsoever. It's about control. It's about pretty much imprisoning people in their assigned area. Take a good look at your government and do not assume for a single second just because they were 'democratically' elected, they will not inflict the worst atrocities on you. Do not believe that for one second.
👉 More Christine Anderson Videos:
👉 Christine Anderson on Twitter: @AndersonAfDMdEP
Christine Margarete Anderson is a German politician who has served as a Member of the European Parliament since 2019.
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🛑 Purchase "Clean Slate" by ROOT Brands - It Provides a Full Body Detox and Healing From Damage Caused By the Covid Vaccine Ingredients:
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🛑 Nano - Soma For DNA Repair Damaged By the Covid-19 Vaccine:
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911 - Tower 7 - Anthrax - Turbo Cancer

The Real Dr. Judy A. Mikovits
Clay Clark asked me: How did building 7 fall down?
“So Anthrax is shipped through the post office in Sterling, Va... the Chinese were playing a little psyop game of their own with an anthrax vaccine so that all of a sudden you needed a vaccine... for what? That has nothing to do with a building going down. …
I was at EpiGenX , EpiGenX with a big old X, having prevented and cured Disease X, all the way back in 2001. … And we'd already proven it when we cured vaccine AIDS, HIV AIDS all the way back then in 1983 through 1987, at Fort Detrick.
…the building went down was but one psyop of what we just thought. We had to destroy the cancer industry so that it could come back NOW! Turbo cancer took 45 years! Imagine that!”
Full interview with Clay Clark:
Dear vaccinated people, Your government gave you AIDS and is blaming “long COVID” for it.

Top Doctor Blows The Whistle, Admits Vaccinated Are Developing Full Blown AIDS
☠️ Fifth Generation Warfare and Sovereignty‼️ - Dr Robert Malone
TRANSHUMANISM - Carbon Copy-The Return - PART 1
What you need to know about the SENTIENT WORLD SIMULATION and VIRTUAL REALITY
Transhumanism - Transgenderism - Inverted and Clones
I addressed Graphene in all vaccines with Clay Clark yesterday Jan 10 2024

The Real Dr. Judy A. Mikovits
"We knew this was going to be deadly because you would attack yourself because you injected graphene. Don't inject it and you're fine! When you look at that graphene has been in every shot there is on the market, that's the 2017 Gatti paper, G-A-T-T-I. ( They showed you not only the graphene but all the contaminants. We showed it in Vaccine Court, how they were injecting this stuff under the skin. Oh in the Gardasil vaccines, in fact, it's just in every vaccine always has been. Again, I said that in 2017. We testified at great length in Vaccine Court. That's a lot of our book Plague Of Corruption.
(Full interview:
…why is Canada replacing id?

If you enjoyed today's video, if you feel you got something from it, there are ways to support this channel. And I thank all those that do. please buy me a coffee. Thank you.
…why is Canada replacing id?
08.28 River of Lies - The New Zealand Scamdemic Investigative Documentary Trailer 3. Oct 27, 2022.
16.10 The Calcium Lie - What Your Doctor Doesn't Know Could Kill
19.52 deception 1920
21.41 how you are hacked
22.59 who we are anonomose
24.50 meta sued
25.42 teacher makes a shocking mistake
28.40 energy body
33.18 israel. army terrorists
33.35 israel. bullshit
34.33 israel. humiliation
36.04 israel. mass murder
36.52 israel. muder
37.35 israel. Nazis
38.01 israel. palestine kid
38.40 israel. parliament
39.29 israel. story
45.46 israel. terror army
46.28 israel. terrorists criminals
46.51 israel. The Israeli war crime of causing starvation in Gaza has reached critical levels, with displaced children resorting to gathering food for their families using buckets. ceylon Ceylon Ceylon Ceylon ceylon ceylon mark ceylon mark ceylon ceylonx ceylonx ceylon.goodf
…why is Canada replacing id?
Protect your children!

The Real Dr. Judy A. Mikovits
Thanks to a follower who sent me those words of support:
"Our Father led me to this full interview with Pete this morning. Just finished listening. It was so very good I learned a lot! Things you’ve been telling me are finally making sense. I need to listen again & again to understand more. You did a great job speaking in terms I could understand. Pete is a good interviewer. Praying this talk will go viral.”
