Alexi McCammond: A Second Debate Would Allow Voters to Assess Trump’s Mental Acuity and ‘Cognitive Fatigue’

1 month ago

WITT: “That wasn’t short a detail that you mentioned, he did not look at her was. She looked at him and the camera. Had a normal conversation between people. Alexi, the majority of the news outlets on both sides of the aisle say Harris won. Why does the campaign wanted debate Trump again? ? Are they that confident that they could shellac him a second time or something?”

McCAMMOND: “May have room to grow with other voters who were not checked into the first debate or still might be on the fence, who want to hear a more he substantive policy debate on certain issues. I do not think gun control was mentioned or asked about in a really deep way at the debate. That is one issue that comes to mind that voters might want to hear more about from Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. Also because it gives her another chance to create and show voters the contrast between her and Donald Trump and what their presidencies will look like, what they look like as human beings and how erratic Donald Trump is. Lastly, a second debate would give voters the opportunity to really ss, I would argue, Donald Trump’s mental acuity and we can say at the very least, cognitive fatigue.”

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