JUAN O SAVIN- GOD WINS! BY DAWN HE WINS! TRUMP 2024- Gerry Foley 10 5 2024

5 months ago

PART ONE Gerry hosted JUAN as he was driving so there are some interruptions. I split it in two for content changes. The whole show is here: https://rumble.com/v5hm3fh-gideons-army-now-with-107.html please like and subscribe.
Elon gave a great presentation at the Rally in Butler 10 5 2024 one month before the Election 2024. He mentioned DARK MAGA. And Elon Musk is very adamant that if Trump does not win this election there will never be another election. Juan talks a bit about Nessum Dorma from the recent rally and Trump started the Butler Rally with Ave Maria. Here is the first verse:
Hail Mary, full of grace, Mary, full of grace, Mary, full of grace, Hail, Hail, the Lord The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed, Blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Thy womb, Jesus. Hail Mary!
Some dates and numbers are forthcoming. And "something" is coming.
And an "event" in the future. He mentions this with every show now. After the NDE and we are not to be "frivolous" about what happens. IF NOT BY THE HAND OF GOD. We will survive by GODS HAND. You are going to be a "new" person on the far side of this "event". Faith and Confidence and a reference to the "substance" of your abilities to endure.
Juan also mentions the number 41 which when mirrored is the number 14 the significance of Osiris and that 41 I had to find this:
Of the 70 delegates chosen as representatives to the Constitutional Convention of 1787, only 55 actually attended the proceedings in Philadelphia, and it is believed that there were never more than 46 of them in attendance at any one time. When it came time to affix their signatures to the soon-to-be famous parchment (the Constitution of the United States of America), 38 of the 41 DELEGATES present became signatories.
This was the START of this COUNTRY.
North Carolina and the disaster needs PRAYER and supplies. Weather Warfare used against States that were decidedly RED.
The GENEVA Bible was used by the Pilgrims and was brought to this Country before the Uniting of States but it was the Uniting of this Nation to come UNDER GOD. Religious Freedom.
Philippians 4:6-7
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

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