"God's got this he gave us an immune system. And all we have to do is use it, and our brains!!! Stop injecting anyone!!! And never should anybody be injected on the first day of life!!! I'm angry! Those parents have no idea what happened to their kids. No idea. They were lied to. It's right here in our laboratories in Stanford. They're not biosafety level two. Our kids! There was an outbreak in Dartmouth. These kids are in institutions, their lives were destroyed, in our colleges in Harvard at Columbia, these postdocs, these students, these these MDs, working in these labs in order to get in medical school, they're all sick, because now they're all there's no such thing as an asymptomatic carrier. Your infection is not your disease. It's the expression of it."
Watch the full interview with Pete Santilli:
'Infertility' "The Diabolical Agenda" FULL 'Vaccine' Documentary

'Infertility' "The Diabolical Agenda" FULL 'Vaccine' Documentary
July. 9, 2023. Infertility, Movie, Vaccines, Big Pharma, Medical Documentary, Depopulation,
Where there is a risk, there should be a choice
In this documentary film, you’ll learn:
- The chilling, harrowing story of how a World Health Organization (WHO) population control experiment, under the guise of a vaccination program, resulted in the sterilization of millions of women in Africa without their knowledge or consent.
- How the ability to carry a pregnancy to term has been tragically stripped away from these women as their government attempts to cover up the evidence.
- About a brave, Kenyan doctor — Dr. Stephen Karanja — who warned the world that once they’re done with Africa, they’re coming for the children and everyone else.
- Perspectives from leading experts expressing their concerns regarding other vaccines that could cause infertility in women around the world, including the COVID shot.
Jul. 9, 2023 Pharmakia, News,
#Vaccine #Vaccine Injuries #Genotoxicity #Infertility #mRNA #Gene Therapy #Informed Consent #Adverse Effects #Excess Mortality #Mandates #Bioweapon #Shedding #Depopulation #VAERS #SIDS #SADS #VAIDS #Spike Protein #Pfizer #Moderna #AstraZeneca #Eugenics #Lab Leak #5G #Hydroxychloroquine #Remdesivir #Paxlovid #Flu Shot #Natural Immunity #Eugenics #Cancer #NanoTech #Nanowires #Morgellons #Transhuman #Transhumanism #Gain of Function #Immune System #Blood Clots #Myocarditis #Lockdowns #Luciferase #CDC #FDA #WHO #CCP #World Health Organization #WHO Pandemic Treaty #World Economic Forum #Depopulation #New World Order #Pandemic #Bill Gates #Klaus Schwab #Eugenics #Monkeypox #Biopharmaceutical #Mass Psychosis Formation #Totalitarianism #Cognitive Dissonance #Nuremberg #Vaccine Passports #Excess Deaths
July. 09, 2023.
the CDC,NIH,,& the FDA are continually rejecting any facts that any World Class Medical experts present to us. So shut up peasants, & get your periodical boosters.
Covid vaccines, viruses, mrna and spike protein discussion MAY now be obsolete.
HIGH level med-scientists/doctors (incl Dr Wagh Phdx2 - virology and immunology, Dr Yeadon, Dr Merritt, Dr Cahill & ors) state, that there are no respiratory viruses - viruses are non existent - cf Dr’s Sam & Mark Bailey & ors) . And all toxshots are chemical weapons - no virus, no mrna and no spike protein. Bogus PCR & face diapers do nothing but cause harm. ONE: Med-scientists have found a "unique type of protein" in synthetic venom (snake/other). See Italian study: "Toxin-like peptides in plasma, urine and fecal samples from Covid-19 patients". Synthetic venom is easily dispersed in water, air, food & toxshots/boosters. TWO: Med-scientists have found much toxic heavy metals including reduced graphene oxide in every toxshot/booster no matter what brand (2300+ tested- 20+ scientists in universities/labs world wide), and along with nano hydrogel particles = systemic inflammation, organ and neurological damage- blood clotting etc. THUS: synthetic venom + toxshots graphene oxide + heavy metal toxicity (+ 5G) = emergent chronic illnesses - “long covid”, fatigue, infertility, miscarriages, cancers, diabetes, heart damage – myocarditis etc, blood clotting, string clotting, HIV, autoimmune & prion disease, neurological problems, shingles, super flu, chickenpox, monkey pox etc., immune system failure, death - sudden in adults and children. Unvaccinated get similar sicknesses by transmitting of graphene oxide through breath and skin - cf the blood of unvaxxed children living with vaxxed parents have graphene oxide assembling the in their blood (Dr Hoffe and ors). TO DETOX- immune system supplements - FLCCC, Dr Ardis, Dr Zelenko, Dr Love, Dr Merritt and ors– (cf Ivermectin - Hydroxychloroquine - Chlorine Dioxide for water).
