Dr. Naomi Wolf Reveals Shocking Details found in “The Pfizer Papers” – Pfizer’s Crimes vs Humanity

6 hours ago

Air Date: October 10, 2024.

READ This – It’s a MIND BLOW! ***MUST SEE***

A Team of over 3,000 Doctors Teamed up to Study the “Pfizer Papers” – the Documents that Pfizer was confident nobody would see for 75 Years as they petitioned the Court to Seal them for 75 years, but a well crafted FOYA Request spoiled that and here are the Astonishing Results.

Did anyone lose a Love One during the Covid Plandemic?

What Did Pfizer KNOW & They Weren’t Telling Us???

What are some things that these “Pfizer Papers” Revealed?

1. They knew 100% that the Vaccine did NOT work at all.

2. The 3rd Most Common Side Effect from Taking the Covid-19 Vaccine was actually GETTING Covid.

All the TV Propaganda we saw was a LIE about the Vaccines being Safe & Effective.

3. We were told that the Lipid Nanoparticles and the Polyethylene Glycol stayed in the Deltoid – that was a BLATANT LIE. They go EVERYWHERE in the body. This is very dangerous. Their Internal Documents showed that it Biodistributes in 48 Hours and Accumulates in the Liver, Adrenals, Spleen, Ovaries, Testes and crosses the blood brain barrier right into the Brain. **This may be the most dangerous lie we were told.

AND – The Shots ACCUMULATE as the Body can NOT get rid of this sh*t.

4. Pfizer knew that 1, 225 people died within 3 Months. Pfizer knew by April of 2021 that Children’s Hearts were being damaged by the Covid mRNA Vaccinations

This gets bad, because there are Letters to Fauci and all the way to the President Trump that said these jabs are BAD.

What did they do? They had an Emergency Conference in which they Planned on How to Lie to the American People. Yes, our top officials to the POTUS met to plan on how to LIE to the public about the Covid Vaccines.

In April and May of 2021 they admitted to Myocarditis and Pericarditis but said it is “Transient” and “Rare.” No it wasn’t transient, it is permanent.

They followed this with Social Media Campaigns to try and get as many Vaccinated as possible.

So they knew it wasn’t effective, they knew it was HARMING children and then they PROMOTED it?


They had to hire 2,400 staff supporters just to PROCESS the Side Effects that were coming in to be reported. This was just 3 months into the Vaccine Rollout.

5. Pfizer knew of the Stroke and Liver report which half of the Adverse Events took place within the first 48 Hours.

6. Pfizer knew the #1 Jab Side Effect was Myalgia or Muscle Pain – just a sense of Not Feeling good and being tired and fatigued. But, they didn’t tell anyone that this was from the shot, they said it was likely from Covid.

7. Pfizer knew the #2 Jab Side Effect was Arthritic Joint Pain – Knees, Hips and Backs – the jabs were causing incredible Inflammatory Responses and guess what, it was never connected or associated with the Jabs. Pfizer knew all of this sh*t. The Lipid Nanoparticles go EVERYWHERE in the human body, in the Spine, in the muscles, the joints, the brain, the organs, and the tissue.

8. What else did Pfizer know? They knew of many other side effects like Bells Palsy, Neurological Disorders, Parkinson’s, Epilepsy, Convulsions, and Doctors did not know what was happened.

Why do we see these videos of thousands of people not being able to walk and with severe tremors? Because the Lipid Nanoparticles that carry the payloads destroy Myelin Sheath – the fatty membrane that surrounds and protects nerves

9. Pfizer KNEW 100% that these shots caused Blood Clots!

What is worse? The FDA KNEW ALL of this as that is how this 2,000 plus team of doctors received this information – it was through the FDA as Pfizer didn’t give it to them, but the FOYA request was granted from the FDA. Now we know why Pfizer petitioned the court to SEAL these Documents for 75 years.

10. What was the Centerpiece of the Pfizer Papers or the Pfizer Documents? They knew that the vaccine was going to cause Reproduction Problems.

Remember, we were told CONSTANTLY that we needed these vaccines because of a Respiratory Illness labeled Covid and at the same time doctors who were EFFECTIVELY treating Covid with Hydroxycholoroquine and Ivermectin were labeled as the Quacks of the Medical field and were censored.

Now they expect us either to not discover this information, not be smart enough to connect the dots and even if we do know, we are just to forget about it.

They are STILL promoting this sh*t right now and to our the Children. People need to know that a Criminal Cabal is in complete control of Big Pharma – they are the Cabal and they have the money to shut everyone up and they are 100% in Lockstep with at least `193 Countries of the World who ssigned this agreement back in 1993 to formulate this depopulation plan. It’s NOT a freaking Conspiracy Theory, it is a Mass Conspiracy by the Heads of State.

