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Sunday Services
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July 28, 2024 - "Hope in the Midst of Life's Trials," 1 Peter 1:6-12 - Guest Pastor Jiri Novak
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
By Guest Pastor Jiri Novak
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Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
The Prepared L.I.F.E. Church
January 8, 2023 - "The Power of Prayer and Fasting" - Isaiah 58
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
The combination of prayer, fasting, and giving is a Spiritual Trifecta that opens the door for great victories and rewards from the Lord. Today, we will share what the Bible teaches on this vast subject! Fasting is a spiritual weapon to fight with, it is a tool to build with. It's not for fanatics, but for those who desire to humble themselves and get closer to God. Daniel fasted as he read the book of the Prophet Jeremiah and saw the prophecies coming to pass. We, too, are seeing many signs of the times coming to pass and we want to seek the Lord about being prepared.
December 25, 2022 - "The Wise Men and Their Gifts" - Matthew 2:1-12
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
What better day to celebrate the birth of Jesus than on Christmas Day that lands on a Sunday! God’s gift to the world was His Son. Not everyone has received His gift; but praise God this church has! Let's look at what gifts these wise men gave to our Lord! He gave us His Son – they give Him their life, their gold, their frankincense, and their myrrh. Very precious and rare then, and even today. We will look at this in more detail…
October 27, 2024 - "The Marriage Supper of the Lamb" - Revelation 19:1-10
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
The greatest event in all the universe is the great wedding in heaven between the King's Son and His Bride, the Church. This is the celebration of the universe. From the fall of man in the garden to paradise regained the great feast is now celebrated. Praise the Lord, what a day to anticipate and look forward to!
October 20, 2024 - "Mystery Babylon Will Be Destroyed" - Revelation 18
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
We believe that Mystery Babylon is a city in Saudi Arabia. It will be used by the Anti-Christ. It is a religious and commercial center of the world. Mecca is currently the religious capital of the world. "The Line" on the Saudi west coast will probably be the commercial capitol of the world within the next 10 years. Those cities will eventually be destroyed.
October 13, 2024 - "Mystery Babylon: A City in Saudi Arabia" - Revelation 17-18
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
Revelation 17-18 mentions Mystery Babylon as a city eight times. Today, we will look at the common proposals of which city this is. We will look at the description of the city and see which city in the world is the closest match. There is another city that is being built that we also think is a close match, it is in Saudi Arabia, a modern city presently being built in the area of Neom, specifically a modern city called, "The Line".
October 6, 2024 - "Grounded in Grace" - Romans 3-4
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
We partake of the Lord's Table today, and is so doing we desire to seek to understand all that our Lord accomplished when He died on the cross. Oh, what tremendous grace of God for us! We are justified by faith, redeemed, and reconciled to God - not by works or by perfection or by keeping rules or regulations, but by grace. Let's be grounded in grace!
September 15, 2024 - "Mystery Babylon" - Revelation 17
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
There have been many candidates for who/what this Last Days Babylon is referring to. We will look at the common proposals and share with you that the best fit seems to be a city in Saudi Arabia, namely Neom. This will be an interesting study.
September 8, 2024 - "The Prophecy Problem" - Matthew 24
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
There are dozens of Scriptures that teach that there will be multiple signs and events that must take place before Jesus returns. He cannot return until certain events take place first. Those events are very clear and detailed. Yet, there are dozens of Scriptures that tell us to watch and be ready at any moment. This is a dilemma. How do you reconcile these two positions? We answer that today.
September 1, 2024 - "The End of the World" - Revelation 16:10-21
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
This is the last of the judgements that God pours out upon the earth. This begins the battle of Armageddon and the great hailstone plague, and the greatest earthquake in world history. The Earth is convulsing over the sin of man upon it. After all this, Jesus returns and remakes the earth back into the Garden of Eden! Lord come quickly!
