The Black Pope – The Most Powerful Man of the Roman Catholic Cult?

3 days ago

Who may hold the most power of any man on Earth?

This man is the “Superior General” of the “Society of Jesus”, otherwise known as the “Order of the Jesuits” or just “The Jesuits” for short.

More on my Blog about this -->

They call him the “Black Pope.”

There is a very secret order of power in this world and it starts in Rome.

The Black Pope’s orders are quickly passed to the CFR in the USA and then to intelligence agencies and to those who “need to know.”

That Black Pope gave the order to assassinate John F. Kennedy and it was the Jesuits who were behind the assassinations of many presidents in history.

The Black Pope was behind the 911 attacks. Yes, the Israeli Mossad was behind it, but who controls BOTH the Mossad & the CIA? The Order of the Jesuits – Superior General – The Black Pope.

The Order of the Jesuits also control MI6 – intelligence.

The Order is a Luciferian Order. If you don’t get this, you will not be able to understand the operations objectives of the order.

Just because it’s called “Society of Jesus” doesn’t mean it is about the Love of Jesus. Not at all!

The Black Pope if the General of all General and he is behind the curtain and most of have NO clue how things happen or where the original orders came from.

The Black Pope controls all Wars.

You can call the black pope the director of the movie you are watching right now.

Who are the actors in this movie? All of the Military’s around the World. Almost all heads of states & presidents. Most of the “Important” politicians. The Media. The Corporations.

Combine all of these and you have a lie that covers the globe.

That lie is called the Illusion of the Life we live today.

Why is it an illusion? Because NOTHING is what it appears to be.

Everything has been simulated and placed in a Supercomputer to achieve probabilities on how the people will react when they direct their actors.

You can say most of the outcomes are already known before they implement an action.

For example – they KNEW that if they created enough FEAR around the world that people would demand their solution – the “healthy jabs.”

If the people were not ready to roll up their sleeves and accept an experimental, untested “vaccine”, then they would slowly groom and condition them a little more until their supercomputers indicated they were brainwashed enough to believe the lie.

Some of the Main Actors of this movie are The Jesuits or the Society of Jesus. They are the backbone behind the narrative. They are the ones who infiltrate every imaginable leadership position in the world, so they can deliberately “mislead” and nobody even recognized who they are because they are like chameleons who blend in perfectly with everyone else.

They may live normal lives and have just ONE single thing to do all of their lives for the Society of Jesus. They are the ultimate deceivers because detection is close to impossible and their infiltration is deep and extremely covert.

They are found EVERYWHERE – in the alternative media spectrum, they are the ones who are very popular and can have millions of followers. Many are still in their “sleeping” stage as they have yet to receive an order.

Their main tactic is to gain TRUST of their followers so when they receive their plan to condition, groom and steer their followers a certain direction – it will be so subtle that their followers will be completely oblivious to the manipulation.

Trump is a Jesuit and so is all his family.

First impression are the utmost important impression to make for a Jesuit as it sets the table up for a lifetime of deception.

Remember how Mr. T said he was going to “lock here up”, or “drain the swamp” or the focus on “fake media?”

That was a PLAN. That was a shiny LURE thrown to the people in hope they would bite.

They did.

I did.

But I was able to get off the hook pretty quickly as I recognized enough signs to make me ask questions, which led to more questions, and then it didn’t take but six months to figure enough out that this man was absolutely not who he was claiming.

First Impressions are HYPNOTIZING. That is truly how simple it is to control ones mind.

You add in a Q operation and a “white hat” narrative and you form a trinity of great hope that we will finally see this world change for the better where power is given back to the people.

Power is not going to be given back to the people by Billionaires. NEVER, EVER.

We have to claim that power back.

We first must become aware of the presence of the dark ones that may be sitting right next to us in the office, just playing a passive, but very important role of influencing the decisions that your employer is making.

They are in schools, on school boards, city councils, medical boards, on development boards but they most often found in business, law, finance and politics.

Control the money of any organization and you control the entire organization. Control the funds of a city or county and you control the city and county.

They are especially found parts of the government responsible for GRANTS.

Dr. Fauci IS a Jesuit. 100%.

He was in control a Billions of Dollars of Grants. Do you think that those grants were for the people or for the order?

Control the flow of currency and you control the everything.

Do you think that scientists, researchers and doctors received steady grants if they did not achieve the “desired outcomes” for the studies that the grants were for?

NO way.

This is how they created the science.

Remember when Fauci said “We must Trust the Science.”

It was their Fake Science and that has been more than proven now.

The Jesuits are the ones who influence ALL secret societies, the Masons, Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, Skull & Bones – there are literally hundreds of them.

The Jesuits are a “re-branding” of the Knights Templar.

