002: the mother gap

5 months ago

Exploring the evolutionary history of the mother, the scale of maternal secure connection, the consequences of insecure connection and suggestions as to how we can show up for ourselves today.

00:00 when was a time you felt held?
01:25 what you know, is what you consider normal
03:09 mother gap scale
04:04 inner child healing
05:06 break the cycle
06:35 a sacred connection
08:29 invention of fatherhood
11:57 illusions of secure connection
15:20 tradition of the fourth trimester
17:28 evolution trade-offs
18:24 infant non-negotiable connection
21:04 Frederick II big experiment
23:44 why we look back to go forward
24:16 maternal aggression and academic performance
25:29 maternal sensitivity and internalising
27:35 maternal sensitivity and ADHD
29:05 off the merry go round
31:33 forum and shared experience
36:12 hold a space
40:00 lead by example
46:00 compassion for me, compassion for thee

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