August 25, 2024 - "The Great Bowls of Wrath" - Revelation 16:1-8
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
God is reluctant to judge - but He will. Warning after warning has been given to mankind to turn away from sin, unbelief, false teaching and lies. Now comes the final act of God to purge sin and rebellion from the universe. It will be terrifying and beyond imagination of what is to come upon a Christ rejecting world. Let us continue to reach out to the lost and pray for those who need salvation - before it's too late.
August 18, 2024 - "The Sentencing Angels and the Singing Saints" - Revelation 15
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
Just before the final outpouring of God's wrath upon the Christ-rejecting world, there will be mass conversions to Christ. Standing before God in Heaven, those who acknowledged Christ as Savior will be singing the Song of Moses and the Song of the Lamb, a song of deliverance from the Beast - Satan - and a song of salvation from the Beast and their own sins. Worship is the natural response of God's grace, love protection, and deliverance! Let us be people of praise and worship!
August 11, 2024 - "Preview of the Coming Judgement" - Revelation 14:12-20
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
The Lord Jesus Christ will one day judge the world for all its evil. This judgement is put in agricultural terms of a Harvest. It's harvesting in all the wicked of the earth to be judged by God Almighty. Jesus will be the judge, the angels will be the executioners, swinging the sickle to cut down all those who are not Born-Again and who have rejected the Lord. This will happen one day! But before it does, the Love and Grace of God calls all people to turn to Him and be saved!
August 4, 2024 - "The Preaching Angels" - Revelation 14:6-13
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
Fascinatingly, there will be a day when Heavenly Angels will be flying through the sky preaching to humanity. Their messages are certainly not "user friendly" or "seeker sensitive". Their messages are filled with warnings and predictions, as well as the good news of Jesus. During the Great Tribulation these Preaching Angels will be quite active!
July 21, 2024 - "The Invincibles" - Revelation 14:1-4
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
Live Services: Sunday 10a, Wednesday 6:30p
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Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
The Prepared L.I.F.E. Church
July 14, 2024 - "The Antichrist - An Alternate View"
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
Live Services: Sunday 10a, Wednesday 6:30p
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Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
The Prepared L.I.F.E. Church
July 7, 2024 - "The Rise of the False Prophet" - Revelation 13:11-18
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
Live Services: Sunday 10a, Wednesday 6:30p
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Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
The Prepared L.I.F.E. Church
June 30, 2024 - "The Rise of the Antichrist" - Revelation 13:1-10
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
Live Services: Sunday 10a, Wednesday 6:30p
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Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
The Prepared L.I.F.E. Church
June 23, 2024 - "Testimony Interview with Missionaries Louis & Connie VanNess"
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
Live Services: Sunday 10a, Wednesday 6:30p
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Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
The Prepared L.I.F.E. Church
June 16, 2024 - "Father Wisdom" - Proverbs 1-10
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
Live Services: Sunday 10a, Wednesday 6:30p
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Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
The Prepared L.I.F.E. Church
June 9, 2024 - "The Invisible War" - Revelation 12:7-17
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
Live Services: Sunday 10am, Wednesday 6:30pm
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Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
The Prepared L.I.F.E. Church
June 2, 2024 - "The War of the Ages" - Revelation 12:1-6
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
Live Services: Sunday 10am, Wednesday 6:30pm
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Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
The Prepared L.I.F.E. Church
May 26, 2024 - "The Hope Of All Mankind" - Revelation 11:15-19
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
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Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
The Prepared L.I.F.E. Church
May 19, 2024 - "The Two Witnesses" - Revelation 11
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
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Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
The Prepared L.I.F.E. Church
May 12, 2024 - Happy Mother's Day! "God's Value of Children" - Matthew 19:13-15
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
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Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
The Prepared L.I.F.E. Church
April 28, 2024 - "The Demon War" - Revelation 9:12-21
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
The Great Tribulation is now happening and God releases four demon creatures to make war with humanity. They kill one-third of all mankind. Unimaginable! By this time in the Great Tribulation, half of the earth's population will be killed. Revelation 9 is perhaps the most frightening chapter in the Revelation, and yet the worst is still to come. God's wrath is being poured out on the earth because of its iniquity.
