GARY FETTKE f1 | DIETARY MISGUIDELINES…taken to court for helping send T2D into remission

5 months ago
presents episode 2191 | DR GARY FETTKE w/Primal Podcast

Dr Gary Fettke, on Primal Podcast:
-had a patient, in 40s, I was considering amputating both of
his lower limbs...
-later, he was in hospital, eating ice cream
-the pathology in his leg had built up over decades
If you have more than 4g carbs in one
hit it will affect every blood vessel
-will produce insulin, an inflammatory &
growth hormone which stimulates

Primal Podcast: interviews Dr Gary Fettke...
-asked patient, with out of control infection in both legs,
due to decades of eating sugar,
why are you eating ice cream?
Answer: they told me I could have it
Hospital Guidelines:
If T2D, can get ice cream 3 times/day
-with snacks throughout the day
-obviously, totally ridiculous diet with
no nutritional benefit
National Food Guidelines! Still IS!!!

At the time, I asked the food guideline committee, they said
no, that is not right. I replied: yes, here it is!
-I challenged the hospital foods and began studying
nutrition--something not taught in med school
Studied: role of sugar
I went onto social media with this...
-within 48 hours targeted by someone
working for Coca-Cola & by breakfast
cereal corporations
[all this is documented]

I was reported to the medical board for giving nutritional
advice outside my scope of professional role...
I was advising:
-if T2D: stop eating sugar
-if inflammation: stop eating ultra processed foods
I was taken to the Medical Licensing Bd
-i researched the emails between
breakfast cereal industry and the
CEO of Australia's dietitians assoc.
"Demanding hospital CEO silence me"

I wrote to the med board, this is a joke, right?
-but they took it seriously
-was reported two more times
Once, for inappropriately reversing someone's T2D on TV
"It was inappropriate to put someone's T2D
into remission"


original video interview:

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