Dead Space (2023) : 07 - Breathing Issues

4 months ago

//Transcript: Audio Logs
//Subject: Clarke, Isaac

Dr. Mercer was waiting for me in Cryogenics. He brought his new "pet". Managed to put it on ice and ship it off to storage. Air is being contaminated. Elevated *REDACTED*. Daniel's thinks *REDACTED* is in Hydroponics. Something big has taken up residence there. Have to take the tram to the Hangar and walk the rest of the way. Managed to synthesize an enzyme to weaken whatever is pumping out the extra *REDACTED*. Dr. Cross calls this thing *REDACTED*. Cut off. Door is locked. Have to do this another way. Found a Force Gun. Swarmed just inside the grow room. Have to use the enzyme on the *REDACTED*. Only way to weaken this *REDACTED* enough to gain access to Food Storage...

//Transmission terminated

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