David Urban Calls Walz ‘Gov. Elmer Fudd’ for Not Knowing How to Load a Shotgun

10 days ago

URBAN: “She had a terrible week. It was a terrible week for the Harris campaign. You had Gretchen Whitmer having to apologize to Catholics across America for mocking them with some Dorito — bizarro Dorito thing on there. You had Governor Elmer Fudd out hunting and not knowing how to load his shotgun, using the wrong gun. At the same time — “
BASH: “Who is Governor Elmer Fudd?”
URBAN: “Governor Walz was out there, looked like Elmer Fudd.”
BASH: “Oh.”
URBAN: “Be vewy, vewy quiet. We’re hunting for wabbits.”
BASH: “Oh, my gosh.”
URBAN: “Right? So he does — he can’t load his shotgun. He’s trying to appeal to hunters. He can’t load the gun. He’s using the wrong gun. At the same time, you have Barack Obama in Pennsylvania deriding — where he derided people who owned guns, remember, clinging — people in Pennsylvania were bitter and they cling to guns and religion. Remember that in 2008? So they’re trying to appeal to those folks at the same time, while he alienates black male voters by chastising them. So they had a really tough week this week.”

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