PHILIP OVADIA j3 | LOW LDL? AT RISK? …if sdLDL, even low or normal levels lead to heart attack

5 months ago
presents episode 2184 | DR PHILIP OVADIA

Judy Cho: often, when we check size of cholesterol
particles vs blood test results we find that
-LPIR does show IR, but
-fasting insulin is normal...why?
Dr Ovadia: Dr Kraft figured this out:
of the 5 patterns of Kraft Test, first 2 have normal insulin
-so: normal fasting insulin does not mean non IR
-if insulin elevated, IR for sure
Key: even if fasting insulin is NORMAL, you
are IR if take Kraft Test and fit pattern or
take LPIR to confirm

Judy Cho: many carnivores see their insulin levels become
normal, but LPIR shows they are still in IR for a time...
Dr Ovadia: Yes, can be confirmed with visceral fat [MRI]
which is highly correlated with IR [See Sean O'Mara on MRI]
I often need to use several tests to confirm IR or not
FALLACY: LDL level tells us everything about heart disease
Heart disease is so complex, one lab test
will NOT TELL US What we need to know
-yet most doctors rely solely on that

Judy Cho: many carnivores find they lose weight and have
better health, but their LDL or total cholesterol numbers are
'high' so doctors wants them on a statin & change diet...
Dr Ovadia: Very unfortunate.
Many need carnivore due to severe autoimmune conditions
-many scared out of diet due to doctor not understanding
what the blood test numbers mean

What is meant by bad cholesterol numbers?
-we are told HDL is good; LDL is bad
Both HDL & LDL represent families of cholesterol carrying
particles in blood
-LDL has both small, dense particles & large, buoyant ones
-ONLY small, dense ones are in arherosclerotic plaques
-large, buoyant ones are not involved
PROBLEM: if LDL high, but most are large,
not unhealthy
if LDL low, but most are small, STILL AT

This is why I see patients, on my operating table, who have
had low LDL, in the normal range, for many years, but
still have heart disease and need operation...


original video interview:

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