GARY FETTKE f2 | CHOPPING OFF LIMBS …T2D plus local infections can lead to 50% mortality rate

3 months ago
presents episode 2192 | DR GARY FETTKE w/Primal Podcast

Ultimately I was exonerated on all charges and received a
written apology and retraction of media statements against
-their resistance had Nothing to do with Patient Care
-Nothing to do with Science
"We have all been growing up in this
politics, money, ideology"

T2D is a slow, insidious torture of your body...
-inflammatory joint disease traces to agricultural revolution
-researching skeletons of ancestors: can easily tell if
bones are pre-agriculture or post-agriculture
For 10k years we have been bringing in grains
into our food supply: milling grains...
-last 50 years have exponentially
increased the inflammatory component
to disease

T2D from eating UPF: gives low grade inflammation
throughout every cell in the body...
-T2D: from slow, chronic inflammation in every
-cell, blood vessel, mitochondrial membrane
Ending with microvascular disease,
narrowing of every blood vessel,
fibrosis in tissues, so POOR
-circulation; local immunity
Break in skin allows virus or bacteria in
-body cannot fight it; becomes war
between infection and immune system

Only way to fight that infection is not dressings or antibiotics;
but to chop off the dead tissue...
-must get back to area of reasonable circulation
"I know this because I used to get all of these messed up
cases for operation"
-foot infections from T2D
-joint infections from replacements
Because so many have poor immunity
and deep infections, months in hospital
NO WIN: T2D & chronic inflammation

Do we keep chopping limbs off?
-used to be rare, but in end of my public health service,
it was 20 to 30 patients weekly with gangrene toes
-so, over time, keep chopping bits off until lower limbs gone
Below knee surgery means 50%
of people die of this amputation


original video interview:

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