MZTV 1560: TRUMP DEBATE ANALYSIS/The Ratio Between Law and Grace

26 days ago

No one should infer from the first half of this video that I've soured on Trump. I love the guy for his bull-elephant balls, the pair of which are essential to bringing the peace and prosperity required for our end-time scenario. We NEED Trump's arrogance. I'm just saying that his arrogance got the best of him in Tuesday's debate. NEVERTHELESS...

Trump is primed to win the election. What Tuesday night showed me was that this man is not the 4-D chess player some have supposed him to be. He flailed and failed. This was of God, to show us that the coming political earthquake will be of God and not man.

In the second half of this video (two videos today for the price of one), I compare the "tens of thousands" of first-century Circumcision saints who believed in Jesus as Messiah but who were "inherently zealous for the law" (Acts 21:20) with the relatively few who embraced Paul's gospel of transcendent grace. Additionally, we hear of no one forsaking the Circumcision/Israel gospel, whereas MANY forsook Paul, even in his lifetime.

The conclusion of yesterday's video is sustained in todays: Grace is much more difficult to maintain than law.

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