April 21, 2024 - "The Attack of the Demon Creatures" - Revelation 9
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
The 5th Trumpet is blown in heaven and all hell breaks loose on earth! This is indeed Great Tribulation time! There is no horror story more horrific than Revelation 9, when demon creatures are released from the abyss and torment humanity for 5 months. The pain will be so intense that men will seek to commit suicide and not be able to. This is a warning for everyone to turn away from their sins and follow Jesus. It is also a wake-up call to Christians to continue to pray for and share God's truth and to warn as many as possible of what is to come.
April 7, 2024 - "The Trumpets of Doom" - Revelation 8
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
Live Services: Sunday 10am, Wednesday 6:30pm
February 4, 2024 - "A Trip to Heaven" - Revelation 4
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
Heaven is a place of no sickness, no pain, no death, no sorrow, no curse - only perfect joy, overwhelming love, indescribable beauty and glory!
John was taken there in his vision. We will explore the majestic details of that today in this message!
January 28, 2024 - Overview of Revelation 1-3 & Guest Speaker Rick Ledesma
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
Before we begin the next section of Revelation, The Great Tribulation (Ch. 4-18), let's review these first three very important chapters that deal with the Revelation of Jesus to the Seven Churches and His message to the Seven Churches.
January 21, 2024 - "Laodicea: The Lukewarm Church" - Revelation 3:14-22
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
In the West, we can become so casually self-contented and self-satisfied that we lack the feeling of our need for God. We have money coming in, clothes, shelter, car, we're doing okay physically, we're not bedridden, and we feel we don't need God. And this is such a danger, because it leads to complacency and eventually, apathy. Beware of apathy! In apathy, there is no life-changing power, only spiritually sleeping in the light.
January 14, 2024 - "Five Outlets of Spiritual Power"
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
Pastor Larry discusses the five outlets of spiritual power; these are accentuated and energized by prayer and fasting!
January 7, 2024 - CCOC Prayer and Fasting Week: "The PROMISE of Prayer and Fasting" - Isaiah 58
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
This week at Calvary Chapel of the Canyons, we are doing a church-wide fast, as we do at the beginning of each year, dedicating each year and each of our lives to the Lord. We never know what's around the corner, and fasting grounds us in our mature faith in our Savior!
December 31, 2023 - "The POWER of Prayer and Fasting" - Isaiah 58
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
Preparing for Prayer and Fasting Week at Calvary Chapel of the Canyons by reading and studying Isaiah 58.
December 17, 2023 - "Philadelphia: The Prepared L.I.F.E. Church" - Revelation 3:7-13
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
Today, we are talking about the traits of the Philadelphia Church - the Prepared L.I.F.E. Church! This is the church we want to be like - the Lord had nothing bad to say about this church.
December 3, 2023 - "Thyatira: Compromised Loyalties" - Revelation 2:18-29
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
An influential woman (whom Jesus named Jezebel) usurped authority in the Church. For some reason, the Christians listened to her. The strange thing is that they also listened to Jesus at the same time. So, the Christians had two loyalties, divided loyalties. This was a type of Church and Christian that is faithful to Christ, but is also tolerating other influences in their life that lead to spiritual and moral compromises.
November 26, 2023 - "Pergamos: The Compromising Church" - Revelation 2:12-17
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
The ancient church of Pergamos compromised doctrine. We will learn about the dangers of comprising Christian doctrine, and learn how to be more grounded in the Word.
