Kamala Harris on What She Would Tell Voters Who Think Trump Is Better on Economy: ‘You Should Look at What I’ve Accomplished Thus Far’

5 months ago

CHAPA: “Vice President Harris, still people believe that he can handle the economy better. What would you say to them that are listening to you right now? How could you change their minds that you could do it, and even better?”

Harris: “Well, you should look at what I’ve accomplished thus far. The work that I have done, for example, that has resulted in Latino small businesses growing faster in this moment in history, in these last three and a half years than ever before. It has a lot to do with the work that I have done to build up community banks and put more money into community banks so that those dollars can then get into the community and small businesses. Goldman Sachs, which is a very highly respected financial advisor and leader, has said that I — my plan will increase the gross national product and the — and the GDP and that Trump’s plan would actually lower it. So, these are objective analyses by some of the smartest economists in the country and in the world. And I just have to say this, is that you also have to look at this guy. You know, yeah, he talks about being so rich. He inherited hundreds of millions of dollars from his father and went bankrupt 6 times. And I think that we know that when we look at somebody who actually has come from a working background and understands the needs of working people, that’s when working people benefit. And that’s the contrast in this election. By the way, 16 Nobel laureates, the smartest economists in the world, have said that Trump’s plan would increase inflation and land us in a recession by the middle of next year.”

CHAPA: “Vice President Kamala Harris —“

Harris: “And not to mention — not to mention his policies, that essentially would be a national sales tax by hiking up the cost of everyday necessities by 20 percent. The economists have said that his plan would cause middle-class families to pay almost $4,000 more a year in the very necessities they need every day because of his so-called plan. So, I think it’s important for people to not get distracted by, you know, his name on a tower when you really, we ought to look at the fact that he bankrupts businesses that he’s involved in and economists have talked about his plan going forward and how it would contribute to America’s deficit and actually cost the American middle class families more than they are paying now.”

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