Bootcamp 101 Dec 4 Day 8 Assessment
New Signal members guide & Dec 16 LIVE all things: Alien,Great Deception,Invasions,Great Tribulation
Oct 9 Day 5 Orientation complete with promo
BOOTCAMP 101 Oct 23 Day 6 Orientation complete with promo
BOOTCAMP 101 Day 4 Sept 25 with intro promos abode etc
Get Ready! Buckle UP!
Jamie Walden interview-Occult Assassination Attempt & criticalness of ABIDING Warrior class Identity
Bootcamp Day 3 Receiving Sept 11 with intro promos abode etc
Bootcamp Day 2 Receiving zoom signal session Aug 28
Bootcamp Day 1 Receiving part 1 signal session Aug 14
THE COMING APOCALYPSE… BY ASTEROID? - Conspiracy Conversations (EP #23) with David Whited + Jamie Walden
reminder: upcoming Bootcamp Spiritual Sword Training starts Aug 14 !
Spiritual Bootcamp on our Online Signal Sword Training starts Aug 14-Join Now
SPIRITUAL BOOTCAMP starting August 14 on SIGNAL!

Bootcamp Day 1 Receiving part 1 signal session Aug 14

5 months ago

Our first class of our Sword Training bootcamp - orientation and Warrior Soldier mindsets presented, announcement of coming soon interview with Jamie Walden
Mentioned and related LINKS for this Video: Day 1 links for video
Slide 3 : Marine 12 week boot camp https://youtu.be/fCI2IArn5ys?si=-tPdTyyhAdu-Gc48
Jamies book https://www.omegadynamics.org/

Slide 4 : Manual folder on MEGA- for members only: link on our signal group
Jesus saved me from Coma https://youtu.be/Smp1lzdSHso?si=Lvp7-SDzOn2hjMqs or rumble https://rumble.com/v4h2fgu-thru-jesus-escaped-dream-inception-induced-coma.html
Slide 5
7 part trib series YT https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFH0XWwDCthBD5GoYqSsfWSysLOcVEcyq&si=hEl3Ouuy-lB7Tx_E
slide 6
Cointel pro
slide 7
Abiding study https://mega.nz/file/QqkVFLCa#kVCi2LKqgP3-I7bxhlvkkCVkhBqH8dXSPS3Y9EENFjQ
slide 10
The fall before the antichrist - David Wilkerson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4iWMjqX9kI
slide 12
7 part trib rumble
Slide 22
99 Heaven bootcamp https://youtu.be/EZ_w76coWAI?feature=shared
Welcome to Berean Builder Ministries where we assist you as a soldier for Christ in the Eternal War of the Savior and the Serpent. To know Who and Whose you are, preserving/protecting truth through daily walking in the Spirit, practicing situational awareness and Sword Training in an online and local community daily cultivating His Abiding Presence and His Word.
An Online Spiritual Sword Training Bootcamp (Promo here https://youtu.be/meJ_J903NFQ?si=NDb03A2xcQa23MFB) started Aug 14 to prepare and be equipped for the fight coming as I was trained in heaven in 1999 (911 days before Sept 11, 2001) and Gods opening the doors to do NOW..it will be live on Signal and a video series will be soon afterwards...Join by going to this link on our website https://bereanbuilders.wixsite.com/sw... ...note: it is imperative that for security: that all interested give reasons for joining and their social links info be given to vet and protect the group that has existed for years.

You can find out more about this ministry from our Our Interview getting 27k + views on Deep Believer https:\youtu.be\lkU2_6yPgVk?si=CKmvqSbpTZ53Gn5w and our supernatural testimonials here https://www.youtube.com/@bereanbuilderministries
You can find us on:
Email: bereanbuilderministries@gmail.com
Website: https://bereanbuilders.wixsite.com/sword-training on our website you can:
- financially support our ministry by buying as little as a coffee on Ko-fi or by PayPal, debit or credit card https://ko-fi.com/bereanbuilderministries or thru PayPal using bereanbuilderministries@gmail.com

OUR Sword Training bootcamp on our Signal Group and NEW Sword Training Video Series
- go to https://bereanbuilders.wixsite.com/sword-training/contact-us to join the free private member access to our free International Online and Onsite SIGNAL bi-weekly small group every second Wed 7-9pm MST,
- our Facebook page
- access past and current classes on YouTube and Rumble
- our visions blog and testimonies/strategies for today
As I have taught Jewish Roots of our Faith for over 20 years please consider watching this video to get straight facts of Israel, Zionism, etc from a native Israeli Pastor living there who is also an active member of the IAF .. Amir Tsarfati: Judaism, Zionism, and Antisemitism https://youtu.be/hRyk5gfN_ww?si=MvqIAtuwo2ZjbPEt
Also please watch this movie about the importance now of the Jewish Wedding Feast..I actually have taught on this https://youtu.be/DoLnzn4DaY0?si=HsJoz7vZ0pQVqBAq-
Rumble where all 50 videos uncensored are: https://rumble.com/c/BereanBuilderMinistries
Brighteon: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/bereanbuilderministries
YouTube:: https://www.youtube.com/@bereanbuilderministries
TELEGRAM: Berean Builder Fellowship Telegram https://t.me/+W5gKUPyQ1Vka-KXJ
TWITTER a.k.a X: https://twitter.com/berean_builders
I appreciate and read all comments, please subscribe, and like to support our ministry and getting the word out…God Bless, Doug

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