There is No Shame in Struggle - a ‘Daily Inspiration’

3 months ago

November 1 - There is No Shame in Struggle - a ‘Daily Inspiration’
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Today do not feel forced into denying or hiding your “negative” thoughts and emotions. Instead, with courage and determination, face the thoughts you are thinking, and the emotions you are feeling. These negative thoughts and emotions exist in your life to help you better see and understand what separates you from your true nature. If you avoid negative thoughts and feelings, then you also avoid their lessons. Do not ignore where you are, for where you are, is always sacred. Not always having “positive” feelings and emotions is not a sign of failure, but of growth. Growing pains, birthing pains, are all signs of wondrous, beautiful, gifts that are coming your way. And so today, we do not surrender to sorrow, instead we look at it straight in its face and say: “I am where I am, and where I am is exactly where I need to be. Today I release resistance to where I am, for when I do, I will no longer be where I was.”
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