Layers of the Ego - Day 12

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Day 12 - Layers of the Ego

We are always in control of every conversation we enter. Bringing awareness to the different layers of ego will bring help us excel in life for all future conversations.

It allows us to always to take command and equips us with tools to protect our energy

At each step of the way there are always signs that will appear and it is our responsibility to notice them. At each stage, we have the power to change the flow of the conversation. We become the conductor of the energy and we get to ask questions that can shift the dynamics and empower people to transform

Conversations can quickly go from civil to an explosion and if we are unaware, we can find ourselves in the drama within seconds. We have all been there before. By bringing awareness, we now have a choice to intervene at anytime taking ownership of the way we show up

Protecting your energy comes from noticing theirs. Bring awareness to how people show up for a conversation, we are looking out for the ego. Their energy, eye contact, the use of words are all good starting points

A conversation that brings out resistance in an other usually pans out the same way

I share a Bouncer analogy and how each engagement of a conversation can be broken up in stages something like this

Personal - Making about you. ‘You said this’, ‘when you did that’
Personal Comments off topic to evoke a reaction
A change of energy to fear

There are many levels and the common theme that takes place when people are unconscious is that the ego will go through the levels

Remember we are able to intervene at any time. Bring awareness to these stages within your interactions, are there any that you have identified?

Asking questions is a great way to bring them back to the Soul, as it is the question that the Soul will know the answer too

This is working progress and it is our awareness, combined with our experience and our reflections that really help us master these engagements.

We can also change round any conversation by asking questions.

Nancy Kline who wrote Time To Think and More Time To Think has an amazing approach that works so well. It allows us to help the people we are speaking to, to go from Problem to finding their Solution

The quality of your attention determines the quality of other people's thinking. - Nancy Kline

Below is an example of the questions and I will share an example from her book.

Our role is to listen like a stone with ears. These questions are magical when we work at them, it is amazing how we can recognise the limiting beliefs from others and empower them to change by asking them questions that gets answered by their soul

Incisive Question

1. What are you assuming that is limiting your thinking here?
2. What are you assuming that is most limiting my thinking here?
3. Is that assumption true?
4. What is a liberating true alternative to the limiting assumption?
5. If you knew (insert true alternative), what would you think or feel or do?

On paper this sounds pretty dry. But in practice it is one of the most scintillating and transformative things human beings do.

Would love to get your thoughts and insights to what comes up for you over your next few conversations with others


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