Mars Cafe #65: "Paradise Accelerator"

3 months ago

Cabeza has been hit by an atomic bomb, but there's no reason on Mars that the story should end there!

Sheriff Bill is dead, Space-Byron is missing, and Monica has retreated to an underground bunker... so it's up to Emory to assume control of the Policia Forza. Does he have what it takes? Only his therapist knows for sure.

Meanwhile, Clamado Flannado has beamed himself to the safety of Lysithea Moon using illegal Particle Technology, and Tiffany Tucker just wants to eat a popsicle.

Chapter divisions for your convenience:

00:00 In Memory of Lost Friends
01:19 Meanwhile on Earth
02:29 Fallout Effect
03:31 Therapy Animal
04:30 Clean-up Crew
05:30 The Mars Cafe
06:54 Road Trip
08:20 Home Seasick
09:03 Ruined Trousers
10:00 Radio Trouble
10:47 Likely Scenarios

Stick around for a spicy zucchini latte. It's that time of year again!

#MarsCafe #Cydonia #pumpkin #nightmare #Lysithea #Ceres #molluskfantasy #PulpTarot #LynxPiss #warhead #tube #pipe #HighSubmergence #UAP #JellyfishUFO #NeilBreen #GaryMathias #TonyMathias #2024 #Bidenomics #EmoryBunny #Influencer #CodeBanana #CheckMeOut #SpaceByron #BTS #PoohBear #russiangirl #toxic #Ukraine #GarysMom #love #Cydonia #Bimbigne #KillerWhale #Submarine #StormyDaniels #FunnyPages #TinyRobotNeil #ExtremeSports #healthandsafety #Picnics #Shellfish #hashtag #Lobster #Champagne #alzheimers #QContinuum #Luftwaffe #Savagery #PrincessKavorkian #CodePurple #ScorpionKing #Groovy #WorldFone #RescueRangers #SneakPeek #AtomicDevice #JeremyCorbell #SwineLife #TrustMeBro #Analysis #ontologicalshock #hucksters #spotlight #chalkboard #RussianHookers #Putin #PorkConvention #WarmingGel #UAP #ShamuLives #killerwhale #scorpionking #PulpTarot #tarotcards #unrest #Nostradamus #ChosenOne #Neptune #UncleCurtis #BWC #GhostGirl #WormPit #BlackBox #Cydonian #ParticleBeam #NightVision #CookieBear #Tullianum #pandering #cliffhanger #diversity #defunded #accountability #Monica #SimulationNirvana #HibernationSickness
#Spycraft #Tiffany #HeavenGenerator #HazyPudding #Autograph #missile #MoviePremiere #SpoilerAlert #InsectCavern #CreamCorn #SoundClown #TittyBumtickle #squatter #TheGaryMathiasBand #Unmasked #DeathRay #AngryRobotHead #CodeFrench #CodePerch #TriggerWarning #sexytalk #porno #UncleCurtis #pimp #PrimaryMotivator #BipolarDisorder #profanity #pastry #censorship #Bimbigne #Tractor #Transponder #PedroSerrano #carnivore #CompletionFunds #BathSalts #Saltburn #PoliceBrutality #HotPockets #UFO #UAP #TiffanyTucker #LasVegas #checkmeout #Sputnik #PeniSoil #friedeggs #sardine #Plasmox #FoyPongu #tweakers #SwineLife #PigPeople #therapy #TotemAnimals #SpaghettiInMyPants #DeathHole #PresidentMan #NoodleHockey #SandFish #LynxPiss #Tiffany #SimulationAnxiety #PhobosTechCrew #hairgel #ThreatLevel #Fresca #Dreamland #hoist #CookieBear #Loafy #MenstrualFarm #CodePerch #deadbeat #TimeIsAFlatCircle #unemployed #dopepipe #high #SpecialDiet #fentanylcrisis #Models #auditorium #choochootrain #Dryads #zoop #NA #AA #KAARP #DEA #NRA #DNA #RNA #NWA #FML #Outdoorsman #TrueCrime #HomelessChallenge #MikeFast #cruising #MidnightCowboy #Serbia #DrSalish #SituationRoom #Plasmox #ProjectorEyes #SpaceBrain #Space1999 #PimpAttack #Encouragement #PerformanceReview #Udders #SugarFish #SeriousRadio #javelinthrow #particlebeam #armageddon #hellfire #inferno #20bucks #CodePickerel #CodeBlue #CodeBuffalo #HappyPants #plasticandy #AndyRobot #Brent #LiquidationLarry #sodomy #AncestorSimulation #MaritimeMoon

Based on the graphic novel “THE MARS CAFE: 300 OF THIS” by Sean Simmans. Available at

THE MARS CAFE is (c) 2005-2024 by Sean Simmans, all rights reserved.

Original score, including INTRO, BILL'S THEME, EMORY'S THEME, and OUTRO written and performed by Kelly Taylor.

Visit for cash & prizes.

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