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RFK Jr "Nobody in the history of the planet has ever complied their way out of totalitarian control"

RFK Jr: "What we're seeing today is what I call turnkey totalitarianism. They are putting in place all of these technological mechanisms for control that we've never seen before."
"It's been the ambition of every totalitarian state from the beginning of mankind to control every aspect of behaviour, of conduct, of thought, and to obliterate dissent. None of them have been able to do it. They didn't have the technological capacity."
"Today, the mechanisms are being put in place that will make it so none of us can run, and none of us can hide."
"Every right that you have is transformed into a privilege, contingent upon your obedience to arbitrary government dictates. It will make you a slave."
"What do we do about this? We resist."
"Every capitulation is a signal to the oppressors to impose new forms of torment... Every time you comply, you get weaker. Bullies cannot be appeased... That's why we need to resist today."
RFK Jr explains how aluminum adjuvants in vaccines contribute to allergies.

RFK Jr: "In 1989... all these autoimmune diseases suddenly appeared....."

H/T Wide Awake Media. RFK Jr: "In 1989... all these autoimmune diseases suddenly appeared."
"The CDC thought it may be the vaccine schedule... so they looked at one vaccine, which is the hepatitis B vaccine. They looked at kids who had gotten it in the first 30 days, and then they looked at... kids who got it later or didn't get it at all, and they compared these two groups."
"Among the kids who got it in the first 30 days, there was... a relative risk of 11.35 [for a subsequent autism diagnosis]. If you have a relative risk of two, causation is presumed... The link between smoking a pack of cigarettes a day for 20 years and getting lung cancer is a relative risk of 10. This was 11.35."
"So they knew what it was, and then they had an emergency meeting that they called... and they had all of the big panjandrums from the vaccine industry, from the pharmaceutical industry... from NIH, CDC, FDA, the WHO, the European Medicines Agency, and they all got together for two days to talk about this study."
"Somebody made a transcript of it, and that transcript was given to me... The second day they spent talking about how to hide it from the American public, and I published these things... I took a lot of heat at that point."
RFK Jr. at MSG Trump Rally: FULL SPEECH

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. speaks to a crowd at Madison Square Garden in New York City. The rally was held on Oct. 27, 2024
RFK Jr. breaks down the MAHA plan to reform USDA in 2 minutes

“We’re going to give farmers an off-ramp from the current system that destroys their health, wrecks the soil, makes Americans sick, and destroys family farms.”
1. “We’re going to REWRITE the regulations to give smaller operators a break.”
2. “We’re going to encourage sustainable regenerative farming that can build soil and replenish aquifers.”
3. “We’re going to BAN the worst agricultural chemicals that are already prohibited in other countries, and we’re going to remove conflicts of interest from the USDA dietary panels and commissions.”
Former CDC Dir. Robert Redfield endorses Donald Trump, admits to RFK Jr. he "got everything right."

Former CDC Director Robert Redfield endorses Donald Trump, admits to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. he "got everything right."
RFK Jr. explained how he was appalled to find out that Redfield, who he was extremely critical of, was endorsing Trump.
"Robert Redfield, who I really go after in my Fauci book, wrote an editorial in Newsweek magazine today saying that he was endorsing President Trump because President Trump was gonna restore American health."
Redfield said: "He has chosen exactly the only person who can do this, Robert F. Kennedy Jr."
"This was breathtaking to me because this is the guy who's the head of the CDC that I've been criticizing for years, and then this afternoon he came over and had lunch with me."
"And the first thing he said to me is: 'You got everything right.'"
H/T @EndTribalism and @CollinRugg
RFK Jr. "We're mass poisoning an entire generation of kids."

We're mass poisoning an entire generation of kids.
RFK Jr. "You make people sick and then you sell them the lifetime cure."

"You make people sick and then you sell them the lifetime cure."
RFK Jr: Big Pharma is making $60 billion a year selling vaccines, but they're making $500 billion a year selling the remedies for the injuries caused by those vaccines.
"This is a really great business plan for these companies."
YouTube removed this video for violating its Community Guidelines.
Credit: Wideawake_media
@RobertKennedyJr @MikeTyson @hotboxinpodcast
RFK JR: "I don't feel at home with people who believe in censorship, it's disqualifying...

