Depression Tip #21: Decluttering!💙

5 months ago

It can often be exceptionally valuable to declutter aspects of your life. The ones that I found most helpful are decluttering your mind by offloading your thoughts, and that can be in several different ways.💙

It can be talking them aloud, it can be writing them down, which is the basis of journaling, or it can be talking them through with someone else. Just to get them out into the real world can be incredibly helpful to stop them spinning around inside your head.💙

Another thing to declutter is your environment. So today I was decluttering the desktop of my computer. You can also declutter the apps on your phone. I decluttered the whiteboard where I put down all my notes and things like that.💙

You can declutter by filing your stacks of paper by doing the dishes. There are lots of different ways to declutter your life, and that actually frees up bandwidth. If you're depressed and you're using all your bandwidth, it's really, really helpful even just to free up a small part of it.💙

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