Doctors who were treating Covid with Vitamin C, Zinc, Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were censored and many were taken to the medical boards and had their licenses removed for not following the Nazi Covid Protocol by the WHO, CDC, FDA, NIH who are all controlled and sponsored by Big Pharma.

Why would the CENTERPIECE of Pfizer’s focus be on REPRODUCTION?

Are people FINALLY Connecting the Dots that we Conspiracy “Theorists” have been preaching for years?

The Conspiracy is a Hard Shot of Reality.

Lipid Nanoparticles in these vaccines are compromising placentas in pregnant women. Look this research title up: “Pathology Report: mRNA Covid-Vaccinated Mother’s Very Small, Compromised Placenta Results in Underweight Baby Suffering from Other Health Issues” by Amy Kelly.

It is causing Placentas to fall apart. The Lipid Nanoparticles go in Utero to around the Testes and Ovaries of the babies. We don’t know if these children will be fertile in the future. Time will tell.

11. Pfizer has a report called “Pregnancy and Lactation Report” – it’s 8 pages – shows charts of how the vaccine changes everything – including their menstrual cycles.

12. Pfizer told women not to get pregnant during their Covid Clinical Trials, but 270 women did get pregnant. Pfizer magically lost the records of 236 of these pregnant women. 34 records survived and of these 34, over 80% of them LOST the baby.

Pfizer ADMITTED the babies died due to INTERNAL Exposure to the Vaccine.

Wake up Vax Lovers.

From the Lactation reports – many of the babies were vomiting because of the vaccine in the mother’s milk.

This was all in the Pfizer Papers in which they were very confident that the Public would NEVER see this, at least for 75 years and by that time, it will be a whole new generation and no one would ever be held liable and of course by that time, most of the material would have been either lost or modified to fit the narrative being sold at that particular time.

This Data once discovered by these Independent Doctors was sent to CDC Director Rochelle Walensky on April 20, 2021 – what happened? On April 23, 2021 she gave a White House presentation and said there was no bad time to get vaccinated, you can do it before your pregnancy, during your pregnancy, or after your pregnancy.

This agenda pumping b*tch knew that everything she was saying was a blatant LIE, 100% a lie and in fact the true science that she HAD said the exact OPPOSITE.

She announced her resignation less than two months later stating it was from Exhaustion and a sense of Accomplishment – saying “I Did What I Came to Do.” Yes you did, you f*cking UN NWO Puppet.

She just participated in Violating the Nuremberg Code, Mass Manslaughter, Genocide – the women should be put in front of jury and the jury needs to be presented with the evidence she had.

She should be tried for Treason but treason is defined as an act against the government and it is the f*cking government that is committing these crimes against humanity. They have twisted the definition of treason up so they are immune.

Treason is a crime against the government and it’s clear the government isn’t going to liable itself. It was the DoD who labeled these are Countermeasures.

Do people even understand the terminology? Tired of spoon feeding. Look this sh*t up and do some f*cking research.
In short – the Gov perceives WE the People as the Enemy.

Pfizer is clearly working with our Government in Lockstep. As are the other Corporations of the US and the rest of world.

The one world gov is a one world corporation – one world military – it is already functioning this way, it just has yet been “revealed” and all these wars are just predictive programming shows to distract from the truth and prepare the minds to accept the solution they will offer in the near future when there will be chaos – their solution will provide “Order out of Chaos.”

Chaos will include black outs, weather events, cyber attacks, food shortages, supply shortages, inflation, job shortages, more pandemics, and the final boom will be the complete financial collapse.

Do you think it is coincidence that our military and all the citizens were encouraged and many mandated to get the jabs but the illegal immigrants entering our country were NOT required?

Does that make sense?

Our Own Government – our so called “Elected Officials” are INVOLVED in this Vaccine Narrative. Why are they still pushing it? WHY?

Over 97% of people survived Covid with NO treatment.

Pfizer’s own representative (President of Developed Markets) – Janine Small said at a European Parliament Hearing in Brussels, Belgium on October 10, 2022 that “Regarding the question about did we know about stopping immunization before it entered the market, (she laughs) – NO, these, we had to really move at the speed of science, and at that point we had to do everything at RISK.”

Was the public told that we were the Guinea Pigs? Hell No.

The public was told that the “Covid Vaccines are Safe & Effective.” That is all we saw and all we heard. All LIES.

Janine Small from Pfizer admitted that Pfizer had NO Clue if they would stop Covid Transmission.

What else happened?

The experimental jabs were pushed and the stuff that worked like Vitamin C, Zinc, Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were all labeled as non-proven and the the Covid Vaccines were labeled as the science.