RFK JR: "I don't feel at home with people who believe in censorship, it's disqualifying...We had Hillary Clinton making this extraordinary statement, endorsing this censorship of speech. We had Kamala Harris saying free speech is a privilege not a right...I think that's disqualifying for anyone who wants to be President of the United States. H/T Charlie Kirk
RFK Jr. tells how to 'Drain the Swamp"

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Exposes the Deep State in under 2 minutes.
RFK Jr. exposes the Covid vaccines and claims "This was a military project."

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. exposes the Covid vaccines and claims they were developed as part of a military project:
"Turns out that, you know, the vaccines were developed not by Moderna and Pfizer. They were developed by NIH. They own, the patents are owned 50% by NIH. Nor were they manufactured by Pfizer or by Moderna. They were manufactured by military contractors and basically Pfizer and Moderna were paid to put their stamps on those vaccines as if they came from the pharmaceutical industry...This was a military project."
H/T Camus
RFK JR: The Founding Fathers Fought a Revolution to OVERTHROW What We Are Facing Right Now

“What Donald Trump calls the ‘Deep State’ ... it's a conspiracy of self-interests that functions together in tandem to shift wealth upward, to clamp down totalitarian controls, and to transform this country from the world's exemplary democracy into a corporate kleptocracy and a very, very oppressive oligarchical system. [That's] the kind of system that we fought a revolution to overthrow in 1776.”
Tucker Carlson exclaimed in awe, “Wow! Bless you for saying that.”
H/T VigilantNews
RFK Jr. explains vaccine companies exploit 1986 Vaccine Act "It’s like printing a billion dollars"

On Joe Rogan, RFK Jr. explains how the vaccine companies continue to exploit the 1986 Vaccine Act to profit off of children’s mandated vaccines. “It’s like printing a billion dollars”
H/T MythInformed
RFK Jr. Exposes Four Toxic Substances in Your Food on Fox News

RFK Jr. Exposes Four Toxic Substances in Your Food
Robert F. Kennedy Jr on the Real Reason Pediatricians Won't Accept You If You Don't Vax Your Kids

Robert F. Kennedy Jr on the Real Reason Pediatricians Won't Accept You If You Don't Vax Your Kids
"A typical pediatrician's office makes about 50% of its funding from vaccines. Not actually from selling the individual vaccines, but from the traffic...And pediatricians who vaccinate 80 or 85% of the kids in their office, get these giant bonuses...Huge amounts of money, hundreds of thousands of dollars that they make, making sure that 85% of the kids are vaccinated. And that's why they throw you out of the office if you fight back. It's not because they care so much about your particular kid, it's that you'll throw off the metrics and you'll lose them their bonuses."
RFK Jr Nobody in the history of the planet has ever complied their way out of totalitarian control

“There are three rules you need to know and should memorize:
Number One: Every power that the government takes from us, it will never relinquish voluntarily. They told us they wanted lockdowns for two weeks, just to flatten the curve, just to help the hospitals. But then 20 months later they still have us locked down. And even when they give up, when they stop the lockdowns and let us go back to normal, they are not relinquishing power. This is so they can do it to you again and again and again. They now have that power and they will never let it go until we make them let it go.
Number Two: Every power they take from us they will ultimately abuse to the maximum extent possible.
Number Three: Nobody in the history of the planet has ever complied their way out of totalitarian control.”
H/T Green Lives Matter
Robert Kennedy Jr on the Military Industrial Complex