October 15, 2023 - The Truth About Israel
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
In the coming days, we will be shown the casualties of war in the Gaza strip. The world will be on fire over it. There will be protests and a cry of 'Death to Israel,' 'Death to America.' Christians will be a target because of our spiritual link with the Jewish people. The spiritual source of this hatred? – Islam. Islam is the driving force to kill 'the Jew first, the infidel second.' Today, I want to give you some truth about the state of Israel that you will not hear in the Marxist Media of the world.
October 8, 2023 - "The Role of Israel in Bible Prophecy"
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
There is another war in Israel. Israel is the center of all End-Time Bible prophecy because Jesus will return to Israel to rule for 1000 years. As Israel goes, so goes Bible prophecy. Whenever something significant happens in Israel, it should grab our attention for it could be the domino that starts the End Times scenario in motion. If the current war escalates and Iran gets involved, things could get very, very interesting! Let’s keep our trust in the Lord and be ready for Him at any moment.
October 1, 2023 - "The Revelation of Jesus Christ, Part 2" - Revelation 1:2
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
The Apostle John now brings us greetings, grateful to God for His work in our lives to make us a kingdom of priests who are washed clean of our sins. He records a revelation from the Lord of grace and glory, and proclaims: He is Coming! Jesus will return! It’s the prayer of the church for the last 2000 years: "Come quickly, Lord Jesus!"
September 24, 2023 - "The Revelation of Jesus Christ, Part 1" - Revelation 1:1
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
We start a study in the most fascinating book of the Bible, the book of Revelation. This book puts the entire history of the world, from beginning to end, in focus. It is a book that is easily understood if you know the four keys that unlock its meaning. The book is meant to be understood. 27% of the entire Bible is prophetic in nature. Why do most Christians and churches ignore 27% of the bible? We will not! We start this glorious book of the Bible, join us for this wild ride of discovery into the future like none other!
September 17, 2023 - "Jesus In You, Living Through You, To the Glory Of God" - Colossians 1:27
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
If all Jesus did was die on the cross to get you into heaven, and then just wait for you to get there, that would not be much of a "salvation," would it? It'd be a salvation that made you fit for heaven, technically, but on earth you would be hopelessly inadequate. This is the reality: the life that He lived qualified Him for the death He died, and the death that He died qualifies YOU to receive the life that HE lived! Wow! The Christian life can only be lived by Christ, therefore, as we yield our lives to Him, He lives out the life, that only He can live, in us and through us! This is glorious!
September 10, 2023 - "Presenting You Faultless" - Jude 24-25
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
The thought of appearing before the Holy, Righteous God of the universe as "faultless" is quite stunning! Yet, this truth is a part of the Good News of Jesus Christ! Faultless before the Almighty! Hard to believe, but totally true! How is it possible? It is possible through the atoning work of Jesus on the Cross! The Doctrine of Justification means being “declared” righteous! This teaching is sure to give you great comfort as you and I will one day come face to face with the Lord of glory!
September 3, 2023 - "Keep Yourself In the Love Of God" - Jude 20-23
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
God wants us to live in a place where we can experience His full blessings upon our life. Although God loves us supremely, even when we were His enemies, we may be robbed of the benefits of His love by the way we live. This study will change your life if you apply its teachings. You CAN live “under the shadow of the Almighty” and experience God’s fullness upon your life!
August 27, 2023 - "Deception Protection" - Jude 12-19
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
Jude warns us of apostate persons who seem to be so nice and persuasive, but they are inwardly perverted. Jude warns us of their deceitful ways, and exhorts us in the way we can protect ourselves, and others from this deception: Remember the Word of God! Taking the Bible seriously is the most effective way to navigate this world of lies, deep-fakes, and deceptions that are now in everything we see or read. Everything must be tested and validated!
August 6, 2023 - "Danger Zones" - Jude 1:8-11
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
The Christian faith is not a playground, it’s a battleground. It’s a fight for the Truth, for Faith, for the Fear of God. There are "Danger Zones" that could sink us. Jude warns us of some of those danger zones to avoid.
