Depression Tip #11: Social Relationships💙

5 months ago

Depression Tip #11: Social Relationships💙

I was walking around the town where I live today and I ended up chatting to this bloke for over an hour, found out all about his history, he asked questions about me.💙

It was really interesting because the feeling that I got was that it brings you back into the kind of human collective and it's a different relationship to that which you have with the therapist because a therapist will ask you questions about you and will do digging into your past and how you feel about things, your belief about things, your experiences, but you don't usually get the reciprocal arrangement.💙

You don't ask questions about your therapist's history and their life and what's going on for them. So it's quite a boundary relationship. So social interactions, social relationships, very important for healing from depression and for maintaining good mental health.💙

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