Robert Kennedy JR says that the military-industrial complex and the CIA killed JFK and Robert Kennedy because they wanted to shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces. He says that the Vietnam War, assassinations of political figures, 9/11, and Covid have pushed us further into a security state.
"Eisenhower made the most important speech probably in American history. He warned America that if we were not careful that the military-industrial complex, this permanent warfare economy and machine that we created, would destroy our democracy, would subvert all the institutions that we created and impoverish our country and turn us into a surveillance and security state. My uncle tried to make peace with the Soviet Union but the CIA thwarted it. My uncle said I want to shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds. The CIA wanted him to go to Laos, but he refused. They wanted him to go Vietnam, he refused. They wanted him to go war with Russia, instead he made friends. My uncle was killed, almost certainly by the CIA and the military-industrial complex. My father then runs against them, he also gets killed. Again, almost certainly by the CIA. The man who actually fired the shot that killed him was a CIA asset. A guy named Eugene Thane Cesar. Lee Harvey Oswald we now know was a CIA asset. We went through all these traumas. My father's death, Dr. King's death, Malcolm X's death, the Vietnam War, 9/11, and Covid. Each one pushed us further down the road into a security state."
H/T Green Lives Matter
Must watch video of RFK Jr. This is what people need to understand to heal America

From General Flynn "Absolutely stop whatever you’re doing and watch this 7 min video now.
This is what must happen to begin the healing of America during this period of our history. And, RFK‘s statement toward the end about crafting an Executive Order for handling government officials who knowingly lie to the public must still happen."
RFK Jr says Trump is going to announce that other democrats are joining his campaign.

RFK Jr says President Trump is going to make a series of announcements that other democrats are joining his campaign.
Trump "RFK Jr to investigate the increase in childhood diseases, auto-immune disorders, autism."

TRUMP: "I also want to salute Bobby’s decades of work as an advocate for the health of our families and children. Millions of Americans who want clean air, clean water, and a healthy nation have concerns about toxins in our environment and pesticides in our food.
"That is why today I am repeating my pledge to establish a panel of top experts, working with Bobby, to investigate what is causing the decades-long increase in chronic health problems and childhood diseases, including auto-immune disorders, autism, obesity, infertility, and more."
"We want every child in America to grow up to live long and healthy lives."
Trump will create a JFK assassination commission in honor of Robert Kennedy.

Trump just announced that he will create a JFK assassination commission in honor of Robert Kennedy Junior that will release ALL remaining documents pertaining to that fateful event. Boom!
"I will establish a new independent presidential commission on assassination attempts. And they will be tasked with releasing all the remaining documents pertaining to the assassination of President John F Kennedy.
And they will also conduct a rigorous review of the attack last month, but I tell you I have never had more people ask me please sir release the documents on the Kennedy assassination. And we're gonna do that."
H/T Pepe Lives Matter
RFK Jr elaborates on how the military-industrial complex thrived with the Ukraine war so perfectly

Robert Kennedy Junior elaborates on how the military-industrial complex thrived with the Ukraine war so perfectly. The Biden White House refused to let any peace talks come forward. The CIA committed a coup in Ukraine before Russia ever invaded and provoked Putin. This is a result of the war-mongering Democrat party and the intelligence agencies that are beyond repair.
"The Biden White House repeatedly spurned Russia's offer to settle this war peacefully. Ukraine war began in 2014 when US agencies overthrew the democratically elected government of Ukraine. And installed a handpicked pro-Western government that launched a deadly war against ethnic Russians in Ukraine. In 2019, America walked away from a peace treaty the Minsk Agreement, That had been negotiated between Russian and Ukraine by European nations. And then in April of 2022 we wanted the war.
In April of twenty twenty two, President Biden and Boris Johnson to Ukraine. To force President Zelensky to tear up a peace agreement that he and the Russians had already signed and the Russians were withdrawing troops…That peace agreement would have brought peace to the region. President Biden stated that month that his objective in the war was regime change in Russia. These objectives of course have nothing to do with what they were telling Americans about protecting Ukraine's sovereignty…
Ukraine is a victim in this war and it's a victim of the West. We've squandered the flower of Ukrainian youth as many as six hundred thousand Ukrainian kids, and over a hundred thousand Russian kids none of whom all of whom we should be mourning…
Ukraine's infrastructure is destroyed. War has been a disaster for our country as well. We squandered nearly two hundred billion dollars already. And these are badly needed dollars in our communities suffering communities all over our country. The Nordstream pipeline sabotage and the sanctions have destroyed Europe's industrial base which form the bulwark of US national security.
A strong Germany with a strong industry is a much much…a stronger deterrent to Russia…
and a Germany that is that is deindustrialized and turned into just an extension of US military base. We've pushed Russia into a disastrous alliance with China and Iran."
H/T Pepe Lives Matter
RFK Jr "I watched these damaged kids, in that generation almost all of them are damaged."

