Fake News: CNN Puts ProPublica Editor On Air To Keep Spreading Dangerous Lies About GA Abortion Law

5 months ago

Posted • September 20, 2024: We've told you about Amber Nicole Thurman, a Georgia woman who died following complications from a medical abortion. Democrats including Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, and Nancy Pelosi seized on the death as proof 'Trump's abortion bans' are killing women. This is, of course, a lie. Thurman already received an abortion and died from complications of that abortion. The doctors who did not treat the complication -- including the abortion clinic doctors who provided Thurman with the medication to terminate her pregnancy -- are to blame here. But here's CNN having Ziva Branstetter of ProPublica on to continue lying to scare and harm women and win votes for Kamala. Despite ProPublica's report already being debunked, CNN nonetheless invited Ziva Branstetter on to share her fake news about Georgia's pro-life law being responsible for the deaths of two women who suffered complications from abortion. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - FAKE NEWS: CNN Puts ProPublica Editor on Air to Continue Spreading DANGEROUS LIES About GA Abortion Law

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