Dr Horowitz is in the know as well on how to treat and prevent Covid based on the science : his protocols listed here and his severe Covid protocol is also great as a detox method:
Study on Glutathione and how it protects from Covid-19 - proven in 2020 and even back in 1970 on pneumonia prevention:
The FDA tried to ban glutathione from medical use
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The COVID-19 vaccines have done nothing compared to REMDESIVIR. And the trial data from Remdesivir’s Ebola trials was publicly available, where it killed 50% of the trial participants. The FDA knew this, and issued Remdesivir an EUA at the request of Dr. Fauci anyway. Doctors had access to this information and prescribed it anyway. It’s likely that at least 50% of the people that died from “Covid” were actually murdered by Remdesivir. They weren’t dealing with an experimental drug with unknown properties on a volunteer basis…. They FORCED people to take it against their will, against the demands of their families, kidnapping and murdering them.
07/09/2023, 7/9/23, 07/09/2023, 7/9/2023,
Infertility, Movie, Vaccines, Big Pharma, Medical Documentary, Depopulation, Bill Gates Africa, Gates Vaccine Program, covid, covid-19, censorship, doctors, medical, canada, usa, ontario, vaccine, vaccines, covid vaccine, lockdown, lockdowns, plandemic, pandemic, covid vaccines, pfizer, moderna, AZ, JJ, Cov2 id secrets, Covid secrets, mandate, mandates, vaccine mandates, vaccine mandate, mask, masks, tyranny, covid19, Nuremberg code, FDA, CDC, bioweapon, biolabs, big pharma, paralyzed, vaxx injury, adverse events, reactions, neurotoxins, aluminum, formaldehyde, aborted fetal tissue, animal by-products, heavy metals, US, USA, America, mandatory; jab, jabs, injection, injections, toxic, toxins, aids, gulf war syndrome, Gary Null, made in the usa, pesticides, immune system, immune; systems, autistic children, CDC, FDA, shots, Macrophagic, myofasciitis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, GBS, Macrophagic Myofasciitis, Encephalitis; paralysis, neuropathies, Infertility, Diabolical Agenda, Infertile, Africa, African women, African; Kenya, Dr, Medical Advice, Virology, 'Pharmaceuticals', 'Pfizer' Inc, Dr, Coronavirus, Medical Documentary, VACCINES, MEDICAL ADVICE, THE VACCINATED, THE UNVACCINATED, Dr. 'Judy Mikovitz', Covid-19, Vaccine Injuries, Genotoxicity, Infertility, mRNA 'Gene Therapy, Covid, Covid-19, Vaccine, Vaccine Injuries, Genotoxicity, Infertility, mRNA, Gene Therapy, #Informed Consent, Adverse Effects Excess Mortality, Mandates, COVID Bioweapon, Shedding, Depopulation, VAERS, SIDS, SADS, VAIDS, Spike Protein, Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Eugenics, Lab Leaks, 5G, Hydroxychloroquine, Remdesivir, Paxlovid, Flu Shots, Natural Immunity, Eugenics, Cancer, NanoTech, Nanowires, Morgellons, Transhuman, Transhumanism, Gain of Function, Immune System, Blood Clots, Myocarditis, Lockdowns, Luciferase, CDC, FDA, WHO, CCP, World Health Organization l, WHO Pandemic Treaty, World Economic Forum, Depopulation, New World Order, Pandemic, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Eugenics, Monkeypox, Biopharmaceutical, Mass Psychosis Formation, Totalitarianism, Cognitive Dissonance, Nuremberg, Vaccine Passports, Excess Deaths, Virology, Vaccines, Viruses, Dr. 