Wow, beautiful moment as Robert Kennedy Junior starts weeping at the thought of how many children he could save by reversing the chronic disease epidemic in this country in a spot under Trump's next administration.
It's all about saving the children.
"I watched these sick kids these damaged kids, in that generation almost all of them are damaged. And nobody in power seemed to care or to even notice. For nineteen years, I prayed every morning that God would put me in a position to end this calamity. The chronic disease crisis was one of the primary reasons for my running for president, along with ending censorship in the Ukraine war. It's the reason I've made the heart-wrenching decision to suspend my campaign. And to support President Trump, this decision is agonizing for me because of the difficulties it causes my wife and my children and my friends.
But I have the certainty that this is what I've meant to do. And that certainty gives me internal peace, even in storms.
If I'm given the chance to fix the chronic disease crisis and reform our food production I promise that within two years, will watch the chronic disease burden lift dramatically. We will make Americans healthy again. Within four years America will be a healthy country. We will be stronger more resilient, more optimistic, and happier. I won't fail in doing this.
Ultimately the future, however it happens is in God's hands. If President Trump is elected and honors his word, the vast burden of chronic disease that now demoralizes and bankrupts the country will disappear…
This is a spiritual journey for me. I reached my decision through deep prayer, through hard-nosed logic and I asked myself what choices must I make to maximize my chances to save America's children and restore national health. I felt that if I refused this opportunity, I would not be able to look myself in the mirror knowing that I could have saved the lives of countless children…and reversed this country's chronic disease. H/T Pepe Lives Matter RFK
Kennedy addresses the nation, joins Trump campaign to save children in America (Full Speech)

Florida Patriots of Polk County
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. drops powerful truth about chronic illness, obesity, the US government and our food supply. Kennedy Promises to Make America Healthy Again w/ the Trump Administration
"If I'm given the chance to fix the chronic disease crisis and reform our food production, I promise that within two years, we will watch chronic disease burden lift dramatically. We will make Americans healthy again...I felt that if I refused this opportunity, I would not be able to look myself in the mirror, knowing that I could have saved lives of countless children and reversed this country's chronic disease epidemic...President Trump has told me that he wants this to be his legacy. I'm choosing to believe that this time, he will follow through...My joining the Trump campaign will be a difficult sacrifice for my wife and children, but worthwhile if there's even a small chance of saving these kids. Ultimately, the only thing that will save our country and our children is if we choose to love our kids more than we hate each other."
RFK JR. announces three reasons he was persuaded to leave the Democrat Party and endorse Trump

RFK JR. announces three reasons he was persuaded to leave the Democrat Party and endorse Trump:
-Free speech
-War in Ukraine
-War on our children
RFK Jr "In the name of saving democracy…the Democratic Party set itself to dismantling it."

Robert Kennedy Junior is eviscerating the Democrat party. He says that they committed a coup against Biden and have been waging lawfare against him and Donald Trump:
"In the name of saving democracy…the Democratic Party set itself to dismantling it. Lacking confidence in its candidate. That its candidate could win in a fair election at the voting booth the DNC waged continual legal warfare against both President Trump and myself. Each time that our volunteers…turned in those towering boxes of signatures needed to get on the ballot. The DNC dragged us into court state after state attempting to raise their work…and to subvert the will of the voters who had signed those petitions. It deployed DNC aligned judges to throw me and other candidates off the ballot…and to throw president Trump in jail…
It ran a sham primary that was rigged to prevent any serious challenge to President Biden. Then when a predictably bungled debate performance…precipitated the palace coup against President Biden, the same shadowy DNC operatives appointed his successor also without an election. They installed a candidate who was so unpopular with voters that she dropped out in twenty twenty. Without winning a single delegate. My uncle and my father both relish debate, they prided themselves on their capacity to go toe to toe with any opponent and the battle over ideas.
They would be astonished to learn of a Democratic party presidential nominee who, like Vice President Harris has not appeared in a single interview…or an unscripted…encounter with voters for thirty five days. This is profoundly undemocratic. How are people to choose when they don't know whom they are choosing? And how can this look to the rest of the world? My father and my uncle were always conscious of America's image abroad because of our nation's role as the template for democracy, a role model for democratic processes and the leader of the free world. Instead of showing us her substance and character…The DNC and its media organs…engineered a surge of popularity for Vice President Harris based upon, nothing."
H/T Pepe Lives Matter
RFK Jr "The Democrat party has become the party of war, censorship, corruption, big pharma & tech."

