Anderson Cooper: I Am ‘Fascinated’ About Mark Robinson’s ‘Apparent Porn Selections’

5 months ago

COLBERT: “Hi, Anderson.”
COOPER: “How you doin’?”
COLBERT: “Nice to see you. You know, we lead the monologue tonight, we led the show tonight with some news over at the KFile over there on CNN — “
COOPER: “That’s right, yeah.”
COLBERT: “ — about what’s going on with Mark Robinson — “
COOPER: “A lot’s going on.”
COLBERT: “ — and his predilections. Are you leading tonight with that?”
COOPER: “Yeah. Yeah. Hard not to.”
COLBERT: “What?”
COOPER: “Hard not to. It’s — it’s a lot. I did not know that porn sites had comment sections.”
COLBERT: “I was surprised to hear this too.”
COOPER: “I mean, is this a common thing? Do a lot of porn sites have comment sections?”
COLBERT: “It’s a community, Anderson.”
COOPER: “I mean, really?”
COLBERT: “It’s about togetherness.”
COOPER: “Is that why people are watching porn, so they can talk — “
COLBERT: “Just to be with each other, exactly. To share a common interest. Who are we to judge?”
COOPER: “I’m not judging. I mean, he is judging because he is — I was fascinated by his apparent porn selections.”
COLBERT: “Yes, for someone who has criticized the trans community. That was one of his — “
COOPER: “It’s actually interesting, because I was backstage and I wrote down one of his comments — “
COLBERT: “That is journalism. You are watching journalism in action right here.”
COOPER: “By the way, my son was playing with crayons, so I wrote it in crayon.”
COLBERT: “That is upsetting. Go ahead.”
COOPER: “Yeah. One of his comments was about the trans porn and that he liked it. And I guess the reason that he said he liked it is because it takes the man out while leaving the man in.”
COLBERT: “That sounds like a zen poem somehow. I want to talk about another — you don’t mind if we talk about work, do you?”
COOPER: “Sure. Yeah.”

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