State Dept. Official: Russian Disinformation Is No Longer Making Americans’ Perception of the Ukraine War an ‘Open and Shut Case’

5 months ago

RUBIN: “I want to thank Kerry Gu, who’s sitting in the back of the room, and all the people at the GEC. This is something that’s been put together over many, many, many weeks and months, and a lot of people put their heart and soul into this sort of work to be able to get it available to you in all these details so that you can then question me and Jim about cats and crowdfunding. But this is going to be a long-term campaign, and that’s the point of the analogy to Huawei. That’s something that began under the Trump Administration, continued under the Biden Administration. We are going to be talking — the secretary will be talking, the president will be talking, assistant secretaries of state like Jim and especially his colleagues in Latin America, in Africa, in Asia are going to be working with their colleagues to try to show all of those countries that right now broadcast with no restriction or control RT and allow them free access to their countries, which I do believe, unfortunately and sadly, has had a deleterious effect on the views of the rest of the world about a war that should be an open and shut case.”

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