'Stefan Lanka', Hidden Agendas, Vaccines, Medical, Geopolitical, News, Viral, Vaccine, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21, Coronavirus Subcommittee, Pharma, Medicine, Health And Wellness, 'Big Pharma', Subcommittee On 'Coronavirus' 'Pandemic' The Constitution, Suspended, Times Of Crisis, Anti Human, Depopulation, Human Race, 'Died Suddenly', Protecting family, effects of mRNA, mrna effects, mrna vaccine shedding, ‘Final Day’s, Final Days Protocol, Corruption, big Pharma, Exposing the elite, the globalists, the new world order, the Scientific Elite, Technological Elite, and their desire to become gods. The Covid pandemic was a test run, Covid-19, Biological Warfare, The Human Race, Medical, & Geopolitical News, CV19, AndreCorbeil, Doctor David Martin, COVID19, Coronavirus, Dr David Martin, European Parliament, International COVID Summit, Covid-19', NEW, influenza vaccine, Experimental 'Influenza' Vaccine, Dr. 'John Campbell', Medical Report, 'Wuhan' Lab Leak Documents, Dr John Campbell, 'Covid-19' Lab Leak Documents, Covid-19 Documents, John Campbell, The Pfizer Documents, 'Pfizer' MRNA, Hidden Vaccine Data, Pfizer Data, 'MRNA' Vaccine Data, mRNA, Category, Science & Technology, Dr. Naomi Wolf, 'MRNA' injections, Prof. Karina Reiss, Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi, Viruses, virus, medicine, Sars/Cov2, Coronavirus, Covid, Cv19, Covid19, UN Agenda 2030, Polly Tommey, Amanda Forbes, Madera Lopez Garrity, Dr. Michael Yeadon, U.N, United Nations Agenda 2030, Scientist Michael Yeadon, Covid19, Mike Yeadon, Medical Interview, Covid interviews, Dr Interview, Covid19 Peer Review Articles, Peer Review COVID Vaccine Injuries, Dr. 'Mike Yeadon', 'Pfizer's, 'mRNA' Vaccines Are Toxic By Design, WORLD DEPOPULATION, 2030, GLOBAL ,GENOCIDE, DEADLY MRNA VACCINATIONS, Geoengineering, Electrosmog, Chemtrailing, Contrails, Global Depopulation, Eugenics, Poisoning, Health Risk, Toxic Chemicals, U.N Documentary, Documentaries, Movie, Movies, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation, Bill Gates Vaccines, WEF 2023, Davos Meetings, Globalist Government, Technology, Medicine, Great Reset, Davos 2023, safe and effective, government tyranny, Cancer Treatments, Used By Doctors, 'Covid 19', Medical News Stories, Doctors are speaking out, cancer, Covid 19 patients, unlawful treatment, Covid 19 treatments, shut down big pharma, bank accounts frozen, video expose, unlawful tactics, the UK, FDA, food and drug Association, Dr. 'Reiner Fuellmich', Covid Criminals, Big Pharma, Global Governments, COVID-19 Documentary, Coronavirus, 2023, Documentaries, 2023 Documentary, Corona Investigative Committee, AndreCorbeil, Covid19 Death shots, Harvard Study, Johns Hopkins, Publish Scientific Study, Medical Studies, Medical Papers, COVID-19 Vaccines Kill, NEW COVID-19 Study, Trailer, big Pharma Movie, medical Documentary, 'Covid-19', Vaccinated, Vaccination, Antibodies, 'MRNA' Vaccine Effects, Covid, Doctors, Drs, Doctor, Dr. Hunter, mRNA Dr. RogerHunrer, Neurologist, Neurosurgeon, Dr. Mike Yeadon, Malone Interview, World Council For Health, Dr. Malone Lab Analysis, synthetic Substances in 'Covid-19' Vaccine, Human Bodies, Vaccine contamination, mRNA manufacturers, Vaccine manufacturers, Covid Vaccine ingredients, ingredients in Vaccines, cesium, barium, cobalt, iron, chromium, titanium, aluminum, silicone, sulfur, Graphene Oxide, Luciferace, Synthetic Organisms, Vaccine Deaths, Vaccine Injuries, Real Covid 19 Stories, vaccine injured, Pfizer, BioNTech, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, vaccine mandates returning, SARS cov2, coronavirus, Doctors Speak Out, The Truth About Vaccines, The Vaccinations, Cult Of The Medics, Globalists, Plandemic, Depopulation, Vaccines, Evil