Robert Kennedy Junior dropping the truth:
"The Democrat party has become the party of war censorship, corruption, big pharma, big tech, big ag, and big money. It abandoned democracy by canceling the primary to conceal the cognitive decline of the sitting president."
H/T Pepe Lives Matter
Dr. Phil Outraged as RFK Jr. Exposes NIH Kickbacks from Moderna Vaccine

H/T Vigilant Fox
Dr. Phil Outraged as RFK Jr. Exposes NIH Kickbacks from Moderna Vaccine
Not only does the NIH own half of the Moderna shots, raking in billions of dollars, but 4 to 6 high-level deputies under Fauci pocket a staggering $150,000 a year forever from it.
It gets worse. Kennedy believes that there was a deliberate effort to suppress effective therapeutics like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin to make way mass vaccination.
Because the Emergency Use Authorization states:
“For the FDA to issue an EUA, there must be no adequate, approved, and available alternative candidate product for diagnosing, preventing, or treating the disease or condition.”
So, they had to smear and discredit ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine because the COVID shots wouldn't be allowed to exist if these drugs were shown to be effective.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. "Pharmaceutical Industry is Really Just a Criminal Cartel"

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: "Pharmaceutical industry is not trustworthy industry it's really it's really is a criminal cartel and I don't say that lightly. The 4 companies that make all of the vaccines, the 72 vaccines now mandated for our children, all of them in their other products have paid I think $79 billion in criminal penalties. They haven't paid anything with vaccines because vaccines are immune from liability. So you cannot, no matter how negligent that company is, no matter how reckless they are, no matter how grievous your injury, you can't sue them. And you know and I know that if you tell a company that we can sue you if you do something wrong, they're gonna be more careful about it...What if you could tell Merck: Here's a product you'll never have to, no matter what happens, no matter how sloppy you are, no matter how reckless, now matter how toxic the ingredient, you'll never have to pay anybody any downstream liability."
Robert Kennedy Jr Discusses His Father And Uncle Being Killed By The ClA

H/T Clint Russel "It feels like it should be significantly bigger news that a presidential candidate is touring the country telling anyone who will listen that his father and uncle were both killed by the US government."
RFK Jr. destroys Kamala Harris’s entire political career in just under 2 minutes.

H/T Concerned Citizen : RFK Jnr just destroyed Kamala Harris’s entire political career in 2minutes flat. “Kamala Harris is the party of war - she is a war hog”
“She is a war hog on Ukraine, she is a war hog on China”
RFK Jr.’s VP, Nicole Shanahan, says they are considering joining with Trump to prevent a Harris/Walz

H/T BioClandestine. RFK Jr.’s VP, Nicole Shanahan, says they are considering joining forces with Trump, in order to prevent a Harris/Walz administration!
Trump supporters and RFK Jr. supporters might have some disagreements, but they agree on the most important things. Both camps agree a deep state exists, and that we cannot allow them to hold power ever again.
In fact, it would be irresponsible if these sides don’t join forces. It’s crunch time. No more messing around. It’s time to unite under one banner!
CNN asks Trump "Have you considered RFK Jr. for a role in the administration?"

CNN: "Have you considered [RFK Jr.] for a role in the administration?"
TRUMP: "I like him a lot. I respect him a lot. I probably would, if something like [an endorsement] would happen. He’s a very different kind of a guy, a very smart guy...I would be honored by that endorsement, certainly."
RFK Jr. explains how the money behind the war machine works.
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