Episode 408: Our bodies in the New Heaven and New Earth

5 months ago

Hello everyone. In tonight's Bible study we take a look at the types of bodies people will have in the new heaven, new earth, and the lake of fire.

Do you know that the scriptures declares everyone will get a new body? Yes, even those who will spend an eternity in the lake of fire which we call hell.

Do you know that there will be normal natural people living on the new earth?

These people will be just like us except they will have no sin and have no capacity to sin, ever. What will their bodies look like and how will they live forever?

What about the believers, old and new testament saints? What kind of body will we have?

Today's study is 1 hour and 15 minutes in duration. I have broken it into three segments. This is segment 3 of 3 titled Our bodies in the New Heaven and Earth.

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