the opposite of anxiety

2 days ago

Confidence comes from a (recent) track record of success

But what I find interesting is it doesn’t necessarily need to be success in the area that you are experiencing anxiety.

Confidence is transferable.

An interesting study showed that exposure therapy to spiders reduced fear of heights by 15%.

Pretty cool right?

But we don’t need studies to tell us what feeling ‘in the flow’ ‘positive contagion’ or ‘magnetic’ feels like. We’ve likely experienced that at some stage in our lives. Something goes right, and something else goes right, and then we meet that impossible to replace person or encounter that before/after life opportunity.

Problem is, we forgot those moments.

and we forget the garden that was looked after to grow the produce of positive outcomes.

We remember the opposite, the defeats… bang, bang, bang…. as hope fades from repetitive upper cuts from life.

But as we compound down, we can compound up.

And, at least in my opinion it is better to start at the low-hanging fruit that align with the authentic part of yourself, not a to-do-list reactive to other peoples dreams.

What do you like? Where could you challenge yourself manageably? What could you explore?

I.e. it's not just your exposure to fear/win’s, that builds momentum, it's also track record of filling the column of, “wow this life thing is pretty cool!” - otherwise it just feels like clocking in and clocking out of metaphorical cubicle of life, yes sir, no sir, when can i go home and sleep sir.

A diversity of wins, a diversity of interests, means our anxiety about XYZ can be diluted simply by relativity.

To your healing 💙,


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