Lets Play Sonic Adventure Finale ("Hey! it's me! Sonic!") [For That Roboguy]
Lets Play Sonic Adventure Part 1 (Cashinos for 32 Minutes LOL WTF?!) [For That Roboguy]
Lets Play Sonic Adventure Part 2 (The Sideventure Stories) [For That Roboguy]
Lets Play Sonic Adventure Part 3 (Rising Revengance over the Galaxy!!!) [For That Roboguy]

Lets Play Sonic Adventure Part 1 (Cashinos for 32 Minutes LOL WTF?!) [For That Roboguy]

5 months ago

R.I.P That Roboguy (2005-2023, 17, Hispanic) a Former Member of the SWO who left in 2021, then later quit Youtube in 2022, then qutting Social Media Entirely in this year 2023, sucks that he left the internet which is unfortunate......

These are the only remaining pieces I have left of him
PSN: https://psnprofiles.com/That_Roboguy20

Xbox: ThatRoboguy
Switch Friend Code: 1789-7912-3293
Twitch: / that_roboguy_

I do think there might be a solution to make him come back to the internet and is if all drama is cleared up, Caleb Montes is the only remaining one and I suggest calling him out and debunk the false claims he makes, then he might come back who knows.... just like how Joe Retro came back for a few moments. But for now may he rest in peace R.I.P.

Today we are gonna be doing Sonic Adventure on Dreamcast for him, cuz he was into Sonic a lot as well as the Franchise which would reason why he met the SWO in the first place to try and save Sonic from hell. I know there's other games he liked like Persona 5 Royal (His Favorite Game), Dragon Ball FighterZ, Spider-Man PS4, Super Mario Galaxy, and Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (Tho unfortunatly not on the poll cuz he prefers those games as well as this game Im Lets Playing Rn) but this was choosen the most in the poll, hense why we are doing this game... Sorry Folks....

In this episode we Start off the Game as Sonic Clearing up the first half of the game pretty much.......

This is meant for entertainment purposes only

Streamed on May 6th 2023

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