If Your Ever In Front Of A Judge...

17 days ago

You have a right to LIBERTY....but what it is actually.
It's freedom.

People v Battle: Traffic Infraction Is Not A Crime
(We have an amazing SCOTUS Campus for quick reference.)

Yes police officers are ignorant to the "law".
My own father was a CPD.

They require a contract to have jurisdiction over you, but did you see that when you took the driver's test? LOL


You were duped thinking you were just getting a "license"

Lack of full disclosure.

If you fully understood the HISTORY of the driver's license, your head would explode.

Legislators can ONLY regulate what is COMMERCIAL.

If you knew the truth, that asking for these PRIVILEGES would waive your rights, there would be NO CORPORATIONS in our world. LOL

Because of the contracts with these corporations, there are no rights, so if you scream about them, that's why they label and laugh at you as "sovereign citizens".

Listen to Scott explain it.

We will teach you how to exercise your rights.
Where you will be able to use them.
Where and when you can decline to bother with agency nonsense.

Without a contract with your wet ink signature on it, there is no contract.

Your honor, "Is this statute you're enforcing right now a "law" with regards to the Repugnancy Clause of the United States of America Constitution?"

Either way he goes...
Yes, it IS repugnant.
No, then it's void and not applicable.

They're playing a game with you to hose your pockets using MECHANISMS.

We'll teach you to recognize when you're in a MECHANISM.

With the video!
Join https://Inalienable.University

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