"I was floored to find out pharmaceutical companies had complete immunity" #WalkAway Testimonial

3 months ago

“I lived in Taiwan for a while. It really made me realize how lucky I am to be a native English speaker and an American; most Americans don’t appreciate America until they live outside America. While I was in Taiwan, my best friend’s son was diagnosed with autism. And it was right after a round of vaccines. He was neurotypical before his vaccines. I was floored to find out my friend couldn’t seek any legal action against the pharmaceutical industry because of the 1986 law that gave pharmaceutical companies complete immunity. That was my BIGGEST WAKE-UP CALL. The more I learned, the more I saw how much we’d been lied to—about health, about politics, and even about people like Obama. After the 2016 election, everything changed. It was like an evil spell was cast on the city—and at that point, I was living in Austin, driving for ride share. I remember this one person got in my car, and they just went off about how ‘white people are evil.’ And I was like, ‘what? Aren’t you white?’ 😬😂 I remember seeing #WalkAway when it happened 2 years later, seeing @brandonstraka1’s 1st #WalkAway video. And I was hooked. I had already woken up years prior. But I was alone. And #WalkAway SHOWED ME THAT I WASN’T ALONE. #WalkAway gave me hope. It gave me community. If you’ve got a #WalkAway testimonial, SHARE IT! Your story’s going to touch someone. They don’t want us to connect with each other. Because when we connect, we get stronger. When we get stronger, we #WalkAway. When we #WalkAway, it’s game over for the evildoers.” Another powerful, encouraging #WalkAway testimonial—this one from our own @truthertalk! We hope you find it as inspiring as we did, and we hope you heed her advice to enter our #WalkAwayChallenge, tell your story, and possibly win $10,000!

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