July 16, 2023 - "Fighting For the Truth" - Jude 4-7
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
Every Christian is called upon to contend, defend, and fight for the Truth of God’s Word and its beliefs and teachings. These passages train us on how we can do that: by remembering the Truth, guarding against unbelief, pride, and sexual immorality.
July 9, 2023 - "Defending the Faith" - Jude 3
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
The Truth is constantly under attack and has been since the beginning when Satan lied to Eve about what God said and didn’t say. Today there are theologians, churches, and individuals who twist the truth of scripture. The Bible calls them ‘apostates’. We are called to not only know the truth but be able to defend it.
July 2, 2023 - "Good Leadership, Bad Leadership" - 3 John
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
The Apostle John wrote this short letter to his friend to encourage him in his leadership role in helping the traveling missionaries, and also called out the self-centered leadership role of a church leader who was walking in pride and abusing his authority. Good word for all of us to learn from.
June 25, 2023 - "Love Guided By Truth" - 2 John 7-10
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
Love must stand the test of Truth. The main lesson of this book is that truth determines the bounds of love and of unity. The call for unity can only be based upon the Truth, or it is simply misguided shallow sentimentality. Truth must exist before love can unite. Truth generates love.
June 18, 2023 - "Men Of Truth" - 2 John
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
Truth is under attack like never before. Truth in American culture is “relative”: the “you-do-you” vibe. The Bible exalts Truth to a level that it is paramount! Love is not love unless it is grounded in the the Truth! Truth about God and what He says what life is all about is the Truth! His Word is Truth! Jesus is the way, TRUTH and the Life. Fathers are to instill Truth into their children. May the dads of our congregation, and the dads listening to this message, be godly Men of Truth!
June 4, 2023 - "Certainties In An Uncertain World" - 1 John 5:13-21
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
There is nothing certain in this world; kingdoms rise, kingdoms fall. We live in a world of uncertainties: uncertain political future, financial future, uncertain health… we live in a world of instability. But, as followers of Jesus, we have an anchor for our soul, we have the more certain Word of God, we know that we have eternal life, God hears our prayer, that we belong to God, that we are no longer a slave of sin but now Jesus is our master!
May 28, 2023 - "The Certainty of Answered Prayer" - 1 John 5:14-17
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
The Bible has astounding promises that God will answer prayer. The qualifier is if we ask ‘according to His will’. We know His will through the written word of God in the Bible. As we are committed to serve Him and obey Him, we become more familiar with His will and thus our prayers are more often answered because they are based on God’s will and not our misguided motives.
May 21, 2023 - "The Certain Testimony of Who Jesus Is" - 1 John 5:7-13
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
Whose word do you believe? How credible is the witness that Jesus is the Son of God? In this passage, we will review the credible testimony that Jesus is truly the Son of God and that in Him we can have eternal life!
May 14, 2023 - "Planting the Word In Your Child" - 2 Timothy 1:5
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
It is a mama's and daddy's responsibility to teach and exhort their children in the Scriptures. The impact God’s Word has on a child's life will change the world! I guess we can call moms and dads "Pastor Dad, Pastor Mom." May the Lord continue to use you to plant God’s Word deep into the heart of your children!
May 7, 2023 - "How To Lead Others To Faith In Christ" - Romans 1:16
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
Have you ever had the privilege to lead someone to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior? It is a glorious experience! Let’s be Soul-Winners! Today, we want to share with you how you can use the Romans Road to lead someone to a personal faith in Jesus.
April 30, 2023 - "The Overcomers!" - 1 John 5:1-5
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
Those who are born of God have overcome the world and all its lies, temptations, deceit and sin. Overcomers – victors, champions, winners, conquerors. Jesus lives in us and HE conquers the world and all its lies. You are a conqueror in Christ because Christ is in you!
