JUAN O SAVIN- The SHIP OF STATE - Michelle Melendez 3 5 2025

1 day ago

PART FOUR brings us home. Juan patiently explains to Michelle about the reality of the former SHIP OF STATE having being taken over by PIRATES. To those not knowing the dedication of many MEN AND WOMEN OF CONSCIOUS who are eliminating the former Pirates! This is the VISION for AMERICA.
The Super Heroes of our time. Men and Women that will right this SHIP OF STATE. "To right the ship of state" is a metaphor meaning to take action to improve a situation, often referring to a government or organization facing problems, by steering it back on course.
The work that Juan has led in the Candidates Coalition is to move back to the STATES the aspect of LOCAL people finding their way to sus out and to recall Governors. Some States have but were defeated by the Machine Vote Fraud. Hence the move to an Executive Order by President Trump that requires Paper Ballots, One day Vote, Limited Absentee Ballots and VOTER ID.
The argument against NuroLink is not really valid. Many that have severe Nerve Damage are being helped to use computers with their brain stem linking to the inner ELECTRONIC signals we all have that create thought function that AI can read. We do have a technology that is a "chip" that can relay PROGRAMMING to not only the Brain but the body through Wave forms that can be sent through your devices. This program of AI Bots is real. But it has NOTHING TO DO with Nurolink. Which is primarily AUGMENTATION not PROGRAMMING. And Michelle did not understand at ALL what Juan was trying to explain.
Juan also mentions the task at hand. WE ARE AT WAR. And the lost of innocents lives are of utmost importance to the furthering of a RIGHT GOVERNANCE that protects Life, Property and FAITH. This is a monumental task! Please take a moment to PRAY for all those LOST. Even those LONG AGO that gave us our LIVES at this point in HISTORY.

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