Song of love Wake the world official video

2 months ago

Wake the world was recorded in 7 eme ciel studios in issy les moulineaux close to Paris It it a powerful positive song We know that song of love metal official has 2 sides to them and their albums
Song of love metal official wake the world official video
unsigned one men heavy metal band official video
one men heavy metal band official video

Song of love metal official has the orgasmic side and the prophetic side This song is defitly on the prophetics side of song of love metal official albums The song wake the world is from the love and truth album It says that the world is totally asleep following some people who are asleep themselves Song of love like and suscribe

The Bible says blind leading the blind The world is following dogmas and rules they believe to help them be good person when in fact those rule will not make them to be a better person There are so many rules like theses not only rules but behaviours conventions social norms which are totally vain to help anyone The song starts again with a powerful riff and melody song of love metal official is very well mixed cross with nice sweet melodies and powerful riffs

Song of love metal official can go from super balad like song to very fast thrash metal I love this diversity we do not find this kind of musical diversity in many bands Again the trademark of song of love metal official is to end the song with super quality fast paced and tempo changing riffs that will take off your clothes without anyone helping you Great song wake the world song of love metal official Song of love metal official pass our channel to your friendsn

Song of love metal official wake the world official video I love this song , only the break i should have taken out it does not sound good in retrospect . I should have listened to the sound engineer when he told me to remove it . The rest of the song is pretty excellent . A little polished but live it will soud much heavier and powerful .

Support unsigned one men heavy metal band official video like our band Song of love metal official it is not influenced by record compnaies or music industry who want people to dumb down the music and make it easy for people . We want to give quality music Song of love metal official watch all our videos suscribe

We are just starting and getting enough followers so that we cna do music full time and get you much better quality music , than having to work full time and play music in extra time . In one men heavy metal band official video called Song of love metal official there are 2 albums Orgasm planet and love and truth . The last 5 songs from Song of love metal official
are from the next album called First angels message like the single with the same name . Support us Song of love metal official like and suscribe

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