Trump Adviser: Judge Ruling in Favor of Sex Change for Baby Killer Is Kamala Harris’ America

4 hours ago

WATTERS: “Fast-forward to today, a federal judge has ruled that an Indiana prison must provide a sex change for an inmate. And not just any inmate. This guy, Jonathan C. Richardson, also known as Autumn Corleone, who strangled his 11-month-old stepdaughter to death. The ACLU believes it’s cruel and unusual punishment to not provide this face-tattooed baby killer a sex change on your dime. You know what’s cruel and unusual? Strangling a baby. Did the ACLU think of that? Remember, Kamala Harris supports this. She fought for it in California. And she will do it again in the White House. Trump campaign senior advisor Tim Murtaugh joins me now. All right, Tim, this is radical, it’s nuts. We are paying for sex changes for baby killers in prison? What is that all about?”
MURTAUGH: “Well, that is Kamala Harris’ America, isn’t it, Jesse? Thanks for having me on here. And yeah, as you just pointed, this federal judge agreed with the ACLU that it is cruel and unusual punishment not to have the taxpayers pay for a sex change operation. And as outrageous as that sounds, what is even more outrageous is that that is Kamala Harris’ position, and so no wonder she wants to raise taxes on Americans by about $4.9 trillion, because, you know, those procedures are pretty expensive. That’s exactly why — “
WATTERS: “It’s like $100,000 a procedure. And this is voluntary. This isn’t, like, emergency gallbladder surgery, Tim. This isn’t something you need to get rushed to the ER for. This is elective. This prisoner can survive just fine in prison with the pieces they were born with.”
MURTAUGH: “Yeah, exactly right. And this is exactly why we have an ad on the air right now laying this all out, laying out the whole case, videotape of Kamala Harris and the whole bit. And it’s a great ad. Voters need to know about this. And the tagline is, ‘Kamala Harris is for they/them. Donald Trump is for you.’ It’s a great ad.”
WATTERS: “It’s a great ad. We played it last night. And with this country in what, trillions in debt and inflation at record highs, we can’t afford transgender surgeries for people on death row.”
MURTAUGH: “No, certainly not. And that’s why Donald Trump was out on the campaign trail today talking about reviving the manufacturing sector and bringing it back to life, an American industrial revolution again. That’s what he’s talking about. And on the other side you have Kamala Harris talking about sex change operations paid, for by the taxpayers, for people serving 55 years for strangling an 11-month-old baby. It’s insanity, but that’s Kamala Harris’ America. She and California — she’s a San Francisco liberal, Jesse, and she is desperately trying to pretend that she is not one. That is her biggest problem facing her this year.”
WATTERS: “Okay. President Harris wood be cruel and unusual punishment. I think that’s pretty clear.”
MURTAUGH: “You’ve got no argument here.”
WATTERS: “All right, Tim, thank you so much.”

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