Make a Camera Obscura

4 months ago

This is a tutorial on how to make a peculiar little device called a Camera Obscura. That means “Dark Chamber” in latin. It is box with a lens that projects an image of the world. And it is something that goes all the way back to antiquity. Even Leonardo DaVinci and Johannes Kepler wrote about it. Some were even as large as a whole room or building that projected the image onto a wall. This was a very early precursor to the modern day camera. And you can see why. All you have to do is replace our wax paper with photographic film and you have a rudimentary camera.
Our Camera Obscura is a hand held box that projects the image onto a piece of tracing paper or wax paper and you just need a lens and a small mirror to make it. You can even use this one to make drawings of scenes.
I have a web based tutorial with more information, pics and tips on this project on my website here:

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