February 12, 2023 - "Behold the Love of God" - 1 John 2:18-3:3
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
Love; it’s a word that means different things to different people. God’s love will change your life. When one experiences God’s love, they will never be the same. However, His Love does not mean approval. His love is correcting and forgiving. His love hates sin. He loves the sinner enough to not allow the sinner to remain in his sin. God’s love is demonstrated on the cross of Calvary.
January 22, 2023 - "Spiritual Maturity," 1 John 2:12-14 - Guest Pastor Ed Cornwell
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
Today’s passage is in 1 John 2:12-14. Growth is a sign of life. As we continue in God’s Word beholding the Lord, we are changed from glory to glory. We no longer want to be babes in Christ, we want to progress forward in our relationship with Jesus!
December 18, 2022 - "A Child Is Born, A Son Is Given" - Isaiah 9:6
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
The Lord Jesus is indeed glorious! Because of who He is, we have answers for life, whether in disappointment, distress, discouragement or difficult decisions. As we enter Christmas week, let's consider how great He is and the fact that we have fellowship with the Mighty God, Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace.
November 27, 2022 - "Call To Worship" - Guest Pastor Ed Cornwell
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
We were born to worship. Worship is acknowledging God’s power, grace, love, and majesty. When we worship Jesus Christ, we fulfill the purpose of our existence. Let’s worship the True and Living God in Spirit and Truth!
November 13, 2022 - "Fellowship With God" - 1 John 1:5
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
The purpose of the apostle's writing this is that we would have joy-filled life. Joy that is based on fellowship with God. We can have fellowship with God, amazing but true! Jesus died on the cross so that we would have communion and fellowship with God. That brings the Father and us the greatest joy – communion with Him.
November 6, 2022 - "The Certainty of Who Jesus Is" - 1 John 1:1-4
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
If Jesus is who He really claimed to be, then we owe Him everything! If Jesus really is God in human form, then everything He says is the final authority for our beliefs and behaviors! He is Lord of all. We owe Him our full allegiance above everything and everyone!
October 30, 2022 - "The Certainty of Joy!" - 1 John 1:4
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
There is a difference between happiness and joy. Happiness is based on how well our circumstances go for us. Joy is based on how well our relationship with God is. The Lord wants us to experience ‘fullness of Joy’. Pastor Larry will explain what that means to us in this message.
October 23, 2022 - "The Certainty of Jesus" - 1 John 1
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
In a world full of doubt, full of change, and full of an uncertain future, the Apostle John bolts out a definite certainty – Jesus! Jesus Christ, you can know Him, walk with Him, obey Him, and fellowship with Him.
October 16, 2022 - "The Faithful Servant, Acts 20:13-38" - Guest Pastor Jim Joy
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
The Apostle Paul gives us a great example of being faithful to the Lord til the very end, no matter what we may face!
October 9, 2022 - "Understanding the Rapture"
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
We live in the ‘Times of the Signs’ - yes, the Times of the Signs! With so many extravagant world events taking place, we look forward to the Lord’s soon return. He promises to, one day, take His church home to heaven in an instant. That instant is our blessed hope. It is what we long for and pray for. With the world changing so rapidly, we believe that the day is very near!
September 25, 2022 - "Jesus In You, the Hope of Glory" - Colossians 1:27
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
The Lord Jesus died upon the cross, not just to get you out of hell and into heaven, He died on the cross to get God out of heaven and into you! But there is more! This is the successful Christian life: God residing in the man, and God and being God through the man by the man freely surrendering his will and life to Him, moment by moment.
September 18, 2022 - "PART 2: What We Believe - Our Statement Of Faith" - Jude 3
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
Jude 3 says to "contend earnestly for the faith." Do you know what "the faith" is? We want to give brief discussions on the basics of what Christians believe. It is so important to have a solid foundation for what we believe in a world full of many false ideas.