Agenda, vaccine, covid, coronavirus, vaccination, health, pandemic, corona, lockdown, trump, vaccines, news, new world order, liberal world order, WEF, World Economic Forum, Secret societies, the deep state, the United Nations, the global cabal, Illuminati, the Vatican, the Catholic church, the pope, the global world order, one world government, agenda 2030, the Bilderberg group, young global leaders, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, the cult of medics, Nature, Destroying The World, The destruction of the world, global warming, green agenda, population control, new Global Pandemics, Vaccine Agendas, Depopulation Of Humanity, Vaccinated Getting Sick, Doctors Speak Out, Nurses Speak Out, Scientists Speak Out, Medical Tyranny, Big Pharma, Vaccine Injuries, Problems With The Vaccines, Vaccine Data Reveals, Vaccination Data, Vaccine Testimony, Pediatrician Speaks Out , Aluminium Nanoparticles in Vaccines, Childrens Vaccines, Healthcare, Pandemic Data, Dr Bryan Ardis Show, Medical Speeches, Doctors, Lawyers, Scientists, Nurses, Dr.s, AndreCorbeil, COVID-19 Documentary, Coronavirus, Documentary, Corona Investigative Committee, AndreCorbeil, Covid19 Death shots, Harvard Study, Johns Hopkins, Publish Scientific Study, Medical Studies, Medical Papers, COVID-19 Vaccines, Medical Industrial Complex, Pandemics, Vaccines, Depopulation, Digital ID's, Dr. Carrie Madej, Early Warning, Freedom, Genetic Engineering, Globalism, Graphene Oxide, Human rights, Hypnosis, ID2023, Klaus Schwab, Michael Tsarion, Neuralink, Programming, Project Veritas, Psychological Manipulation, Robotics, Social Credit system, The Cabal, The Occult, Transhumanism, Tyranny, Vaccines, World Economic Forum, COVID-19 Documentary, Coronavirus, 2023 Documentaries, 2023 Documentary, Corona Investigative Committee, AndreCorbeil, Covid19 Death shots, Harvard Study, Johns Hopkins, Publish Scientific Study, Medical Studies, Medical Papers, Antibodies, 'MRNA' Vaccine Effects, PFIZER’S COVID VACCINE DATA DUMPS, Covid, Doctors, Drs, Doctor, Dr. Hunter, mRNA, Neurologist, Neurosurgeon, Dr. Mike Yeadon, Malone Interview, World Council For Health, Dr. Malone Lab Analysis, synthetic Substances in 'Covid-19' Vaccine, Human Bodies, Vaccine contamination, mRNA manufacturers, Vaccine manufacturers, Covid Vaccine ingredients, ingredients in Vaccines, cesium, barium, cobalt, iron, chromium, titanium, aluminum, silicone, sulfur, Graphene Oxide, Luciferace, Synthetic Organisms, Vaccine Deaths, Vaccine Injuries, Real Covid 19 Stories, vaccine injured, Pfizer, BioNTech, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, vaccine mandates returning, SARS cov2, coronavirus, Doctors Speak Out, The Truth About Vaccines, The Vaccinations, Cult Of The Medics, Globalists, Plandemic, Depopulation, Vaccines, Evil Agenda, vaccine, covid, coronavirus, vaccination, health, pandemic, corona, lockdown, trump, vaccines, news, pfizer, medicine, virus, science, india, freedom, healthcare, memes, vacccine, moderna, bill gates, truth, staysafe, vaccine, wakeup, mask, doctor, quarantine, antipsychotics, anti depressants, psychosis, muscle spasms, involuntary body movements, dementia, therapy, big pharma, vulnerable people, pandemic, corona, lockdown, trump, vaccines, news, pfizer, medicine, virus, science, india, freedom, healthcare, memes, covidvacccine, moderna, billgates, truth, staysafe, covidvaccine, wakeup, mask, doctor, quarantine, Cults, Occults, new world order, liberal world order, WEF, World Economic Forum, Secret