International Public Notice: The Name "America" Especially for the United Nations By Anna Von Reitz

4 months ago

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Article 5029 Video - International Public Notice: The Name "America" Especially for the United Nations - Wednesday, September 25, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

As we have seen the name "America" derives from another name, "Armorica" --- a sea-faring Celtic people who populate the south side of the extreme western side of Normandy jutting out into the English Channel and catching the end results of the Gulf Stream. One can scarcely imagine a more balanced or pleasant natural environment and climate than they enjoy.

The French Armoricans are "Normans" no less than William the Conqueror (Guillaume de Jus) and are famous sailors; as far back as the end of the Ice Age they established contact with their English neighbors in Northumbria, and from Northumbria throughout central and western England. By Roman times, Armoricans and their more land-lubbing relatives to the East who became Kings of Gaul, had established firm covenants and contracts by marriage allowing them to peacefully trade and live in a broad swath of England running across Northumbria and down through the Midlands to Somerset and from there to Exeter and Glastonbury and the southern seaports.

The path of this Armorican/Norman "invasion", which took place at least three thousand years ago and has endured into modern times, provides a direct overland trade route from Spain and Portugal and North Africa to Exeter and through the Midlands to Northumbria and from Northumbria to Armorica and Normandy. When Julius Caesar invaded Britain he found this trade route and its well-heeled beneficiaries firmly ensconced; he established a trade and benefit alliance rather than fight with them, and built a Roman road system all along the Southeastern and Southern Coast of Britain to benefit their trade route and related shipping. This, in turn, provided a supply chain for the Roman Garrisons all the way to Londinium and beyond.

These are known facts. Nobody even cares to argue about them. You can trace the Roman road system to this day and parts of it are still exposed. So why wasn't Julius Caesar pushing inexorably westward? Why were friendly local "Legions" being raised? Why would he invest in a road system in the South of England? Why not rely on a straight from the west approach that he already controlled?

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