MIKHAILA PETERSON s3 | FDA; USDA; CDC CORRUPTED …RFK Jr: they are paid by giant corporations

5 months ago

presents episode 2190 | MIKHAILA PETERSON

Dr Chris Palmer: Study, 300k people, those eating UPF
daily had 3X higher mental health issues...
Casey Means: American health is being destroyed by
chronic illness, trending towards a health collapse
RFK Jr: take a sledge hammer to corruption & conflicts of
interest in regulatory agencies
-they are now predators against US

80% of NIH grants go to those with conflicts of interest...
-scientists able to receive annual grants of $150k for
products developed at NIH, then farm out to pharmaceutical
-FDA, USDA, CDC all controlled by giant for-profit
-they simply advance the interests of
these companies in the industry
they are supposed to regulate



original video interview: https://youtu.be/jtvRxjWHCxU?si=qE0IF74EmfZTaY7d

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