They were “officially” founded in 1540 by a man named Ignatius Loyola. Ignatius of Loyola was a Spanish nobleman who was injured by a freak cannonball accident on his horse which disabled him from being a Knight so he ended up creating the “Society of Jesus” with the Pope’s approval.

They have nothing to do with Jesus, to make that crystal clear. It’s all an act.

For that matter, the entire Catholic Church from the Popes & Cardinals have NOTHING to do with Jesus. They never left their Babylonian roots of their pagan, polytheistic, Canaanism occult beliefs and practices.

They made the “switch” in only a ten year period and went on “Holy” Crusades to FORCE everyone in their path to be docile “Christians” so they could easily manipulate them and they would be dealt with in the very end when they bring in their antichrist for the New World Order with one religion, AFTER the Fall of Rome. It’s all a plan.

The Society of Jesus are really the Gestapo of the Holy Roman Catholic Church.

Guess who the first Jesuit White Pope is? Pope Francis.

Black refers to darkness, deception and death.

The Black Pope is shrouded in mystery. How much power does he have?

Much more than the Church will ever admit.

The Seal of the Black Pope is I.H.S. It was created by Ignatius Loyola himself. This is the seal of the Knights Templar Mason who have been inducted into the Councils of the said Order of Knighthood.
The I.H.S. stands for “I am Lord.” I = Baal H = Sha S = Lisha = Baal Sha-Lisha = “I Am Lord.”
Once again – NOTHING to do with Jesus.
Much more to do with the Pagan Sacrificial God, Baal.
The Black Pope wears an all black cassock (robe).
Jesuits take Blood Oaths for life.
Here is an excerpt of their Oath, taken from page 48 of the book, “Rulers of Evil: Useful Knowledge About Governing Bodies” by Frederick Tupper Saussy.
• I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex, or condition; and that I will hang, burn, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants’ heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race.

• That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poinard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus.

• In confirmation of which, I hereby dedicate my life, my soul, and all my corporeal powers, and with this dagger which I now receive, I will subscribe my name written in my own blood, in testimony thereof; and should I prove false or weaken in my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the Militia of the Pope cut off my hands and my feet, and my throat from ear to ear, my belly opened and sulphur burned therein, with all the punishment that can be inflicted upon me on earth and my soul be tortured by demons in an eternal hell forever!

As you can see, it is a Society that is ALL about Jesus. NOT!

If a Black Pope passes away or retires, another will be selected by the General Congregation of Society.

The current Black Pope is Arturo Sosa Abascal – here is what he said about his relationship with Pope Francis:

“It is a very fraternal and respectful relationship. Pope Francis knows very well the Society of Jesus. And knows how just we can help him, and he knows what to ask the Society and which persons can be missioned for his projects.3”

The Superior General Black Pope has complete control over the orders finances, strategy and diplomacy. The Black Pope oversees all Jesuit activities worldwide and reports directly to the Pope.

Throughout history, various governments have banned any and all Jesuits because their goal is always to control EVERYTHING and eventually take possession of it all.

The Black Pope was also involved in the Holy Crusades and the Inquisition. They used violence, isolation, threats and torture to extract confessions to those who had any opposing thought to the Catholic Church.

It’s amazing that the Catholic Church has over 1 Billion people who supporting an organization who tortured and killed those who were Protestant, Jew or Muslim.

It it just like those who support Trump’s Genocidal Cause to Ethnic Cleanse Gaza.

It all comes back to the grand deception. If people knew the truth, would they still be supportive?

If you can make the masses believe in a lie, that lie becomes their truth, that lie becomes their foundation of truth.

The foundation in which people believe to be true is really a lie.

Our reality has been generated from deception.

Most events of the world do NOT occur naturally, but are well organized and scripted, but passed along to the sheople as “NEWS.”

It’s not news, it’s propaganda.

The quicker one becomes aware of this they can then learn how to think for themselves and be able to spot out a defecting Jesuit traitor that is likely involved with influencing their community in ways that don’t serve the communities best interests, but serve the “Order’s” best interests.

*See this Next – This will help Wake You up about the church → ***Incredible Video Illustrating Holy Roman Catholic Churches – What Were They Really?

**After this, Learn Your Jesuit History → ***The Origin of the Jesuits was in Babylon – “Society of Jesus” - Jesuit History – Leuren Moret


1. Follower of Christ777 --

2. “Rulers of Evil: Useful Knowledge About Governing Bodies : Frederick Tupper Saussy : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive.” Internet Archive, 1999, **Note: Jesuit Oath – Page 48.

3. “Discernment Is for Every Christian — Not Just Jesuits: An Interview With Arturo Sosa, SJ.” America Magazine, 19 May 2021,

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END. 3/2/2025 3:00 PM

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