Grand Theft Auto V | Train robberies and stealing government nerve agents

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GTA V story mode play-through part 10...
Michael heads back to Trevor's trailer and Ron shows up telling them about a monthly train owned by the Merryweather that holds enough gold to get them out of exile with Madrazo and keep living the high life. Trevor heads out to the train on a motorbike and rides along side it until he can jump on and ride the bike to the engine, taking out the conductor and taking control of the train. Michael waits underneath the Raton Canyon Bridge on a boat. Trevor drives the train straight past Paleto Bay Station, making Merryweather aware the train has been stolen and crashes the train head on into another train, making it crash into the Alamo Sea. Michael explodes the container with the money open to grab it while Trevor fends off the Merryweather's who arrive via boat and helicopter before they can both get away in the dinghy boat and down the rapids. Michael goes to leave with the loot but Trevor wants to see it before it goes. Michael opens the case to reveal an ancient artifact. Trevor wants to keep it but Michael wants to give it to Madrazo to settle things with him. Michael agrees to do "the big score", The Union Depository with Trevor if he lets him do this.
Michael, Franklin and Trevor all meet at a dock at Cape Catfish. Haines and Dave show up for a job that should have a larger crew but think they can pull it off with just 3. Michael, alongside Haines and Dave, get in scuba suits and take a Dinghy to the Humane Labs and Research facility. They swim through tunnels and cut their way to an opening into the facility before taking out the scientists and retrieving a vile of nerve agent. They have to shoot their way out of the building before getting the nerve agent into a refrigerated container that Trevor picks up with a helicopter and brings the crew back to the airfield (Haines shoots himself in the leg, trying to fake being a double agent, but gets detained). They drop the verve agent on a truck that Dave drives off with. Michael receives a message from Lester saying Madrazo has accepted Michael and Trevor's peace offering of the ancient artifact and Michael is now out of exile. Trevor then has to give Patricia back.
Trevor heads back to Floyd's apartment where he finally meets Debra, Floyd's girlfriend. She ends up kicking him out so Trevor leaves with Wade and goes to the Vanilla Unicorn stripe club, which will be their "new home". Trevor heads to the managers off which sets up the beginning of The Union Depository score.
Michael, Lester and Franklin all meet Trevor at the Vanilla Unicorn to plan the Union Depository bank robbery heist. Trevor explains he wants to get Merryweather and the FIB off their tails and do one big score. He also wants to bust Brad out of jail. Michael and Franklin go out via car to scope out the security outside the bank building. Trevor and Lester use a helicopter to fly out and monitor the Securicar convoy and tailing them to find a place to ambush them. Lester see the convoy go under one of the skyscrapers in Downtown Los Santos, making a perfect spot for a hijack. He then wants to investigate an escape route and remembers a construction site near the building which leads into the Los Santos Transit metro tunnel. They find the site and Lester records some footage of the site before heading back to the air field. Michael drops Franklin off at his house.

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