societies, the deep state, the United Nations, the global cabal, Illuminati, the Vatican, the Catholic church, the pope, the global world order, one world government, agenda 2030, the Bilderberg group, young global leaders, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, the cult of medics, Nature, Destroying The World, The destruction of the world, global warming, green agenda, population control, new pandemics, Global Pandemics, Vaccine Agendas, Depopulation Of Humanity, Vaccinated Getting Sick, Doctors Speak Out, Nurses Speak Out, Scientists Speak Out, Medical Tyranny, Big Pharma, Vaccine Injuries, Problems With The Vaccines, Vaccine Data Reveals, Vaccination Data, Vaccine Testimony, Pediatrician Speaks Out , Aluminium Nanoparticles in Vaccines, Childrens Vaccines, Healthcare, Pandemic Data, Dr Bryan Ardis Show, Medical Speeches, Doctors, Lawyers, Scientists, Nurses, Dr.s, AndreCorbeil, COVID-19 Documentary, Coronavirus, Documentary, Corona Investigative Committee, AndreCorbeil, Covid19 Death shots, Harvard Study, Johns Hopkins, Publish Scientific Study, Medical Studies, Medical Papers, COVID-19 Vaccines Kill You, Artificial Intelligence, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Cult, Medical Industrial Complex, Pandemics, Vaccines, Depopulation, Digital ID's, Dr. Carrie Madej, Early Warning, Freedom, Genetic Engineering, Globalism, Graphene Oxide, Human rights, Hypnosis, ID2023, Klaus Schwab, Michael Tsarion, Neuralink, Programming, Project Veritas, Psychological Manipulation, Robotics, Social Credit, The Cabal, The Occult, Transhumanism, Tyranny, Vaccines, World Economic Forum, Substack, Nano Particles, Dancing Hydro Gel, Graphene Oxide, black goo, coating Red Blood Cells, harder to absorb Oxygen, 5 G Micro Chip Technology, microchip sends data to satellites, cells deteriorate, cells die, Spike Protein causes Blood Clots, Heart Attacks, heart Inflammation, Inflammation of the Brain, Strokes and Seizures, Snake Venom, metal particles found in vaccines, Vaccine doses, Large Fibrous Strands, major arteries, stopping the blood flow, vaccines are causing Death, Sodium Azide, poisonous test swabs, fraudulent Home Test Kits, false positives, PCR Tests, healthy people, test positive, traces of mercury in Vaccines, mRNA flu shots, Nuremberg Code 2.0, Crime Against Humanity, Vaccine Bio Weapons, War Criminals, arrested, Military Tribunals, Moderna Vaccines, Johnson and Johnson Vaccines, Pfizer Vacct, AstraZeneca Vaccines, Inovio pharmaceutical’s, vaccine efficacy, based on contradictions, misleading Covid 19 information, Vaccines in food, putting vaccines in food, bill Gates vaccines in the food, vaccine hesitancy, anti vaxxer, anti vaccine, pro vaccine, ask your doctor, consulting physician's, CDC Lied, Big Tech Lied, The WHO lied, Fauci Lied, Gain Of Function, New Covid Variant, Breaking News Covid 19, Covid variants, new Covid strain, Misinformed Public, Covid Misinformation, Deception, substantial Covid 19, Covid 2023, New Covid News, false covid claims, Covid 19 Boosters, malicious intent, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, The 'Covid 19' Lawsuit, President of Switzerland, Covid Lawsuit, Covid 19 criminal case, covid crimes against humanity, nuremberg trials, inhumane treatment, Covid, freedom and justice, Covid 19 measures, Covid 19 News, Covid 19 Updates, Covid, Corona viruses, swiss Covid 19, Covid 19 Switzerland, eu Covid, Covid criminal cases, the high court, the European Union, the e.u, the Swiss, Davos Switzerland, WEF Davos, Davos wef, Davos