Trust Reduces Guilt and Increases Peace - a ‘Daily Inspiration’

2 months ago

December 2 - Trust Reduces Guilt and Increases Peace - a ‘Daily Inspiration’
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When we are being judgmental towards others, because we are all One, what we are really doing is not being respectful of our own self. The ego tries to project/blame our inner confusion, this lack of self-respect as coming from an outside source so that we don’t question it, our ego, as the source of our conflict. Guilt results from this unconscious lack of “self” respect. Yet guilt is not our true home, peace is, and so today let us make the conscious effort not to judge another’s journey even when the ego’s programming insists that we should. Today we practice instead aligning ourselves with the state of peace by increasing our level of trust in God’s plan. God’s plan and our highest-will’s plan for our life are One, choosing this understanding over the ego’s need for judgment will diminish our level of guilt and raise our level of peace. Today remember that whatever road you are taking is sacred and co-created with God, as is the road that your sister is choosing to take to return home, trust this truth instead of the ego’s lies and you will find peace.
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