Remember all that “trust the science” bullsh*t?

Remember all that “you need to get tested everyday” b.s. when they stuck those swabs way up your nose, almost penetrating the brain?

It was all a FEAR Campaing.

FEAR – False Evidence Appearing Real – it was a LIE!

Guess who did NOT have to take a Covid Test and this is mind blowing???

None of the Pfizer Covid Clinical Trial Participants!!!

That is the ONE place that you would think they WOULD test.

But NO, that was the only place that anyone was Guaranteed NOT to be tested.

The place in which we were told was testing to see if their vaccine stopped the infection.

Well, how are they going to know this is the infection was NEVER tested for?

Not only did they NOT test it, they didn’t look at Infection, they didn’t look at the Lungs (which Covid was a respiratory illness) – 45,000 people in the Pfizer clinical trial and 30,000 in the Moderna – these participants who Volunteered were LIED to as they thought they were “helping” humanity by seeing if this “treatment” stopped Infection and if it will protect their lungs from the SARS-COV-2 Virus.

All a HUGE Ass Lie folks. 100%.

It wasn’t even about testing for preventing transmission. Not at all.

As we found out from these “Pfizer Papers” – that the MAIN Focus was on the Reproductive System.


We should all know the why by now.

The world gov used Big Pharma to achieve an Agenda Objective to help reduce the world’s population. 100%.

There are NO reports and NO data on Transmission in these Pfizer Documents.

The ONLY Mention on Transmission is about VACCINE Transmission – and that Skin Contact and Inhalation can be a route of Exposure to the Vaccine.

Are you getting it yet?

These documents don’t reveal a damn thing about HEALTH guys, it is ALL about the Harms and the dangers of this Covid so called “Vaccine.”

This jab is poison.

Why would they WARN that this Jab can be Transferred from One Person to Another by Skin Contact?

That sounds like they are really spreading an Infection doesn’t it?

It sounds like they are releasing a BIOWEAPON on all of mankind to do that “culling” that Dr. Rima Laibow was talking about ten years ago when a head of state told her about the plan. Link below.

The Covid Vaccines are NOT about keeping people healthy it is a Bioweapon being used by our OWN Government KNOWINGLY to hurt it’s own people.

They are STILL doing this to this very second.

We are at War and it is being waged against us – it is Unrestrictive Warfare – it is a Subtle – a Quiet War – in which we are being attacked from within.

What is involved in this War? China is buying our land, water and energy grid.

China is just a SMALL part of it as it is the Traitors of our Government who have conspired and teamed with China to shift the wealth and power from the West to the East.

Once again, why was Pfizer looking for Fertility and Reproductive Studies and nothing for Transmission of Covid?

Our Gov is captured by the Meta-National Group of Agreements – they are signed up the UN Agenda and that involves DESTROYING America.

There will be NO politicians coming to save the day from this culling.

We are going to have to wake up ourselves, stand up for ourselves and not comply with our own demise.

Look at North Carolina and what Helene did. Did the Gov help?

There are still people in dire need of help. Thousands are dead and were buried in the mudslides.

Is the media talking about this?

This was much BIGGER than 911. It is horrifying. I will include a video of this below also.

One Final Statement: Do you think that all the rest of the Vaccines are SAFE?

Are you willing to Trust Big Pharma?

Are you will to share this?

The Truth is Ugly. It is dirty.

It’s not what we want to hear, but it’s what we need to hear!

About Dr. Naomi Wolf:
In June of 2021 Dr. Wolf was deplatformed for reporting on menstrual issues in women from the covid jabs.

New York Times best-selling author, Dr. Naomi Wolf, describes how being deplatformed for questioning the dangerous reactions from women after the mRNA vaccines, inspired her to dive into the Pfizer trial documents that were only released by the FDA after action funded by ICAN, with a legal team led by Aaron Siri.

Hear how she helped coordinate a team of 3250 doctors and scientists to decode the medical documents and publish the terrifying findings in the new book, The Pfizer Papers.


1. Del Bigree – The Highwire -- https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/dr-naomi-wolf-reveals-shocking-details-in-the-pfizer-papers/

2. Covid Vaccine Injury Attorneys -- https://www.sirillp.com/vaccine-injury-attorneys/covid-19/

3. Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura, Dr. Rima Laibow - The Vaccination Depopulation Plan

4. Hurricane Helene – Here is What You Are NOT Seeing or Hearing on Mainstream Media

5. ***Decentralized Medicine – What’s The Difference Between FACT & FICTION – Dr. Jack Kruse

6. ***Dr. Phillip Buckhaults Testifies on the DNA Contamination Found in Pfizer’s mRNA COVID Vaccines


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Thank You!!

END. 10/17/2024 – 9:00 PM

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