world economic forum 2023, 2023 Davos, Dr. Steve Kirsch, Health Care, COVID-19 Vaccine Studies, Connecting the dots, 'Covid' Vaccines, Lockdowns, Quarantines, Artificial Intelligence, The Great Reset, 'Covid 19' News, Medical News, Geopolitical News, Knowing, The Enemy, The Order Of, Illuminati, Ideology, Art Of War, 'F.O.T.C, The Fall Of The Cabal, Fall Of The Cabal, Janet Ossebaard, Cyntha Koeter, The Sequel To The Fall Of The Cabal, Zionists, Zionism, Jerusalem, The King, The King Of The World, THE PROTOCOLS OF ZION, The Elders Of Zion, Zion, ZION, THE FALL OF THE CABAL, THE SEQUEL TO F.O.T.C, PART 4, Interview, Damning Covid 19 Evidence, Shocking Interview, Covid 19 Jabs, Covid Vaccines, Covid Vaccination, Vaccinated Getting Sick, Doctors Speak Out, Nurses Speak Out, Scientists Speak Out, Medical Tyranny, Big Pharma, Vaccine Injuries, Problems With The Vaccines, Vaccine Data Reveals, Vaccination Data, Vaccine Testimony, Pediatrician Speaks Out , Aluminium Nanoparticles in Vaccines, Childrens Vaccines, Healthcare, Pandemic Data, Dr Bryan Ardis Show, Medical Speeches, Doctors, Lawyers, Scientists, Nurses, Dr.s, AndreCorbeil, COVID-19 Documentary, Coronavirus, Documentary, Corona Investigative Committee, AndreCorbeil, Covid19 Death shots, Harvard Study, Johns Hopkins, Publish Scientific Study, Medical Studies, Medical Papers, COVID-19 Vaccines, Global, Population Control, Philanthropy, Money Laundering, NGO's, Philanthropic, Philanthropist, Philanthropists, NGO, The Fall Of The Cabal, The Sequel To The Fall Of The Cabal, Darpa, Transhumanism,
Does President Trump have VAIDS and KURU or not?!!

Stop the madness! We have been screaming, pulling out our hair, yelling stop these vaccinations on children! If you are a Doctor pushing these super deadly Covid vaccines on children then you need to see prison bars and then the judge needs to give you the death penalty! VAIDS!! Does President Trump have HIV and KURU disease or not? (I voted for Trump twice). If President Trump admits this Johnson and Johnson Vaccine was a bad idea he may have to admit he has VAIDS AND KURU! If he took the actual vaccine (being pushed on the masses and children) he would then be in big trouble right now health wise and he needs to come clean quickly about these bio-weapon, mass murder, United Nations, China injections!
Also we want all these “VAX UP” CDC bill board signs taken down now!(false advertising and extremely dangerous DNA Altering bio-weapon vaccine). I want all these doctors and people in government pushing these death vaccines arrested now! These super scandalous (doctors,nurses,HIGH TREASONOUS FACTIONS of Fema UNITED NATIONS, military, and law enforcement,education system) are getting paid a lot of money to keep this quiet and to kill people(with Rendezuvere and intubation machines!). Fauci has been killing people with Rendezuvere for how long now and no one will stop him? In so called “programs”. Fauci paying himself billions for years now, The fox guarding the hen house! It’s a super criminal lie and mass murder and we don’t want one child to be mass murdered by this vaccine! THIS IS A BIO-WEAPON INJECTION AND NOT A VACCINE! NOW PROVEN FACT! THE SHERIFF BETTER DO HIS JOB AND TAKE THIS FALSE ADVERTISEMENT DOWN NOW! The vaccine is pure death! 1000 doctors and scientists all over the world are telling you this! You will have no excuse on judgement day.
This is the end of the real America as we know it! There are so many people in disbelief in this great tragedy that is unfolding before us!
