J.D. Vance Handles NY Times Reporter’s Repeated Questions on Trump’s 2020 Election Loss

14 hours ago

Garcia-NAVARO: “Did Donald Trump lose the 2020 elections?”
Vance: “Let me ask you questions. Is it okay, that big technology companies censored the Hunter Biden, laptops story which independent analysis of said, cost Donald Trump, millions of us?”
Garcia-NAVARO: “Senator Vance, I’m going to ask you again. Did Donald Trump lose the 2020?”
Vance: “Did big technology companies censor a story that independent studies have suggested would have cost Trump millions of votes?”
Garcia-NAVARO: “Senator Vance, I’m going to ask you again, did Donald Trump lose the 2020 election?”
Vance: “I have answered your question with another question. You answer my question and I’ll answer yours.”
Garcia-NAVARO: “I have asked this question repeatedly. It is something that is very important for the American people to now there is no proof, legal or otherwise. The Donald Trump did not lose the 2020 election.”
Vance: “You’re repeating a slogan rather than engaging with what I’m saying, which is that, when our own technology firms engage in in d. Kestrel scale, censorship by the way, backed up by the federal government in a way that independent studies suggest affect the votes. I’m worried about Americans who feel like there were problems and 2020. I’m not worthy of the slogan that people throw well every court case went this way. I’m talking about something very discreet, a problem of censorship in this country that I, I do think affected things, and 20 20 and, more importantly, that lead to cobble Harris is governments which is screwed this country up at a big way.
Garcia-NAVARO: “Senator would you have certified the election and 20 20? Yes or no.”
Vance: “I’ve said that I would have voted in certification because of the concern that I just race. I think it when you have technology company the answers now, when you have technology companies, censoring Americans at a mass scale, in a way that again, independent studies have suggested affect the vote. I think that it’s right to protest against that to criticize that- and that’s a totally reasonable thing, So the answers now and the last question will you support the election results this time and connect to a peaceful transfer of power will first of all course we commit to a peaceful transfer power. We are gonna, have peaceful transfer of power. I’ve course believe that peaceful transfer of is going to make Donald Trump, the next president of the United States, but if there are problems, of course, in the same way, that Democrats protests in two thousand and four adults from raised issues in two thousand and 20 we’re going to make sure that this election seven counts that every legal ballots counted. We’ve filed almost a hundred lawsuits at the aren’t see to try to ensure that every legal ballot his counted. I think, you’d, maybe criticized that we see that as an important effort to ensure election integrity, but certainly or Aerosmith the results and 20 20 four. I feel very confident. They’re gonna make dolls from the next president.”

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