AAP Live with Fr. John Brancich, FSSP - 9/20/24 - Invalid Confirmation? And Ember Days!

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We're live now with Fr. John Brancich from the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter and we're taking your questions! To get your question in for Father Brancich, call 1-877-511-5483 or email us at priests@thestationofthecross.com

In Today's Show

Is it sinful to use phrases like “jeez,” “oh my gosh/goodness,” etc knowing they derive from phrases that actually use the name of the Lord in vain?

The lack of reverence and hippie hymns make me angry and distracted at my mass, is this a sin?

What are Ember days and how do we observe them?

What parts of the office are FSSP priests required to pray? And is there a set schedule or do the times vary in their days?

Why does the Church have "gluten free" hosts? Isn't it placating to a minority of cases?

How should we celebrate Halloween? (To be continued with Fr. Rock, FSSP)

My boyfriend was sending flirtatious messages to another girl, what should I do?

Regarding excommunication. Where does the Church get it's authority to decide when a person isn't worthy to be in union with the Church?

During the consecration the priest said drink and take instead of take and drink. Is this invalid?

How do plenary indulgences clear you of all purgatory?

Is the confirmation still valid if the priest pours the chrism on the head rather than signing the cross with the oil on the forehead?

Was Pope Pius XII a hero or villain?

When Christ is questioned, he says that only the Father knows. How does Christ not know if they are Father, Son and Holy spirit?

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