We are alive to witness a wave of destruction! I have and will continue to prove the flood of overwhelming evidence! From top microbiologist to dead doctors all over the country and you know this problem is the covid-19 vaccine, the death machine!
1.PRION PROTEINS! “Infowars”,”BannedNews” has uncovered was used in "bio-weapons" since the 1960’s(That means hell no stop the madness! “)KURU DISEASE! Dr. Fauci approached the United States military and ask them to use this bio weapon before he shared it with the public.
2.HIV PROTEINS! AND LIVE MONKEY VIRUSES!! Top vaccine maker biologists just came out and showed the world these HIV PROTEINS PASS THE BLOOD BRAIN BARRIER AND REAPING HAVOC ON THE IMMUNE SYSTEM YOU LOSE 5/6th of your immune system and the second injection destroying the immune system!
3.MAGNETIC METALS GRAPHENE OXIDE is a super deadly metal never supposed to be used to cure anything and will only kill six ways to Sunday! And now discovered its “Graphine Oxide” an super deadly bio-weapon and snuck into disposable masks and test kits as well! And swab tests to murder us! To clot the blood! Super deadly metal foreign invasion into the system. These vaccine experts are telling us this is very bad! They say a bunch of vaccinated are having heart failure and these metals are cancerous as well! And begins to rot your body! A man was having heart failure when doctors opened him up they found a cancer growing in his lungs and these metals causing clotting and cancer as well!
4.These vaccines have "Trojan Horse" mechanism that get through to destroy the immune system, according to Dr Tinpenny.
5.Every animal tested with this has died.
6. China sneaking their bio-weapon vaccines in these shadow companies making them sign a "non-disclosure" agreement! That means no! Do not take this vaccine duh!
7.Micro Biologists and doctors need our prayers and protection because the United Nations is assassinating a thousand experts speaking out against this death injection!
8. "PRION CRYSTALS". Morticians now admit there is a strange mutated tub-worm type Chimeric creature going in the vaccinated and this worm clogs the blood flow and causing heart failure! A man was vaccinated months ago and died. They opened up his body and found was riddled in cancer. Upon closer examination they found the vaccination was cancerous and had allowed malignant cancers to grow all over the organs.
9. PLACEBO We see how some rare random places are not affected by the vaccines. Because we have doctors that know and have destroyed the vaccines to an extent. But this is also a major disaster! DOCTORS giving false confidence in a Bio-Weapon injection! And allowing only their patients safety while standing by and allowing the less educated lemmings to drop dead! That is called mass murder! All to save your job and your own family, you will sit back and take the HUSH Money how pathetic!
10. Biden signed orders with the Justice Department to force vaccinate our schools, soldiers, veterans! Trying also to decimate out military as well! Fauci is calling for the FDA to approve this CHINA UNITED NATIONS BIO-WEAPON INJECTION!
13. Dr. Fauci, Gates, Obama have been working with the United Nations To mass murder us with a bio weapon injection and this is all well-known fact now the CDC is super criminal corrupt liars got caught lying and falsified and hid information. Fauci gave 90million Americans Cancer in the 1990’s and caught torturing kids and animals and also part of the “taugtenberg” team that created the Georgia Guidestones!(planned to mass murder us for decades now all fact). We need this whole vaccine program halted now especially halted from allowing any child to be injected! This is rape and child abuse. And taking advantage of the uninformed masses for criminal mass murder. Anyone knowingly going along with this mass murder should go straight to Gitmo prison! And tried and hung for mass murder just like the NAZI’s that followed super high treasonous criminal orders!
-Dr.Sherri Tenpenny
-Dr.Rema Liabow
-Dr. Henry Truotte
-Dr.Mary Tocco
-Dr.Robert Malone
-Dr.Andrew Kaufman
-Expert Mike Adam’s
-Dr. Mike Yeaden
-Dr. Kate Dally
-Dr. Richard Flemming
-Dr.Lee Merrit
-Dr.Rand Paul
-500 doctors in Germany
-many more!
Dear Lord Jesus stop this mass murder now!! (Copy and share please).

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