July 24, 2022 - "Living in the Light of Christ’s Return" - 2 Peter 3:10-15
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
Think of it – we will one day (sooner or later) be in heaven! Think of it! No more sorrow, sickness, death, or pain. Think of the joy we will have without spoil for all eternity. All of the things in this life will vanish. Why do we spend so much time on things that will vanish in an instant? Strange, is it not? Therefore we are encouraged to live life in such a way that whatever we do, however we do it, will have more than just an earthly impact, it will have an eternal impact!
July 17, 2022 - "The Certainty of Jesus Christ’s Soon Return!" - 2 Peter 3:1-9
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
There are many who have denied the Second Coming of Jesus. But the Second Coming is certain. We are living in the times in which many of the signs of His return are taking place. Those who deny His soon return do so because they do not want to give up their lifestyle of sin. If they admit to His soon return, they must admit to a day of reckoning for their sins. He will certainly come back! For us who are followers of Jesus His return is our greatest joy, motivation, and hope! His return brings us the greatest hope in this life!
July 10, 2022 - "Christianity 101" - Guest Pastor Ed Cornwell
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
A contrast between the power of God in salvation and the wrath of God in unbelief.
July 3, 2022 - "The Dangers of Mixing Truth and Error" - 2 Peter 2:12-22
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
The Apostle Peter continues to warn of the dangers of false teaching and false teachers. He states that we can know them by their character, their creed, and their conduct. One of the sneaky ways a false teacher is discovered in churches is when they MIX truth and error; MIX good and Bad; Bible doctrine and man's doctrine. This “mixing” is what is extremely subtle and dangerous. We must become so familiar with the TRUTH that the moment we hear or see error it will raise caution in our hearts and minds. The Church needs a real good dose of discernment in the days we live in!
June 12, 2022 - "The More Sure Word!" - 2 Peter 1:16-21
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
In a world full of uncertainty and chaos we have a more sure word – the Bible. The Bible has been attacked for 2000 years and yet it continues to proven to be accurate and reliable again and again. It has been said, ‘The Bible is an anvil that has broken many hammers.’ You can be more certain of the Bible than gravity itself! The Bible is as rock-solid as the Rock of Gibraltar! Jesus said, ‘Heaven and earth will pass away but My Word will never pass away!’ It is the MORE SURE WORD! And we would do well to heed it.
June 5, 2022 - "Prepared for Heaven" - 2 Peter 1:12-15
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
We often hear about living well, but are we ready to die well? Preparing for death sounds like a morbid thing, but it really is the wisest, smartest thing anyone could ever do. If one is not prepared to die they cannot fully live. Christianity promises and prepares for a glorious death. We all will one day die, and as Jesus said, what will it profit us if we gain the whole world and lose our own soul? It is not how one starts a race that counts, but how he finishes. Let’s run the race that we may win!
May 22, 2022 - "Continue To Grow" - 2 Peter 1:5-11
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
It is possible to become a ‘stagnant Christian’; one who is just not growing anymore. There are some who have been Christians for years, but they are still 'spiritual babies'; they are in an arrested state of spiritual development. We grow not only in grace, but we grow in a holy character. The rewards of growing into greater Christlikeness will be glorious. Let’s continue to grow!
May 15, 2022 - "The Benefits of Knowing God" - 2 Peter 1:1-4
Calvary Chapel of the Canyons
Knowing God is the most important knowledge anyone can attain to. It is a knowledge that will affect every aspect of your life. The more we grow in our knowledge of Jesus, the more we experience living an abundant life filled with promise, hope, strength, faith, and victory, even through our hardships!
October 6, 2024 - "Grounded in Grace" - Romans 3-4
Streamed on:
We partake of the Lord's Table today, and is so doing we desire to seek to understand all that our Lord accomplished when He died on the cross. Oh, what tremendous grace of God for us! We are justified by faith, redeemed, and reconciled to God - not by works or by perfection or by keeping rules or regulations, but by grace. Let's be grounded in grace!
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